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SWR Productions Forum _ The Loony Bin _ If you had a billion dollars

Posted by: Svea Rike 23 Aug 2015, 21:15

What would you do with it? I would buy myself a private island and turn it into a semester resort, complete with yacht club.

Posted by: Sargeant Rho 23 Aug 2015, 22:32

Invest it wisely, try to build on it, found a space launch company and colonize the solar system, including a flying mansion on Saturn tongue.gif

Posted by: SoraZ 23 Aug 2015, 22:33

A billion US American dollars? I'd pay debts for several people I know, spend a lot of it into either research to combat devastating yet common illnesses and/or robotics and/or space research while keeping 50 million for myself to live off the interest.

Posted by: Hecthor Doomhammer 23 Aug 2015, 22:52

Pay off my debts, buy a beer brewery and have them produce a beer that was taken off the market when I was 16 years old.
I would also buy a nice house in Sweden, in Borås and probably live the rest of my days there

Posted by: (WbG)~SpeC~ 24 Aug 2015, 2:30

$ 1 million is not such a large sum. I would have opened my business.
p.s. nice democracy laugh.gif

Posted by: SoraZ 24 Aug 2015, 13:19

QUOTE ((WbG)~SpeC~ @ 24 Aug 2015, 3:30) *
p.s. nice democracy laugh.gif

Yeah, it was a true democratic decision by a great amount of forum members to always derail politics threads rather than being civil about it and then they voted lock.gif into office.

Also, the topic is about a Billion dollars, not a Million. You know, 1000 Million dollars.

Posted by: Oliver 24 Aug 2015, 15:25

Honestly, I had no idea what I would do with that amount of sum... Would probably have a nice life (no big houses, no big luxuries), but would invest a lot in science projects and the likes.

Posted by: Comr4de 24 Aug 2015, 16:18

A Billion huh?

There's no way in a conceivable way I can get you a proper response without knowing the tax exemptions/costs every year and other legal loopholes before I can give you a correct answer, but based on what I do know, I would try to get a new household, relatively in normal size, draw up fences around it and tighten security, make it subtle however; a fence around it with bushes (particularly ones that would hurt like hell if you trited to get on them) hidden cams, and doors. Why the security? Akin if you had just won the lottery, people will find out ; family, friends, strangers attempting to ask you for money, you can deal with friends and family all the same, but strangers is what you'd have to worry about and they will try to break in. Better lock up tight during the night. The scope of the household would have to be moderate, I'm not talking a mansion here, just something that no one would expect to note as a billionaires house, and it'll be easy to maintain and live in comfortably, even with the safety precautions in mind.

Now, as far as the rest of it, which would still be a lot, invest in some local businesses (avoid corporate owned businesses if at all possible) in order to get tax exemptions and possibly get a return from it. invest into my own business of a Cafe/Comic book shop hybrid (Think Barnes and Noble/Half Priced book stores but modern? Seems like those are becoming irrelevant) but for a different demographic, include games, sell coffee and other products, start up a few locations nearby. Go from there, slight risk but will reflect better on taxes and you'll get tax exemptions. Yes this is a big thing, every year you'll take a massive hit for having so much, for 'doing your part' if you will.

Another good chunk, if not the rest, gets dumped into the bank, where it'll accumulate interest and grow over time. Keenly become aware of the interest rate, switch banks if the interest isnt high enough and get that little egg growing more and more.

Now, there's still a TON left but at that point it becomes moot as to where it'd go because, I don't have that right now and I'd look into more places to invest in, or straight up keep it - that sum easily fits for the rest of my life as well as loved ones; and no I wouldnt be buying superretardedlyexpensive cars. A mere luxury car would do, and no, no bulletproof/armored version iether- shits expensive. Which is why buying a gun would be better 8) (all the guns, this is america after all)


Posted by: Oldschool22 3 Sep 2015, 0:33

pay off anything my family owes for debt, set a side 5 mil for college funds, give 50 mil to charity, the rest of the 45 mil would be used to get a building for old games that we still enjoy ( ex: generals ), this building would be part museum and part server center for multiplayer for these games ( being able to play multiplayer the same way before the gamespy shut down ), you could also buy legal copies of the games here via CD or internet download

Posted by: MARS 3 Sep 2015, 6:53

Off the top of my head, I would only 'keep' a relatively small amount of the money for myself and the very few loved ones that I have in order to uphold our modest standard of living and have some financial security in the future. No big luxuries, just being able to pay for insurances, living costs and any medical treatments. The largest 'personal' investment would probably be a modernisation of the one piece of housing property that my family has, which is a fairly ordinary apartment on the technical and aesthetic standard of like the 60s or 70s. For a little bit of fun, I would also give some money to a few key individuals around me and buy myself a new computer. The overwhelming majority of the billion, I would like to invest in projects and institutions that I personally choose. Locally, I would like to make purpose-bound donations for kindergartens, schools, care homes and the like. On a topical note, I would also like to help outfit some refugee centres as well as support hospitals in Greece. Since these 'handpicked' donations would still leave me with a massive amount of money, I would dedicate the rest to science and research: One major focus would be medicine in a way similar to what SoraZ said, with a special emphasis on cancer treatment. I would also like to set up a medical fund to finance treatments and therapies for people in dire need, be it a life-saving operation or enabling someone a more normal life if they were left disfigured or incapacitated by an accident, illness or such. The other focus would be on robotics research, with the goal of helping to make the practical benefits of these technologies available to society.

Despite it not being financially necessary anymore, I would still continue my normal jobs.

Posted by: The General 3 Sep 2015, 20:38

First i'd buy gold for all that money, and keep it like that with selling just a little bit when i want to buy something.
But still i would have no idea what to do with most of it. But for starters, i'd invest a lot in where i'm from, donate a lot to the Church, invest in my country and make national charity fundations(so i can know that my stuff is going where i send it).

Posted by: C.o.m.m.a.n.d.e.r 5 Sep 2015, 8:47

I would quit my shitty corporate american job. Then move to Europe or Asia; Either Norway since i'm half Norwegian or Japan maybe Malaysia. Then buy a house, install security, and buy all the games i've been wanting to buy but to broke to and live the rest of my life in peace while playing said video games.

Posted by: Pepsirockstar 5 Sep 2015, 13:20

id first donate a healthy sum to the swr team, then clear my debts, finaly a customshop gibson 3pickup explorer 8ani5.gif


Posted by: Kicknut00 5 Sep 2015, 17:05

Make my own company build off of that live off it then come a gaming pc then a shit load of stuff on steam and a house

Posted by: ComradeCrimson 5 Sep 2015, 23:31

Close to what Comr4de said except more insane and likely more sinister. I'd take the money and buy a plot on Mars or space once there was technology to support such a thing or some piss poor Latin American country, make my own communalist city state (because whilst Earth based nations cannot claim territory in space, there is no rules against making a brand new sovereign state in space) and rule it as a tinpot dictator (but live modestly in said, work a job I enjoy, such as voice acting or welding if I needed to occupy myself) and grow a community directed under my idealism welcoming like minded people or those who wish to partake in the type of society I'd build. Invest in a profitable means of income for said, irregardless if its tourism, extracting resources, research in space, etc or whatever else; keep the money flowing. Likely form partnerships with scientific organizations and others who may be interested in my social experiment and its possible contributions to humanity.

Would also likely clear the debts of various loved ones and I'd likely be a corrupt but pragmatic bastard with the rest of the money.

Oh and I'd make a giant neon sign where my former house would've existed saying "Screw you all im out!"

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 7 Sep 2015, 5:31

scatter it across multiple investment groups to keep them in separate baskets, pull little bits at a time to supplement income.

What? it works.

Never said you had to be stupid with the money.

Posted by: Hanfield 9 Sep 2015, 15:09

I would buy Greece.

Posted by: M.P 17 Sep 2015, 18:33

I would give 50 millions of it to The Hunter to fix this damn SAGE

I'll decide about the rest later tongue.gif

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