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SWR Productions Forum _ Custom Maps _ Hot Desert [ROTR]

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 13 Mar 2016, 4:42

Reworked from Desert Battle map.

Main changes:

Removed repair tech building from center and added another oil derrick (IMO it was not fair enough that one player have oil derrick closer and the other one have only tech building which add only heal the vehicles)

North-east Radio Station replaced by Reinforcement Pad (so now you can deside which you need more)

Replaced Flak cannons and add more techbuildings in key spots.

Small supply piles moved from players bases to the middle noth-east and middle south-west (this will make map less campy and more fun)

And now about all what the map have:

30k cash sup.docks in each base

small supply piles near map center (one of the spot guarded by Celebrus turret)

Artillery platforms and Coastal gun now protect Radio station)

Reinforcement Pad protecting by 1 flak cannon and 2 MG bunkers.

P.S. This map IMO maybe too big for 1v1 play so I can rework it for 2v2 play.

 Hot_Desert__ROTR_.rar ( 305.58K ) : 7

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 13 Mar 2016, 5:20

Ready to dowload

Posted by: Mizo 14 Mar 2016, 16:55

Comments on the map :

-Area around the secondary supplies needs to be flattened.
- Change the tech structures of the corner, Replace the radio stations with reinforcement pads due to the low eco nature of the map, this could keep a player in the game even if he is broke.
- I'd suggest the closer nearer to each player but stay in the city's domain.
- Remove artillery platforms in the corners and replace them with fortified bunkers.
- give more room for the corner to be maneuvered specially for the bottom left.
- Did you remove the train? WHYYY? tongue.gif

Posted by: mr_Skittles 14 Mar 2016, 16:57


why does only 1 player have a celebrus gun at the secondary supply piles? i would remove the gun completely

Mizo was gla and i was china. as soon as the oils were dead and i took out his black market he was screwed.
haveing 1 oil closer to each player would give players a better chance at surviving. atm its a rush sec eco map due to the low supply amount.

as for it being too big for a 1v1, its fine for a 1v1.
it would be too cramped for a 2v2

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 16:25

QUOTE (Mizo @ 14 Mar 2016, 20:55) *
Comments on the map :

- Change the tech structures of the corner, Replace the radio stations with reinforcement pads due to the low eco nature of the map, this could keep a player in the game even if he is broke.
- Remove artillery platforms in the corners and replace them with fortified bunkers.

I'm agree that map have low cash ammout thats why I added another Oil instead moving one oil to the center. Idk about second reif pad. It will not change much especcially for GLA which need supplies more than paper tanks. Initially, I liked this map because it say to players be more attentive because they haven't mad cash income but they have ability to scout map by radio stations and have map control which vital on map such size. But 2 stations is too much coz each of them can be captured and this will bd game with open map for both without any activity because you will always know what your opponent is doing to prepare for each attack so it will initiate secondary eco spam. But now map have only one station so you will have to fight for it anyway. Reif pad just make some ingame diversity. I can add some new supplies or even supply spots if this is important in ROTR balance terms but radio is fun. I can move it to center maybe and add reif pad to old spot.

Why arty platforms is so bad? Many maps have it. Keep of the grass for example have near each supllies.

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 16:30

QUOTE (Mizo @ 14 Mar 2016, 20:55) *
Comments on the map :
- Did you remove the train? WHYYY? tongue.gif

Yeah that annoying undestroyable train must be removed:)

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 16:58

QUOTE (mr_Skittles @ 14 Mar 2016, 20:57) *

why does only 1 player have a celebrus gun at the secondary supply piles? i would remove the gun completely

Because the other one can garrison coastal gun on the hill and control quarter part of the map and gain vision of it and secure supplies

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 17:06

About the oils. Yeah agree they must be moved closer. And I probably will add new supply spots or just increase cash ammount near each spot to compensate GLA dependense of the primary eco.

Posted by: (USA)Bruce 16 Mar 2016, 17:25

The train should be added back, and this maps still too barren Imo, and you can never justify celebrus turrets...They're broken in every way, replace it with two arty platforms or something...
Also radio stations equal to an airport in value, not a reinforcement pad. Migth want to add a ref next to the reinforcement pad.

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 22:47

QUOTE ((USA)Bruce @ 16 Mar 2016, 21:25) *
The train should be added back, and this maps still too barren Imo, and you can never justify celebrus turrets...They're broken in every way, replace it with two arty platforms or something...
Also radio stations equal to an airport in value, not a reinforcement pad. Migth want to add a ref next to the reinforcement pad.

Well, about train. It's just annoying. Anyway idk how to add unitslike trainback and set waypoints again. If you guys all like when your army suddenly get crushed I will add it back but later. Celebrus turret may be broken in some situations but it can be destroyed like any other tech building if you know how to do it. I know that reif pad is not equal to radio. That's why I add celebrus turret to part of map where is reif pad. In my new version players start closer to map center so they able to choose what they want. Radio with coastal gun and supplies or reif pad with good supply protection for mid game. Lategame with artillery will not give chance to Celebrus anyway. I will probably add Oil refinery in the map center but a bit later because I need to reterrain it (rail road e.t.c.)

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 16 Mar 2016, 22:51

Map refreshed. New version can be download in the first topic
Main changes:
Starting positions moved to map center slightly by horizotal (so now both players have equal opportunity to reach radio station and reiforcement pad)
Added burning Oil derricks near map corners (NE and SW)
Current Oil derricks HP now 75% (you can just blow them if you do not want to cap. them)
Removed supply houses. Replaced by supply piles with 4 small supply piles near them (15k$ + 4x3750$)
Added supply piles near new starting positions ( So now yo have previous 30K cash+ 4x3750 but divided in different part of your base. So you able to build 2 spot for supply collection. This will prevent from annoying camping. Yeah you still can turtle all game but now it's better to get map control)
Added 4 supply piles not far from each base.
Oils location changed. I found that NW player was start too far from actual oils location. So NW oil now is outside main town but with new garrisons near it.
Small terrain changes. Add some hills. Add some space behind supply piles in the corners. Also if you have long range arty you can harras enemy's base from key spots near each base firing from mountains. Also slightly improve terrain near bases to make able GLA use their bikes more effective and sudden. Thats not final version for terrain. I hope I will add some hills and re terrain current space near tech buildings to make game for ECA more interesting and able to build some of their big defenses on them ( 1 maybe 2 of them).
Removed silly Egypt Sphinx in the mountains
Space near suppiles in the center now more flatted but this is not mean that you will spam defenses near them.

Future changes: I think to make map where you will able to hunt enemy's supply collectors because they will be separated on the map. This can be done by decrease cash amount on each base and add new spots with small amount of cash. IDK really make this or not because USA will anyway be in advantage due to their fast hard to kill ospreys.

And ofc i need more people's opinions.

Posted by: mr_Skittles 17 Mar 2016, 2:28

to put the train back, just place the train engine object on the way point path.
if all the waypoint path waypoints are named railroad then sage will do the rest.

Posted by: mr_Skittles 19 Mar 2016, 4:04

full honesty, version 1 was better.
terrain still needs work, still not flat enough
dont agree with the supply changes at all.

Posted by: Mizo 19 Mar 2016, 4:06

OK here is some Feedback on the map :

No offense, but last version was better. This new version did more bad things than good.

Supply completey messy. Do you want players to completely burn themselves out by going early spam then straight to secondary eco?

Currently you can run on 3 supplies SAFETELY. There is no risk whatsoever. Bottom players get an extra massive advantage due to the Cerebus GUn. The Cerebus gun is imbalanced. Completely. No putting another one for the top player supplies inst good as well. It should be removed, because its not meant for PvP. especially 1v1s.

Terrain is still bad. The top right and bottom left corners and the plain around them need aittle bit of flatenning. Bottom player needs a reinforcement Pad in the other corner as well to add an element of symmetry.

Scenario I had was :

I was bottom as USA, SKit was top as Russia. He completely pushed me and killed my main base, I survived and killed him just because I had extra free crusaders while he literlly got dried out.

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 19 Mar 2016, 19:37

Ok i got it. So you mean that players position is not fair enough to reach reif pad of radio station in equal posbilities? Then I should do something to remove this imbalance moments. About Celebrus. It's just good defensive gun which can be destroy by any unit with longer range.
About 3 supplies. You can unit spam or just go to the tier rush like you can do on every other map. Depends only on your playstyle. If you know how to use defenses properly then SWest coastal gun will provide better defense moments due to long range and huge vision range. Yeah I agree that terrain should be flattered in some spots but that not mean that you will able to spam defenses near them. 1-2 big defenses or 2-3 smaller in diameter defenses near each tech buildings or supplies. I do not really want to make this map campy or turtle because it have hills and mountains to do that and enough tech buildings to use. And train will be back to hold attacking armies

P.S. and save your replays please. Words is good but when you see what happening this is much better. Version number 3 will be upload soon

Posted by: XAOC-RU- 19 Mar 2016, 22:11

Hot Desert v5.
Main changes:
Supply spot with Celebrus turret moved closer to the top player
Supply piles in the SWest moved closer to the bottom player
Radio station and Reif Pad also changed their locations slightly
Terrain changed slightly. Add flat spots.
Train is back. So watch out for you tank blobs smile.gif

Map can be downloaded in the first reply

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