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SWR Productions Forum _ Frontline News _ Rise of the Reds Update: There'll always be an England

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 13:33

Ramsgate, United Kingdom
8 September 2047, 05:12

A grey morning at the coast of England. A mild fog hung above the Channel while a lone group of four soldiers patrolled the shoreline. "Sarge?", one of them, Private Matthew Baker, asked his superior, Sergeant Shawn Finley. "What's up, Private?", the NCO asked back while taking a bite out of his breakfast sandwich. It was only a few minutes past 5 and his team was among the unlucky few that had been scheduled for patrol duty while the British Army field garrison in the nearby town of Ramsgate was still asleep. "Mind if we stop for a second? I gotta take a piss", Matthew explained, cheeky and boyish as usual. "Uuh, too much information, Matt", complained the team's medic, Private Meryl Mitchell, who had only recently been assigned to the unit and wasn't quite used to the men's casual tone yet. Finley signalled the team to halt while Baker disappeared behind the treeline. "So...", the Sergeant attempted some small-talk with his new squadmate, "What was your motivation to join the Army, Mitchell?" The young woman who was only a mere 17 years old remained pensive for a brief moment, then proceeded to explain: "Well, I've always had a thing for helping people and it's a way to pay my dues to our country. I was planning on serving a few years, then apply for the advanced education programme to study medicine." Her tone got increasingly idealistic as she went on. "I even considered signing up for a tour with the ECA; always wanted to visit the other countries on the continent, see different places..." The Sergeant nodded: "Too bad that's all out of the window now with the war going on there." Meryl agreed: "Yeah...But now I'm here and I gotta do my part!"

"GUYS!?", Matthew's voice sounded through the bushes. "Come here, you've GOT to see this!" "No, mate, we don't need to see whatever the heck yer doing over there!", Corporal Derek MacLeod, who had been too busy lugging the team's heavy grenade machine gun to take part in philosophical navel-gazing barked back, expecting another one of Baker's 'hilarious' pranks. Nonetheless, the soldiers followed his call, only to find Matthew pointing frantically at the sea: "There, Sarge, y'see those things in the water!?" Finley's face froze up in shock as he peaked through his binoculars, only to recognise the shapes of amphibious landing craft and BMP troop transports slowly emerging from the fog. The team stood above the cliff for several minutes, watching in awe as more and more Russian vessels approached the coast before the Sergeant gave the order to retreat and warn the local garrison. "This is bad...", Derek stated the obvious while the unit sprinted down the coastal road. Suddenly, the quietness of the morning was ruined by the noise of aircraft engines as several squadrons of Russian Il-76 transports, escorted by an armada of Frogfoots and PAK-FAs zoomed across the land. "Oh shite, this is REALLY bad!" Derek repeated, struggling to carry his heavy weapon. After a few minutes of running, the winded soldiers reached their garrison in Ramsgate whose population had already been evacuated in anticipation of this unlikely, but possible worst case scenario that had just become a reality. The British troops swarmed out of their quarters, grabbed their gear and took shelter in prepared defensive positions scattered along the shore, manning countless mortars, howitzers and gun emplacements.

Sergeant Finley and his fireteam holed up on the upper floor of a tavern, with only some 150 metres of open ground between them and the harbour front. As the sun slowly rose in the east, more and more vessels came out of the ghostly mist and somewhere in the far distance, the vague, threatening shapes of Russian warships manoeuvred into position. "Bloody hell, this is it, guys!" Matthew observed, his voice torn between thrilled anticipation and suppressed fear. "Our longest day, our finest hour! We will fight them on the beaches! We will fight them on the landing grounds! We..." "Shut your gob, Private! No time for fancy speeches - Focus!", Finley interrupted his tirade. "This is the moment we've been training for and we need to keep our wits about. Equipment check!" Derek worked the charging handle on his grenade launcher, which was safely mounted on the window ledge: "Ready to give 'em what-for, Sah!" "Rifle zeroed, loaded and ready, Sarge!", reported Matthew while Meryl took inventory of her elaborate collection of bandages, painkillers and surgical tools and recapitulated the standard emergency routines in her mind: "Medical equipment on-hand...God help us." Moments later, the first wave of Russian vessels came ashore and all hell broke loose...

These field physicians possess all the necessary knowledge and equipment to heal European infantry forces out in the field and evacuate wounded comrades. Since their primary job is to provide emergency medical care, Medics are protected by the Geneva Convention and must not be attacked. However, in the light of numerous atrocities reportedly committed by General Aleksandr's barbaric Shock Divisions, many Medics have resorted to arming themselves with old, surplus machine pistols such as the Skorpion vz.61 or the Austrian TMP in order to protect themselves from attacks. This has the unfortunate side effect that the now-armed Medics lose their status as non-combatants and become valid targets, a circumstance that is nevertheless prefered over the possibility of running into a Shock Trooper while unarmed.

Armed with a fully automatic 40mm grenade machine gun, these heavy weapons specialists can lay down a devastating barrage of suppressive fire, wrecking entire concentrations of light vehicles and infantry within seconds. The cumbersome weapon weights over 30 kilograms and needs to be mounted on a tripod in order to fire, which is why it takes the operator several seconds to set up or displace; an issue that should be considered when choosing a fighting position. Aside from the standard armour-piercing/high-explosive grenades, the weapon can also be loaded with a special rubber-capped anti-personnel round that is designed to bounce and detonate in the air, releasing a vicious hail of shrapnel that shreds even the most heavily entrenched enemies.

Posted by: Pickysaurus 5 Dec 2012, 13:37

I know this is kinda teasing, but I love the Grenadier's accent tongue.gif

Posted by: dangerman1337 5 Dec 2012, 13:40

Nice update, I assume that grenadier was the one firing out of the structure in the trailer at the last part.

One nit pick about the MTG, wouldn't make more sense to evacuate the Royal Family to say Canada?

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 13:44

The unit firing in the trailer is not actually the Grenadier. In fact, these blokes are basically mobile turrets and they can't fire from garrisons in-game because they'd be unkillable then--although it makes sense for them to do so here for dramatic purposes. As for the royals, evacuating them across the entire Atlantic right away seems kinda defeatist, especially considering that the King would most likely have a military background himself by then, so they merely moved up north so they can still be with their people in these troubled times. They could still high-tail it to Canada if things get REALLY messy after all.

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 5 Dec 2012, 14:03

Holy **** they actually made it all the way to England? How are things in the other sectors then? Did they topple over France so quickly? Is this the beginning of another continuous series update? Did Alek turn the Eiffel Tower into a giant tesla coil like in that weird RA2 mission? Questions keep popping up from left and right!

Moving the Royal family to Scotland seems like the better move. Moving them to a non-Brit, non-ECA place like Canada would effectively demoralise the troops. And they could use all the moral they have when facing those tesla units. Luckily from the way that soldier was giving a fancy speech it seems like the move worked and the troops still have a good bit of moral.

Totally love everything about the Grenadier. The idea of "portable turrets" sound awesome. I guess their deployment and fighting is similar to the RA2 GI? Nice to see them carrying the faction theme with totally unique weaponry. Interesting lore on the medic. They should be pretty handy.

Will either of these two units become unique to Charles later?

Posted by: The_Hunter 5 Dec 2012, 14:05

Nope both are generic ECA units smile.gif

Posted by: Genmotty 5 Dec 2012, 14:10

When Europe falls, at Russ-ian aggression,
Aro-o-oose our pilots to meet them fair,
Arose, arose, to defend our friends,
This was the action, the action of the land.
Our guardian a-a-angels flew against the bear!

Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the skies
Britons never, never, never shall be Red slaves.
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the skies
Britons never, never, never shall be Red slaves.

Still hark, the ru-u-umble of artillery as it rise,
More dr-r-eadful than has had been heard before,
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies,
That serves to rout thy enemies more.

Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the skies
Britons never, never, never shall be Red slaves.
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the skies
Britons never, never, never shall be Red slaves.


Heh...Britian might be in the ECA, but we're still our aloof egotistical selves. Top show! Huzzah!

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:12

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 5 Dec 2012, 14:03) *
Holy **** they actually made it all the way to England? How are things in the other sectors then? Did they topple over France so quickly? Is this the beginning of another continuous series update? Did Alek turn the Eiffel Tower into a giant tesla coil like in that weird RA2 mission? Questions keep popping up from left and right!

Moving the Royal family to Scotland seems like the better move. Moving them to a non-Brit, non-ECA place like Canada would effectively demoralise the troops. And they could use all the moral they have when facing those tesla units. Luckily from the way that soldier was giving a fancy speech it seems like the move worked and the troops still have a good bit of moral.

Totally love everything about the Grenadier. The idea of "portable turrets" sound awesome. I guess their deployment and fighting is similar to the RA2 GI? Nice to see them carrying the faction theme with totally unique weaponry. Interesting lore on the medic. They should be pretty handy.

Will either of these two units become unique to Charles later?

I've actually just noticed this when I posted the update: There's almost a whole year between this (September '47) and Swamped (August '46). According to Swamped, the Russians got completely bogged down in the Be-Ne-Lux countries until the mud froze over and even though Aleks wanted to do a parade on Champs Élysées by Christmas, it took another half year until Paris was taken. This gap is not actually an error, but a space that could potentially be used for future updates. I always like to keep a few different options open.

But yeah, by the time this happens, it's basically the ECA's darkest hour and the next two updates will deal with this invasion in-detail. Both the Medic and the Grenadier will have Brit accents in-game but they'll be a common unit.

@ Motty:
Yeah, right? Speaking of the other countries 'on the continent' and the war going on 'there' seems kinda typical and considering that the UK pulled out of the in-universe EU BEFORE the GLA showed up, it seems kinda reasonable for them to be a bit more at a distance but nonetheless important in the course of the war.

Posted by: X1Destroy 5 Dec 2012, 14:13

So we have IG Heavy weapon teams now? Great!!!

BTW, can the medic revive dead troops? biggrin.gif

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:16

Medics actually have an 'evacuate wounded' ability. ECA infantry units that reach zero health don't 'die' per se; they actually drop to the ground and remain there as wounded for several seconds (much like Russian wreckages) and a Medic who uses the ability will turn them into a cash-refund for you. And yes, you can ONLY recover them if they did NOT die due to flames, tesla, toxin, high-explosives etc.

Posted by: Panzer4life 5 Dec 2012, 14:23

Interesting to see the ECA actually seems focused on bring A-game infantry to the fight. This makes the ECA have the most number of infantry, doesn't it?

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:34

They certainly feel very infantry-heavy considering the number of stuff they can simply -do- using foot soldiers.

Posted by: X1Destroy 5 Dec 2012, 14:35

So the corpses will disappeared and we got cash back instead of reviving them? This is quite a unique idea.

Seems like i will make a lots of infantry rush game playing as the ECA when 1.8 is out laugh.gif

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:40

Basically, we chose refund over revive because it'd look a bit odd to see a bloke who just got shot up with bullets to just jump up back at full health and move on until he gets shot up AGAIN. The refund basically allows you to get some of your lost money back in order to spend it on other stuff as needed. It also makes sense for the ECA to have this kinda thing story-wise because a.) they're being invaded so they need EVERYONE and b.) Europe is already suffering population shrinkage today and regardless of how the war ends, they just couldn't afford to let all of these people die on the battlefield. It may seem more like a USA thing, survivability and all, but the American's seem to be more focussed on not getting dangerously hurt in the first place.

Posted by: Knjaz. 5 Dec 2012, 14:43

Large scale landing attempt on a fortified beach without turning the coastal zone into smoldering ruins?

I bet this is not going to end well biggrin.gif

Posted by: X1Destroy 5 Dec 2012, 14:46

1 more question: Do we have to manually click the refund button on the corpses just like the Russian recovery vehicle or will the medics do this automatically? Or will it be clicking with a large refund radius as it will be very stupid to keep selecting every medics and clicking over on every corpses just to get less than 1000 $.

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:48

The moment your selected Medic is ordered to evacuate the wounded, you'll get a refund for all fallen ECA infantry units inside a radius around her.

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 5 Dec 2012, 14:52

QUOTE (MARS @ 5 Dec 2012, 19:40) *
Basically, we chose refund over revive because it'd look a bit odd to see a bloke who just got shot up with bullets to just jump up back at full health and move on until he gets shot up AGAIN. The refund basically allows you to get some of your lost money back in order to spend it on other stuff as needed. It also makes sense for the ECA to have this kinda thing story-wise because a.) they're being invaded so they need EVERYONE and b.) Europe is already suffering population shrinkage today and regardless of how the war ends, they just couldn't afford to let all of these people die on the battlefield. It may seem more like a USA thing, survivability and all, but the American's seem to be more focussed on not getting dangerously hurt in the first place.

The way I see it it's unique and quite different from US's doctrines. US focuses on keeping their units alive, enables them to gain veterancy faster and focuses on transferring veterancy if a veteran vehicle is destroyed. On the other hand ECA "refunds" the fallen troop as more of an economic measure.

Gotta love the "counter GLA-ish" theme ECA presents every once in a while.
QUOTE (Knjaz. @ 5 Dec 2012, 19:43) *
Large scale landing attempt on a fortified beach without turning the coastal zone into smoldering ruins?

I bet this is not going to end well biggrin.gif

Same here. I bet the Pandora is gonna come in the end and blow their asses into oblivion.

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 14:58

You'll get to see the Pandora soon enough, albeit not as part of this sub-plot...and it's not going to be as glorious as you might imagine for reasons I cannot reveal yet.

Posted by: Planardweller 5 Dec 2012, 15:15

QUOTE (MARS @ 5 Dec 2012, 15:58) *
You'll get to see the Pandora soon enough, albeit not as part of this sub-plot...and it's not going to be as glorious as you might imagine for reasons I cannot reveal yet.

Good update, will the team continue english sub-plot for some time?
Do grenadiers get deploy button? In short, how will they function?

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 5 Dec 2012, 15:54

Yeah another update! mindfuck.gif

The General Charles was pretty cool, I like your MTG card.

Finally the bears stepped in England, this was the dream of the Soviets 8Isov.gif and now has become a reality, the Russians must have planned this invasion with details and detached a large number of troops for the invasion.

There will be a continuation of the battle between the Russians and the British in a future update?

The idea of increasing the female presence among the units of the game is something valid about the new healing system of the ECA I can only say one thing: AWESOME! It will be really cool to play with ECA and resurrect the infantry who fell in combat, I already imagine this technique being used at large scale in multiplayer matches.

The Grenadier unit is another fantastic, I loved the concept of the infantry he seems deadly against all types of land unit and its second attack me curious to discover their true potential.

Posted by: Planardweller 5 Dec 2012, 16:00

QUOTE (__CrUsHeR @ 5 Dec 2012, 16:54) *
Yeah another update! mindfuck.gif

The General Charles was pretty cool, I like your MTG card.

Finally the bears stepped in England, this was the dream of the Soviets 8Isov.gif and now has become a reality, the Russians must have planned this invasion with details and detached a large number of troops for the invasion.

There will be a continuation of the battle between the Russians and the British in a future update?

The idea of increasing the female presence among the units of the game is something valid about the new healing system of the ECA I can only say one thing: AWESOME! It will be really cool to play with ECA and resurrect the infantry who fell in combat, I already imagine this technique being used at large scale in multiplayer matches.

The Grenadier unit is another fantastic, I loved the concept of the infantry he seems deadly against all types of land unit and its second attack me curious to discover their true potential.

It's not resurrect as such, we'll have to drive the reinforcements all the way. But very very handy in infantry vs infantry combat near bases.

Posted by: Kirasama 5 Dec 2012, 16:07

QUOTE (MARS @ 5 Dec 2012, 14:58) *
You'll get to see the Pandora soon enough, albeit not as part of this sub-plot...and it's not going to be as glorious as you might imagine for reasons I cannot reveal yet.

I hope Venom at least is glorious tongue.gif

so stalemate in france and then they decide to open a new front in the UK? wonder if thats an actual good idea

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 5 Dec 2012, 16:07

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 5 Dec 2012, 13:00) *
It's not resurrect as such, we'll have to drive the reinforcements all the way. But very very handy in infantry vs infantry combat near bases.

Hmmm, I read again the explanations, now I understand how this system will work.

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 16:08

Not just Pyros. ECA infantry killed by flames, toxin, radiation, tesla as well as those that got run over by vehicles or splattered to pieces cannot be saved either. Wouldn't make much sense to get a refund for a bloke that now fits into a soup can.

As for the Grenadiers, they do have to deploy before firing which takes a few seconds.

Posted by: simeon5541 5 Dec 2012, 18:45

QUOTE (MARS @ 5 Dec 2012, 14:16) *
Medics actually have an 'evacuate wounded' ability. ECA infantry units that reach zero health don't 'die' per se; they actually drop to the ground and remain there as wounded for several seconds (much like Russian wreckages) and a Medic who uses the ability will turn them into a cash-refund for you. And yes, you can ONLY recover them if they did NOT die due to flames, tesla, toxin, high-explosives etc.

That means that those medics are similar to Battlefield 2 Medics ?
Sounds interesting.Medics use Scorpions . . . It seems in the end that Czechs will have their part at ECA side although it is only a detail.

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 5 Dec 2012, 19:16

So grenadiers are more of a defensive soldier.
Can they fire out of Garrisons?

Oh and on the subject of medics, Does microwave screw up the refund?

Posted by: Col._Sandfurz 5 Dec 2012, 19:22

QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 5 Dec 2012, 19:16) *
So grenadiers are more of a defensive soldier.
Can they fire out of Garrisons?

Oh and on the subject of medics, Does microwave screw up the refund?

I am pretty sure they do, as microwaves burn infatry to death. The only difference from napalm is that it burns you from inside.. wink.gif

Great update, did definately not expect it. That makes it even better smile.gif
I love the grenadier smile.gif
And nice to see a second female unite


Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 19:24

QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 5 Dec 2012, 19:16) *
So grenadiers are more of a defensive soldier.
Can they fire out of Garrisons?

Oh and on the subject of medics, Does microwave screw up the refund?

It may seem like they can in the story for dramatic purposes, but in-game, they cannot be garrisoned. Believe me when I say that a structure with 10 Grenadiers would wipe out pretty much everything that doesn't fly our outrange them.

As for the microwaves...Like HELL it does. The guys are set on fire and explode into pieces. There's no recovery from THAT.

Posted by: X1Destroy 5 Dec 2012, 19:33

Han's EMP cannons?

Posted by: Planardweller 5 Dec 2012, 19:38

QUOTE (X1Destroy @ 5 Dec 2012, 20:33) *
Han's EMP cannons?

Unless counts as explosive, i would say no. But flame hans will surely do.

Posted by: Col._Sandfurz 5 Dec 2012, 19:38

Some questions came in mide as a read the story again:

1. You said there were IL-76 transport aircrafts.. does this mean that Orlov is going to invade GB with his VDV?
2. And as PAK-FA's are escorting it, does Aleksander paly also a role in the invasion of England or is he still in France?
3. Are the BTR-80's (I've seen them in RL pictures two times now) making a appearence?
4. I forgot to ask you this in the "The Fourth Estate" Updage: Jäger said: "We are coming for you, Aleksan*static*".. what does he mean.. does he know something about the complot of Suvorov and Aleksander or is that only because of the cruelty of his shockdivisions?

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 19:49

1. You'll learn more about the composition of this invasion in part 2 it would obviously have an airborne component as well.
2. Aleksandr is basically an evil version of the WW2 general Eisenhower: He's the supreme military commander directly in charge of the Russian invasion and pulling the strings from his headquarters in Berlin.
3. Time will tell.
4. As said above: Aleksandr is 'in charge' of the invasion, he's in Berlin and he's a heartless bastard. That's plenty of reasons for a guy like Jaeger to declare a personal war on him.

Posted by: dangerman1337 5 Dec 2012, 20:10

I'm guessing we'll see Charles' artillery seen in the teaser in usual update form in the next part or third. Also is it me or are the frequency of the updates going faster as we get closer to release (Christmas release 8ani5.gif?) ?

Posted by: Planardweller 5 Dec 2012, 20:15

QUOTE (dangerman1337 @ 5 Dec 2012, 21:10) *
I'm guessing we'll see Charles' artillery seen in the teaser in usual update form in the next part or third. Also is it me or are the frequency of the updates going faster as we get closer to release (Christmas release 8ani5.gif?) ?

Hush, don't remind the team and enjoy the show. demo8.gif

Posted by: Joakim 5 Dec 2012, 20:31

MARS, I totally accept the lore reason why Combat Medics arm themselves. I am, however, a bit curious of the game mechanics reason: I am guessing that you wanted to avoid the "issue" that if you order an armed & unarmed mix of units to move to attack a target (i.e. not attack move) the unarmed units will stay put and the armed units will charge ahead without support from the unarmed support unit, just like the case with (vanilla) ECM Tanks when you order your battlegroup to attack a structure. How close to the truth am I?

Posted by: MARS 5 Dec 2012, 20:32

QUOTE (Joakim @ 5 Dec 2012, 20:31) *
MARS, I totally accept the lore reason why Combat Medics arm themselves. I am, however, a bit curious of the game mechanics reason: I am guessing that you wanted to avoid the "issue" that if you order an armed & unarmed mix of units to move to attack a target (i.e. not attack move) the unarmed units will stay put and the armed units will charge ahead without support from the unarmed support unit, just like the case with (vanilla) ECM Tanks when you order your battlegroup to attack a structure. How close to the truth am I?

That's completely spot-on, actually.

Posted by: Swven 5 Dec 2012, 23:19

Well, enjoying the ECA and I have some big hopes and the prospects of playing the faction.

I had a big guess way back that the combat medic was going to come in from the initial images when ECA came out (I think it was the FELIN update).

POSSIBLY I may have misinterpreted that image, maybe it was a gen. power or some other infantry ability, but hey, at least I had some correct prospects of infantry healing.
Went through my little checklist, of course it's not an ambulance or some healing tower, so it would probably be infantry.
Besides the fact I was a big Charles fan from his lore way back in 2011, and I guessed he probably needed good infantry, combat medics.

Now with the updates up and coming, I just have a few questions:

1) (and I have a feeling someone will quote "not definitive, still need balances"), how does Charles stack up against the previous general, Zhukov. I feel like they both would be pretty even.

(this is probably wrong or it slipped my mind), isn't Zhukov the one who deploys the miniature, money-hungry Topol?

If so, I'm guessing that Zhukov is designed for the "shotgun from the skies", "LEVEL the playing field", "clean sweep the area, mop up, repeat", "drop enough shells and missiles, they'll cover up our precision".

While Charles seems slightly more like US Artillery doctrine (Tomahawk, not WASP). Precise, "one shell, one hit, at that one moment", coupled with Air Force. Seems more like a "combined arms" type of commander.
Is my hunch correct?
So how will these two stack up? Fairly even in an Artillery "shoot out?" Or will it be on a "case-by-case" basis?

2) This is the obvious, (dumb to some), and humorous question to me.
Will the medic be able to level up? Or will it be treated slightly like the sentry drone (no leveling)?

3) How does grenadier stack up to the ECA panzerfaust soldiers? More AoE, increased precision, lower mobility, increased price?
I'm also assuming range, since I do recall the "put ten of these guys, they will blow everything up that's not air or artillery". So..."pathfinder-ish" range?

4) And now, for the wild guess.
I'm assuming this guy will be the one who gets to use gen-power infantry deployment?

Posted by: Pickysaurus 6 Dec 2012, 0:34

A lot of you questions will remain up in the air until 2.0 becomes a reality.

Medic levelling up, as far as I know it won't from healing and I haven't had one alive long enough to see it level from attacking (Had one garrisoned but didn't check back.)

Grenadier isn't the same roll as Panzerfaust it's kind halfway between them and FELINs, supresses vehicles and infantry well but doesn't excel at either.

Posted by: CheoRock 6 Dec 2012, 4:19

But yeah, by the time this happens, it's basically the ECA's darkest hour and the next two updates will deal with this invasion in-detail. Both the Medic and the Grenadier will have Brit accents in-game but they'll be a common unit.

I just love it... The all idea of a russian invasion to the British Island really freak me out.
Very nice update comrades. 8Isov.gif

Posted by: ArsenalXA4 6 Dec 2012, 4:42

After reading about the Medic and what some people have said I can't help but picture one shovelling a soldier's ashes into a coffee tin by hand.

Posted by: Alex1guy 6 Dec 2012, 5:31

QUOTE (ArsenalXA4 @ 6 Dec 2012, 4:42) *
After reading about the Medic and what some people have said I can't help but picture one shovelling a soldier's ashes into a coffee tin by hand.

*Meanwhile at an ECA base*

"The Russians have been repelled from the British shoreline captain, with minimal casualties too!"

"Minimal? Ivan must have had at least five thousand men coming over that channel. How the bloody hell did we manage minimal casualties!?"

"Well, sir the medics did a great job or recovering the wounded!" *Holds up a coffee tin*

"What the hell is that?"

"It's the Blackwatch sir!"

Posted by: Massey 6 Dec 2012, 6:07

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 6 Dec 2012, 6:21

Technically those are casualties
The dead ones are fatalities (or did they change that?)

Posted by: Xofolez 6 Dec 2012, 7:06

@Genmotty- great song! We the RF cannot wait to hear it from our prison mines in Siberia! haha jk, but ya I liked it, it kinda reminded me of the song sung mid mission halfway through the campaign in Ace Combat 4! Good times smile.gif

@Massey- need more BMP! lol but nice caption of the moment, FYI I love that map!

Below is my comment from ModDB that which i C&P for my vote, I may have or have not voted for ROTR a week ago, but that is classified and reserved for a RTS Expansion mod that is sweeping the world of RTS off its feet.

The current invasion of Ramsgate, UK would project that the Russians currently have a hold on the Belgium territory and northern French coast (possibly and most likely so, as it would be needed in order to launch a safe attack against England of this size quickly). I project that the harbors at Knokke-Heist or Dunkirk and that it is a possible combined attack of Tactical Ballistics General, General Zhukov (less likely, but its been a year since his "muck up" in Netherlands and its obvious that the Baltic sea or at least the North Sea and Northward are Russian inhabited waters) and Advanced Weapons General, General Aleksandr and his Shock Divisions.

I have a theory about the Blackout Nodes. Alek's Shock Divisions and even Spetsnaz teams would likely be able to infiltrate foreign territory undetected as part of a covert operation to tamper with cellular towers, antennas, satellite dishes, whatever it may be, so long as it can send out and/or receive wave frequencies. The teams would begin installation of a device or program (which ever is more appropriate). Blackout nodes being stealth themselves, makes it even more believable as the node would blend in with its environment unless detected by technological means. The other, less effective way to theorize the "how the hell did that get in m base undected" is simply that the parent device-X was hacked from somewhere like Moscow.

...though I am curious if there will be a mobile blackout node-base unit for on of the Russian generals like Russia has in RA1, I believe it was one of the expansion games if not the original that blackout tech was used.

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 7:24

QUOTE (Swven @ 5 Dec 2012, 23:19) *
Now with the updates up and coming, I just have a few questions:
1) (and I have a feeling someone will quote "not definitive, still need balances"), how does Charles stack up against the previous general, Zhukov. I feel like they both would be pretty even.
(this is probably wrong or it slipped my mind), isn't Zhukov the one who deploys the miniature, money-hungry Topol?
If so, I'm guessing that Zhukov is designed for the "shotgun from the skies", "LEVEL the playing field", "clean sweep the area, mop up, repeat", "drop enough shells and missiles, they'll cover up our precision".
While Charles seems slightly more like US Artillery doctrine (Tomahawk, not WASP). Precise, "one shell, one hit, at that one moment", coupled with Air Force. Seems more like a "combined arms" type of commander.
Is my hunch correct?
So how will these two stack up? Fairly even in an Artillery "shoot out?" Or will it be on a "case-by-case" basis?
2) This is the obvious, (dumb to some), and humorous question to me.
Will the medic be able to level up? Or will it be treated slightly like the sentry drone (no leveling)?
3) How does grenadier stack up to the ECA panzerfaust soldiers? More AoE, increased precision, lower mobility, increased price?
I'm also assuming range, since I do recall the "put ten of these guys, they will blow everything up that's not air or artillery". So..."pathfinder-ish" range?
4) And now, for the wild guess.
I'm assuming this guy will be the one who gets to use gen-power infantry deployment?

1.) While they do seem kinda similar, there's a major difference: Zhukov's artillery units (Topol excepted) still work under the usual in-game artillery mechanics whereas Charles gets ECA Howitzers and the Claymore, which have greater range than any other artillery that can be mass produced. Zhukov also gets no special planes whereas Charles will have both the Goshawk and the Harrier. To compensate, Zhukov's artillery will be ultra-splashy and backed up by the ground assault capabilities of vanilla Russia, making him arguably more powerful at forcing a massive breakthrough than Orlov or Aleks. Also, it's worth noting that the ECA is very different from the US in that many of their weapons are also quite splashy. It's basically a western faction without the US precision theme which also adds to their unique feel.
2.) I do think they can level up just like any other unit since they can technically kill other infantry; they're just not good at it at all.
3.) Grenadiers and Panzerfausts are not filling the same niche. Panzerfausts are dedicated AT, garrisonable and more mobile whereas Grenadiers are walking turrets that, when set up, dish out massive damage against infantry and light vehicles but they're kinda lacking if you try using them offensively due to setup/displace delays.
4.) The special infantry unit that was hinted at earlier will actually be available to all ECA generals via gen-power.

QUOTE (Xofolez @ 6 Dec 2012, 7:06) *
The current invasion of Ramsgate, UK would project that the Russians currently have a hold on the Belgium territory and northern French coast (possibly and most likely so, as it would be needed in order to launch a safe attack against England of this size quickly). I project that the harbors at Knokke-Heist or Dunkirk and that it is a possible combined attack of Tactical Ballistics General, General Zhukov (less likely, but its been a year since his "muck up" in Netherlands and its obvious that the Baltic sea or at least the North Sea and Northward are Russian inhabited waters) and Advanced Weapons General, General Aleksandr and his Shock Divisions.

I have a theory about the Blackout Nodes. Alek's Shock Divisions and even Spetsnaz teams would likely be able to infiltrate foreign territory undetected as part of a covert operation to tamper with cellular towers, antennas, satellite dishes, whatever it may be, so long as it can send out and/or receive wave frequencies. The teams would begin installation of a device or program (which ever is more appropriate). Blackout nodes being stealth themselves, makes it even more believable as the node would blend in with its environment unless detected by technological means. The other, less effective way to theorize the "how the hell did that get in m base undected" is simply that the parent device-X was hacked from somewhere like Moscow.

...though I am curious if there will be a mobile blackout node-base unit for on of the Russian generals like Russia has in RA1, I believe it was one of the expansion games if not the original that blackout tech was used.

Good thinking. The Russians are meant to have the Netherlands, Belgium and northern France by this point, allowing them to mount an invasion across the Channel in an area where the trip would be relatively short, but somewhat predictable. Mr. Knjaz was actually right when he pointed out how messy this is going to get: The Russians are basically assaulting a fortified town without bombing it to crap - they want to take the docks intact to bring in heavy hardware once they consolidate. Someone has already pointed this out on ModDB: It may seem odd that this massive invasion force was detected by a group of footsoldiers rather than long-range radar, satellite recon etc. but the Russians -do- have those nasty Blackout Nodes.

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 6 Dec 2012, 8:03

Just exactly how effective is the blackout node? I mean lore wise, It seems it just works on radar on something, i really don't see how it can work on regular spectrum light.

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 8:15

They don't render things invisible to the naked eye, but it's been stated years ago that the Russians successfully masked much of their initial invasion force at the border with the help of Blackout Nodes. For all we know, the naked eye is about the only thing that -can- reliably detect something covered by them which is also represented in-game: Units under a Blackout Node are not actually stealthed in the sense that you need to bring detectors, but covered in fog, meaning that you can't target them with powers/superweapons and that you have to get a guy there to take an actual look at them.

Posted by: X1Destroy 6 Dec 2012, 8:21

And the USA can just clear the fog with their satelites.............

Posted by: Xofolez 6 Dec 2012, 8:28

only for a mere moment, but the Americans are not getting involved until they get kicked in the shin- IE the Embassy is harassed/assaulted by ECA or RF. They will do what they did before they entered the war in WW2 and just leave it to Europe to deal with while they sit back with a baseball glove in one hand and a beer in the other. They are likely being evacuated/ quarentined from the continent anyway- kinda like a snobby euro way of saying mind your own business!

hmmm Bruce's little fanfic comes to mind here....perhaps Bruces lady will be a volunteer medic

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 8:28

QUOTE (X1Destroy @ 6 Dec 2012, 8:21) *
And the USA can just clear the fog with their satelites.............

Those could be taking photos with a high-resolution camera. Like I said: The units under the shroud are still physically there and visible. It just seems to block out things like radar etc. Plus, even if the yanks could theoretically detect the Russians, they're not allied with the ECA at this point. Just because they have the intel doesn't mean they pass it to the Europeans. Heck, that US SEAL team that Thorn called to Berlin is doing military recon IN European and Russian-occupied territory without the consent of either faction. In short, the US are keeping a close eye on what's happening so that their President can eventually come to a reasonable decision against or in favour of an intervention.

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 6 Dec 2012, 9:18

QUOTE (MARS @ 6 Dec 2012, 12:24) *
1.) While they do seem kinda similar, there's a major difference: Zhukov's artillery units (Topol excepted) still work under the usual in-game artillery mechanics whereas Charles gets ECA Howitzers and the Claymore, which have greater range than any other artillery that can be mass produced. Zhukov also gets no special planes whereas Charles will have both the Goshawk and the Harrier. To compensate, Zhukov's artillery will be ultra-splashy and backed up by the ground assault capabilities of vanilla Russia, making him arguably more powerful at forcing a massive breakthrough than Orlov or Aleks. Also, it's worth noting that the ECA is very different from the US in that many of their weapons are also quite splashy. It's basically a western faction without the US precision theme which also adds to their unique feel.

Zhukov's ground assault capabilities are same as vanilla Russia's? Thought he would have slightly more punch from his vehicles. Just making sure - he would get ballistics of all ranges and firing rates, right? Something like - a missile for every situation?

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 10:07

That's basically what it boils down to. When you're up against Zhukov, it's going to be missiles and rockets -everywhere- and when I said 'vanilla', I meant that he can back this up with full-sized Sentinel tanks.

Posted by: dangerman1337 6 Dec 2012, 11:08

Few questions from me:

1. Does Charles get extra artillery units aside from the Tier-2 Artillery in the teaser trailer and the Claymore?
2. Will the UK fall to the Russians? And what is the condition of the ECA and European forces in general?
3. Even though the Grenadiers can't be garrisoned inside buildings, what about transports?

Posted by: Planardweller 6 Dec 2012, 11:15

QUOTE (dangerman1337 @ 6 Dec 2012, 12:08) *
Few questions from me:

1. Does Charles get extra artillery units aside from the Tier-2 Artillery in the teaser trailer and the Claymore?
2. Will the UK fall to the Russians? And what is the condition of the ECA and European forces in general?
3. Even though the Grenadiers can't be garrisoned inside buildings, what about transports?

Change the last one to "Can they be transported in vehicles? And what if i have GLA's battle bus? They won't be firing from it, right?"
On the first one - Charles gets Claymore and the Artillery shown in the promo-trailer at 00:25 and everyone gets access to Pandora.

Posted by: Diamondcutter 6 Dec 2012, 14:44

Well I'm basing my response purely on logic (trololol) and since I have no knowledge on the answer of no. 1 and 3, I'll only be guessing on no. 2.

It seems that once again (after WWII) the Great Britain becomes the last stand, so if UK falls to the Russian I could only imagine ECA commanding what's left of their military from Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, the Iberia...(Actually I can't picture what they could do)

No matter how great the Russian military might can be, it seems unlikely that at this point (September, 2047) they would've been able to completely taken over the whole western Europe besides UK and IRE. For several reasons (one of them being that many and most strategical ECA facilities like Ciudad del Sol are located on the Continental Europe) I could only hope that there're pockets of ECA and national armies battling the Russians at the time of this update on the Continental Europe, and that the Russian invasions merely had to bypass those strongholds.

This is merely my speculation, and is not the official statement from the ROTR team.

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 15:06

It's pretty accurate though. The main frontline is still somewhere in France (south of Paris at this point) but the UK is the only member nation capable of providing large amounts of air support and with the frontlines now within their range, it'd be important for the Russians to take them out somehow. A massed assault of air forces and missiles seems to be out of the picture now because the ordnance is needed at the front and the element of surprise necessary for a non-nuclear decapitation strike is no longer there. This truly is their darkest hour.

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 6 Dec 2012, 15:51

In this case if the Russians are sparing their strategic reserves of missiles and munitions for use in front of Continental Europe I imagine that to invade the UK the paratroopers are the best option. What is the main objective of the invasion of the UK, neutralize the air force?

It seems that the main objective of the Russia is to penetrate in Europe to reach the Solaris in Spain, this reasoning is correct? This would be the final blow of the Russians in their European campaign?

Posted by: Planardweller 6 Dec 2012, 16:00

QUOTE (__CrUsHeR @ 6 Dec 2012, 16:51) *
In this case if the Russians are sparing their strategic reserves of missiles and munitions for use in front of Continental Europe I imagine that to invade the UK the paratroopers are the best option. What is the main objective of the invasion of the UK, neutralize the air force?

It seems that the main objective of the Russia is to penetrate in Europe to reach the Solaris in Spain, this reasoning is correct? This would be the final blow of the Russians in their European campaign?

For all intents and purposes, when the war started, Russians should have attacked all solaris satellites with anti-space missiles to break european power grid and by extension manufacturing. I'm very curious how the team will deal with the issue. One downed satellite before the war is definitely not everything.

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 6 Dec 2012, 16:15

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 6 Dec 2012, 13:00) *
For all intents and purposes, when the war started, Russians should have attacked all solaris satellites with anti-space missiles to break european power grid and by extension manufacturing. I'm very curious how the team will deal with the issue. One downed satellite before the war is definitely not everything.

You're referring to the satellite that crashed in Alaska? It was not shot down, had a malfunction and crashed (officially).

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 6 Dec 2012, 16:34

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 6 Dec 2012, 21:00) *
For all intents and purposes, when the war started, Russians should have attacked all solaris satellites with anti-space missiles to break european power grid and by extension manufacturing. I'm very curious how the team will deal with the issue. One downed satellite before the war is definitely not everything.

The Russians probably want to capture the Solaris project as intact as possible so they're refraining from attacking the Solaris satellites. They're winning right now so no need to be rash and blow up something that would make a perfect spoil of war. Not to mention if Alek has any genuine scientific curiosity in him he personally would wanna capture and find out how the Solaris functions instead of destroying it.
QUOTE (__CrUsHeR @ 6 Dec 2012, 21:15) *
You're referring to the satellite that crashed in Alaska? It was not shot down, had a malfunction and crashed (officially).

wasn't it shot down? That would also explain how the Spetsnaz so quickly knew exactly when and where to go to try to retrieve the satellite.

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 6 Dec 2012, 16:44

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 13:34) *
The Russians probably want to capture the Solaris project as intact as possible so they're refraining from attacking the Solaris satellites. They're winning right now so no need to be rash and blow up something that would make a perfect spoil of war. Not to mention if Alek has any genuine scientific curiosity in him he personally would wanna capture and find out how the Solaris functions instead of destroying it.

Interesting your analysis makes a lot of sense already that the Alek and the president would have an interest in the technology.

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 13:34) *
wasn't it shot down? That would also explain how the Spetsnaz so quickly knew exactly when and where to go to try to retrieve the satellite.

It is likely that the satalite has been sabotaged by the Russians but this version has not been confirmed by either side.

Posted by: Planardweller 6 Dec 2012, 17:00

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 17:34) *
The Russians probably want to capture the Solaris project as intact as possible so they're refraining from attacking the Solaris satellites. They're winning right now so no need to be rash and blow up something that would make a perfect spoil of war. Not to mention if Alek has any genuine scientific curiosity in him he personally would wanna capture and find out how the Solaris functions instead of destroying it.

wasn't it shot down? That would also explain how the Spetsnaz so quickly knew exactly when and where to go to try to retrieve the satellite.

This all good and well, but when said satellites start raining fiery death on your armies and navy, i think, the damage is too great to warrant such nimble approach. It is better to capture satellites on the ground then try to dismantle them from space.
It goes without saying, that securing solaris power plants and their personnel are very important objectives for RF. Same goes for any manufacturing and research facilities involved in making said power plants, satellites and so on. Though i'm slightly miffed, why RF didn't try to buy the export versions of power plants, if they really wanted to reverse engineer them.
I understand that the basic premise for going to war for Suvorov was that his country was losing its super power status and economic might in the foreseeable future for some time.

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 17:18

It seems reasonable for the Russians to attack the Solaris satellites but the fact that both your in-game power plant -and- the multiple ECA super weapons you can build are explicitely stated to -use- the Solaris suggests that the ECA has multiple of these satellites in orbit. There's the really big ones that could theoretically supply entire countries (the first was the Spanish one which projects power down to Ciudad del Sol but it's been stated in the same update that other ECA countries were also going to activate their own super power plants over the coming years) and the smaller 'lend-lease' models which are also used for the in-game Solar Reactor and Solar Burst. The Russians would obviously be torn between trying to steal the technology intact to use it for themselves in the same way they 'used' the pressure plates and fibre-glass cables mentioned in the Telecom Tower description and destroying them to eliminate their military potential. In any case, Ciudad del Sol would probably be the last major ground station under ECA control. One has to wonder though: Would ESA continue sending power down to reactors that have been taken by the Russians in order to ensure that the population they left behind still have electricity or would they shut them down to deny the Russians said electricity while worsening the humanitarian situation of their own populace? A power plant whose main method of energy generation is basically controlled from the outside raises some interesting questions...

As for the export models, we can easily assume that the ECA flat-out refused to lend-lease Solaris satellites to the Russians who were highly hostile towards the project from the very beginning. The Americans are using their own fusion tech and the Chinese still have enough nuclear and coal power, so the ECA probably leases their smaller satellites to emerging powers that aren't too heavily aligned with either of the others.

Posted by: Planardweller 6 Dec 2012, 17:50

QUOTE (MARS @ 6 Dec 2012, 18:18) *
It seems reasonable for the Russians to attack the Solaris satellites but the fact that both your in-game power plant -and- the multiple ECA super weapons you can build are explicitely stated to -use- the Solaris suggests that the ECA has multiple of these satellites in orbit. There's the really big ones that could theoretically supply entire countries (the first was the Spanish one which projects power down to Ciudad del Sol but it's been stated in the same update that other ECA countries were also going to activate their own super power plants over the coming years) and the smaller 'lend-lease' models which are also used for the in-game Solar Reactor and Solar Burst. The Russians would obviously be torn between trying to steal the technology intact to use it for themselves in the same way they 'used' the pressure plates and fibre-glass cables mentioned in the Telecom Tower description and destroying them to eliminate their military potential. In any case, Ciudad del Sol would probably be the last major ground station under ECA control. One has to wonder though: Would ESA continue sending power down to reactors that have been taken by the Russians in order to ensure that the population they left behind still have electricity or would they shut them down to deny the Russians said electricity while worsening the humanitarian situation of their own populace? A power plant whose main method of energy generation is basically controlled from the outside raises some interesting questions...

As for the export models, we can easily assume that the ECA flat-out refused to lend-lease Solaris satellites to the Russians who were highly hostile towards the project from the very beginning. The Americans are using their own fusion tech and the Chinese still have enough nuclear and coal power, so the ECA probably leases their smaller satellites to emerging powers that aren't too heavily aligned with either of the others.

I just imagined a hilarious way for russia to win the war. They relaunch Buran program or its analog and start stealing satellites... mindfuck.gif

On more serious note - will there be updates from Suvorov's or russian/european general's perspective on this war?

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 6 Dec 2012, 17:51

It would definitely be a tough call for ECA command to decide whether they should shut down the ground stations of Solaris plants in Russian occupied territories while worsening the humanitarian conditions of their own people. But given the situation of the war I dunno if they have much of a choice at this point.

In older updates it was said Russia is establishing forward bases in occupied ECA territories, capturing and repairing ECA factories and tech buildings to replenish and supply their own troops. It could be considered suicidal to give Russia the power they need for this operation.

Another more cynical reason would be - shutting down the power would also help to stir up civilian unrest and raise the population even more. That would probably um... encourage the people to stand up against the invaders instead of sitting in their shelters with electricity and listening to Russian propaganda being aired from captured media stations. Yeah this is something you would expect GLA gens or Jin to use but war isn't pretty. You gotta use every possible method to win when your back is against the wall. Right now ECA command is naturally very desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures.

And can we get any news on Willem's whereabouts now that his country has fallen? Has he fallen back and regrouped with the remaining ECA forces? Or is he continuing his guerrilla style resistance? I have rarely felt this much for a character who hasn't exactly made any real appearance in the story in person.

BTW is the part about Russians stealing ECA tech just storyline fluff or is there any in-game attachment to it?

Posted by: Catbert 6 Dec 2012, 17:51

Or at least build them with kill switches should the emerging powers prove... unreliable. At least that sounds like a logical thing to do in an age of uncertainty.

Also, I thought ground stations controlled the satellites? True, ECA command may have overrides or something.

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 18:01

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 6 Dec 2012, 17:50) *
On more serious note - will there be updates from Suvorov's or russian/european general's perspective on this war?

Like hell there will be. We're having updates in the style of news updates (e.g. The Fourth Estate), personal accounts (e.g. Swamped), in-universe documents (e.g. It Came from Outer Space) as well as direct accounts involving high-ranking leaders and rank-and-file grunts.

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 17:51) *
And can we get any news on Willem's whereabouts now that his country has fallen? Has he fallen back and regrouped with the remaining ECA forces? Or is he continuing his guerrilla style resistance? I have rarely felt this much for a character who hasn't exactly made any real appearance in the story in person.

BTW is the part about Russians stealing ECA tech just storyline fluff or is there any in-game attachment to it?

Both Swamped and Willem's MTG basically state that the Dutch Army - as well as the entire population, apparently - escaped the country before hand, which makes sense considering that their plan was to literally flood the entire place and let an army of robots do the fighting.

As for the second thing, that's just story fluff. Although you could technically consider the capture of tech structures to be something akin to confiscating and using civilian infrastructure, although that doesn't extend to literally dismantling and stealing them in-game obviously.

QUOTE (Catbert @ 6 Dec 2012, 17:51) *
Or at least build them with kill switches should the emerging powers prove... unreliable. At least that sounds like a logical thing to do in an age of uncertainty.

Also, I thought ground stations controlled the satellites? True, ECA command may have overrides or something.

The Risen from Ruins update mentions that the ECA installed killswitches on the military hardware they gave to their North African protectorates and the Solaris satellites are controlled from the ESA space centre in French Guiana which is actually in South America. Kinda puts Russia's intervention in the troubles of Brazil in 'Demons from the Past' into a whole new light, doesn't it?

Posted by: Planardweller 6 Dec 2012, 18:01

There also can be hydrogen fuel cells and other power sources available for civilians and important installations as back up.

Great use of french space center in Guiana. Can you reveal more about European Space Agency and it's status or we will see it soon (hint "Pandora" /hint) ?

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 18:11

Well there isn't a whole lot to it but as it stands, ESA is one of the joint European organisations that remained intact even after the EU was replaced by the ECA in-universe, another one being CERN. Even though the ECA is not supposed to be as heavily integrated and centralised as its failed predecessor, it makes sense to pursue such costly scientific projects together rather than having a dozen independent national agencies for space exploration and atomic research.

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 6 Dec 2012, 19:06

QUOTE (MARS @ 6 Dec 2012, 23:01) *
Both Swamped and Willem's MTG basically state that the Dutch Army - as well as the entire population, apparently - escaped the country before hand, which makes sense considering that their plan was to literally flood the entire place and let an army of robots do the fighting.

Okay so nobody is hiding and biding their time or anything, there literally isn't anyone there? I rather thought Willem's MTG meant that the Dutch army escaped guerrilla style planning to come back and assault the Russians once they are bogged down and demoralised. But they actually left it to the robots? Oh my... Swamped did hint that but I didn't think they would actually do that.

That sorta sounds like quite a bit of a gamble though. BTW is there any lore related fluff on how they maintained the power supply of the defenses in those ghost countries assuming intelligent defenses do require power and lorewise Solaris ground station requires quite a few high level techs to be maintained properly?

Now I have a nasty feeling once Zhukov realised there ain't any living people in the country nothing stopped him from ordering a total Topol storm and leveling the whole country, defenses and everything, to an uninhabitable nothingness. And that's how he finally ended the robo resistance. Man I have a twisted imagination.

Posted by: tgn89 6 Dec 2012, 19:20

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 20:06) *
Okay so nobody is hiding and biding their time or anything, there literally isn't anyone there? I rather thought Willem's MTG meant that the Dutch army escaped guerrilla style planning to come back and assault the Russians once they are bogged down and demoralised. But they actually left it to the robots? Oh my... Swamped did hint that but I didn't think they would actually do that.

That sorta sounds like quite a bit of a gamble though. BTW is there any lore related fluff on how they maintained the power supply of the defenses in those ghost countries assuming intelligent defenses do require power and lorewise Solaris ground station requires quite a few high level techs to be maintained properly?

Now I have a nasty feeling once Zhukov realised there ain't any living people in the country nothing stopped him from ordering a total Topol storm and leveling the whole country, defenses and everything, to an uninhabitable nothingness. And that's how he finally ended the robo resistance. Man I have a twisted imagination.

YOU sure have a big one but he couldnt bomb the whole with topol m that would be a war crime

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 19:25

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 19:06) *
Now I have a nasty feeling once Zhukov realised there ain't any living people in the country nothing stopped him from ordering a total Topol storm and leveling the whole country, defenses and everything, to an uninhabitable nothingness. And that's how he finally ended the robo resistance. Man I have a twisted imagination.

Needless to say, I don't want to spoil things yet but let's just say there was a reason why Zhukov did not use those nukes. You'll learn why eventually.

Posted by: flyingpancake 6 Dec 2012, 19:31

Semi random question. What is happening in Africa during all this? Are the African ECA allies gearing up to help them or are they having trouble with the GLA (seems more unlikely)

Posted by: flyingpancake 6 Dec 2012, 19:33

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 19:06) *
Now I have a nasty feeling once Zhukov realised there ain't any living people in the country nothing stopped him from ordering a total Topol storm and leveling the whole country, defenses and everything, to an uninhabitable nothingness. And that's how he finally ended the robo resistance. Man I have a twisted imagination.

Wouldn't it be better just to blow up there weapons and replace them with Russian ones but to keep there bunkers? Because why destroy a perfectly good bunker if you can use it your self?

Posted by: MARS 6 Dec 2012, 19:34

Haven't given this much thought yet, but they'd probably lack the force projection capabilities to support the ECA over in Europe

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 6 Dec 2012, 19:42

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 16:06) *
Now I have a nasty feeling once Zhukov realised there ain't any living people in the country nothing stopped him from ordering a total Topol storm and leveling the whole country, defenses and everything, to an uninhabitable nothingness. And that's how he finally ended the robo resistance. Man I have a twisted imagination.

It seems not to be very interesting for Russia to destroy a country completely the point of being uninhabitable because Russia is still dependent on the European economy, President Suvorov explained the situation and the interests of the Russia in the conflict - "reestablish the old order," understand as the old economic order between Russia and Europe (economic dependence), destroying the infrastructure of a European country can be dangerous to the economic pretensions of Russia.

Posted by: dangerman1337 6 Dec 2012, 19:42

One thing though, at this stage of the TL which European countries are still active and those European countries taken over still have their militaries fighting in France?

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 19:06) *
Okay so nobody is hiding and biding their time or anything, there literally isn't anyone there? I rather thought Willem's MTG meant that the Dutch army escaped guerrilla style planning to come back and assault the Russians once they are bogged down and demoralised. But they actually left it to the robots? Oh my... Swamped did hint that but I didn't think they would actually do that.

Hell, if robots are able to carry out you're plan and it's one of the best option (if not the best one) why not? You wouldn't be throwing human resources (training people is expensive) away which can be helped to help the efforts elsewhere.

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 6 Dec 2012, 19:43

Obviously ECA's African allies count -if- they are genuinely willing to help out ECA. Not to mention there is a possibility GLA has seized this opportunity to attack them in order to retake at least some of their old territories. So they probably have their hands full.

Posted by: dangerman1337 6 Dec 2012, 19:49

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 6 Dec 2012, 19:43) *
Obviously ECA's African allies count -if- they are genuinely willing to help out ECA. Not to mention there is a possibility GLA has seized this opportunity to attack them in order to retake at least some of their old territories. So they probably have their hands full.

I'm wondering about the GLA as well, since ECA resources will need to be pulled from Africa I bet the GLA would attempt another daring push to take some teritory (since its said they are going to have a minor role in the war...).

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 7 Dec 2012, 0:12

And I'm betting China isn't going to let some africans take territory they can exploit.

Posted by: ArsenalXA4 7 Dec 2012, 2:39

You know what would be an awesome birthday present? If you guys released 1.8 on 15DEC2012, maybe around 0100. That would be awesome.

Just sayin' y'know...

Posted by: InsurgentCell 7 Dec 2012, 2:58

January 14th works for me wink.gif

Posted by: simeon5541 7 Dec 2012, 3:14

QUOTE (ArsenalXA4 @ 7 Dec 2012, 2:39) *
You know what would be an awesome birthday present? If you guys released 1.8 on 15DEC2012, maybe around 0100. That would be awesome.

Just sayin' y'know...

Hah ! That's also my b-day. smile.gif

Posted by: Diamondcutter 7 Dec 2012, 3:25

Either Dec (Edit: 12 or 13 or) 14 (Edit: or 15 or 16) to make it special for you, or (Edit: Dec 23 or Dec 24 or :S) Dec 25 (Edit: or Dec 26, really what does it matter since we don't decide when does it release) to make special for everyone lol

In fact, I'm not sure whether Xmas will be the time, it'll be done when it's done, considering someone said there's a couple more updates ahead...

Speaking of Africa, don' they have an African Union or was that before GLA? Also, Oceania and South Africa should at least make a cameo appearance in these updates. tongue.gif

Posted by: ArsenalXA4 7 Dec 2012, 3:43

I hope it's soon. It'll make C&C Hell XVI that much better with the inclusion of the ECA.

Posted by: Alex1guy 7 Dec 2012, 3:55

April 11th would... No wait scratch that. tongue.gif

I'm curious, what are the likes of Australia and New Zealand doing at this point. Are Alliances still standing with the nations in Australasia? Both nations share cultural ties with Britain and with the USA retreating behind the Atlantic, are they relying of foreign alliances or are they just chumming it up trade wise with the South East Asians and relying on their own militarises in a very militant world?

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 7 Dec 2012, 6:59

It's 24 not 25.

Posted by: Warpath 7 Dec 2012, 10:59

QUOTE (Alex1guy @ 7 Dec 2012, 3:55) *
I'm curious, what are the likes of Australia and New Zealand doing at this point. Are Alliances still standing with the nations in Australasia? Both nations share cultural ties with Britain and with the USA retreating behind the Atlantic, are they relying of foreign alliances or are they just chumming it up trade wise with the South East Asians and relying on their own militarises in a very militant world?

I think their either neutral or US aligned.

I hope you release it in Christmas eve, screw Halo 4, screw Cod BO2, I'd rather have this as a present. ( I know it's unlikely but I can still hope )

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 7 Dec 2012, 12:19

If the version 1.8 is released at Christmas goes be the best gift. aw2.gif

Posted by: Genmotty 7 Dec 2012, 13:33

QUOTE (flyingpancake @ 6 Dec 2012, 18:33) *
Wouldn't it be better just to blow up there weapons and replace them with Russian ones but to keep there bunkers? Because why destroy a perfectly good bunker if you can use it your self?

Normally because bunkers point in a particular direction and are designed to show a limited face front forward, but from the flank or behind that's not important. It all comes down to the school of thought that bunkers are there to slow an attack, and when you fall back from your fortification, you want it not to be useful to your opponents.

As to if Britain could have enough planes to support the continent. Most likely not, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be building aircraft in numbers, shipping them out as they can be. Afterall, we don't know what the wartime governments are doing. Perhaps every Tom, Dick and Harry have had their own personal 3D Printers requisitioned and we are pumping aircraft out like Meccano Sets...

Who knows....?

Posted by: MARS 7 Dec 2012, 14:12

You guys remember those Vulcan bombers we showed a while back?
Those are still going to be used for gen-powers which means that the RAF actually has strategic bombing capabilities once again.
That's definitely something the Russians want to deal with now that their frontline is in France i.e. only a Channel distance away.

Posted by: IPS 7 Dec 2012, 14:39

QUOTE (Genmotty @ 7 Dec 2012, 13:33) *
As to if Britain could have enough planes to support the continent. Most likely not, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be building aircraft in numbers, shipping them out as they can be. Afterall, we don't know what the wartime governments are doing. Perhaps every Tom, Dick and Harry have had their own personal 3D Printers requisitioned and we are pumping aircraft out like Meccano Sets...

brits managed to build 1 b24 per HOUR on the willow run in 1944
I'm pretty sure they could do something simmilar again with modern assably lines IF they wanted to ; )

Posted by: Knjaz. 7 Dec 2012, 14:53

QUOTE (IPS @ 7 Dec 2012, 15:39) *
brits managed to build 1 b24 per HOUR on the willow run in 1944
I'm pretty sure they could do something simmilar again with modern assably lines IF they wanted to ; )

Nah, absolutely impossible. Just an example - production cycle of Su-30 lasts 16-18 months.

Another example
...This ‘digital thread’ has been very successful for the team, with part fits showing incredible precision, and successful coordination of plants around the end schedule for key events like the Dec 18/07 F-35B rollout. The system’s ultimate goal is to cut a plane’s production cycle time from the usual 27-30 months to about 12 months, and shrink a 15-20 day cycle to just 6-8 days from order creation to printed & matched manufacturing orders...

The trend can't go forever, ofcourse. We'll hit the mark when we'll need some serious production capability increase (compared to what it was) to maintain top-grade military power.

Posted by: IPS 7 Dec 2012, 15:06

you cannot compare "peace-time" production to war-time production^^
humans are capable of extrodinary things when their lifes are in danger wink.gif

Posted by: Knjaz. 7 Dec 2012, 15:21

QUOTE (IPS @ 7 Dec 2012, 16:06) *
you cannot compare "peace-time" production to war-time production^^
humans are capable of extrodinary things when their lifes are in danger wink.gif

Once again. We're talking about production cycles here. Something you'd have big problems to significantly reduce even in total-mobilization scenarios. You can only drastically increase the amount of simultaneously produced aircrafts - and well, that's how it's being done today, when you need to deliver, say, ~30-40 aircrafts in 2 years.

And no, it'd be impossible to manufacture top-grade/tech weapons (aircrafts, etc) the same way it was done in WW2 even in 1980's. Due to production cycles, due to the fact that the days when your local tractor factory could be relatively quickly turned into tank factory are long over, due to cost increase and other factors. Not only limited to, but including the development of precision weapons, missiles, nukes that are likely to screw up your production capabilities. At least, the Soviets were 100% sure about that.

Posted by: Kirasama 7 Dec 2012, 15:25

QUOTE (IPS @ 7 Dec 2012, 14:39) *
brits managed to build 1 b24 per HOUR on the willow run in 1944
I'm pretty sure they could do something simmilar again with modern assably lines IF they wanted to ; )

wasnt that the americans or i am confusing it with something else?

Posted by: IPS 7 Dec 2012, 15:28

Hmmm, that might be true ^^
Yea it where the americans

ofc it cannot be done THIS fast, but then again in ww2 they developed new aircraft in very short time periods.

A world war situation would put totally new requirements on aircraft, and the countries would probably develop new models and version that could also be produced a lot faster and more efficiently.

In peace times newly developed military aircraft tend to be "the best possible" while at war times it's basically whatever wins you the war.
And you sure as hell won't win it if your 1 6th generation uber fighter is up against 100 cheaply porduced but highly efficient fighters of the enemy faction.
That's why i sayed, you cannot compare todays aircraft production with a world war 3 scenario. ;

Posted by: __CrUsHeR 7 Dec 2012, 15:57

QUOTE (MARS @ 7 Dec 2012, 11:12) *
You guys remember those Vulcan bombers we showed a while back?
Those are still going to be used for gen-powers which means that the RAF actually has strategic bombing capabilities once again.
That's definitely something the Russians want to deal with now that their frontline is in France i.e. only a Channel distance away.

The Vulcan was really a great addition for the ECA, is an impressive aircraft worthy of fiction with its dashing design and its sub-sonic speed to match up only the B1-Lancer and the Tu-160 Blackjack.

In the game the Vulcan will attack with bombs or cruise missiles?

It would be great to see the Vulcan with its original camouflage gust mixing blue and green.

Posted by: Shock 7 Dec 2012, 16:02

@IPS you're right on that account, but the technological difference between different countries was much larger during the 80s and 90s. China is currently catching up, and I believe Russia has similar plans, but technological advancement probably is much more efficient than just producing 100 F18s cus the schematics are there. As a war progresses, it will probably become less important, but the better your technology is the more likely you are to end the war first with that extra ace up your sleeve.

Hence American war doctrine.

Posted by: Rudas 7 Dec 2012, 17:29

QUOTE (Knjaz. @ 7 Dec 2012, 14:21) *
Once again. We're talking about production cycles here. Something you'd have big problems to significantly reduce even in total-mobilization scenarios. You can only drastically increase the amount of simultaneously produced aircrafts - and well, that's how it's being done today, when you need to deliver, say, ~30-40 aircrafts in 2 years.

And no, it'd be impossible to manufacture top-grade/tech weapons (aircrafts, etc) the same way it was done in WW2 even in 1980's. Due to production cycles, due to the fact that the days when your local tractor factory could be relatively quickly turned into tank factory are long over, due to cost increase and other factors. Not only limited to, but including the development of precision weapons, missiles, nukes that are likely to screw up your production capabilities. At least, the Soviets were 100% sure about that.

Agreed, the sheer size and complexity of supply chains and the advanced skills needed to produce even the most basic equipment these days would rule out WW2 style production numbers. Still though, it's a game so why not.

Posted by: Alex1guy 8 Dec 2012, 4:05

QUOTE (MARS @ 5 Dec 2012, 14:44) *
The unit firing in the trailer is not actually the Grenadier. In fact, these blokes are basically mobile turrets and they can't fire from garrisons in-game because they'd be unkillable then--although it makes sense for them to do so here for dramatic purposes. As for the royals, evacuating them across the entire Atlantic right away seems kinda defeatist, especially considering that the King would most likely have a military background himself by then, so they merely moved up north so they can still be with their people in these troubled times. They could still high-tail it to Canada if things get REALLY messy after all.

Would be kind of neat to see the King remain in London. Who would it be King Harry?

Posted by: SpiralSpectre 8 Dec 2012, 4:11

QUOTE (Alex1guy @ 8 Dec 2012, 9:05) *
Would be kind of neat to see the King remain in London. Who would it be King Harry?

The king remaining in London in that situation? Would that be neat? Maybe. Would that be suicidal? Definitely.

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 8 Dec 2012, 5:10

It would most likely be the current prince and his princess.

EDIT: Damnit, forgot i posted already

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 8 Dec 2012, 5:12

Although with 3d printing in western factions, US drone tech, ECA nanobots, China's being more or less WW2 style anyway the GLA having literally WW2 stuff and if they make a country, probably the means to make more. For RF, they just have surplus to spare.

EDIT: Didn't mean to double post just stupid.

Posted by: Diamondcutter 8 Dec 2012, 5:21

So far I've identified the following ECA air assets:
A400M (RAF's planning on calling them Atlas in real life, I like that name) as deliverer
Vulcan as bomber
British Goshawk as gunship
"EF/Rafale" as CAS
EC135 helicopter with the radar on the back, with what looks like RAF roundel
Tiger Mk2 (I did see it from the trailer and totally they flew right pass my mind at the time of typing this, thx Comrade smile.gif)
Airship, referred to as Zeppelin by fans

I'll be making a map with identified ECA units and their country(ies) of origin soon.

Posted by: Comr4de 8 Dec 2012, 6:32

QUOTE (Diamondcutter @ 7 Dec 2012, 22:21) *
So far I've identified the following ECA air assets:
A400M (RAF's planning on calling them Atlas in real life, I like that name) as deliverer
Vulcans as bomber
British Goshawk as gunship
Eurofighter/Rafale as CAS
EC135 helicopter with the radar on the back, with what looks like RAF roundel

Do we still get the Tiger from that one old render? tongue.gif

I'll be making a map with identified ECA units and their country(ies) of origin soon.

You may want to look at the most recent again.

Posted by: Diamondcutter 8 Dec 2012, 7:03

Thanks Comrade

There're also several interesting undisclosed units in the trailer.
- Mortar artillery unit
- Long range cannon that needs deploying
- 6x6 APC
- An AA unit using some sort of focus energy weapon
- Harrier of some sort

Needless to say, I can't wait for the next update aw2.gif

Posted by: MARS 8 Dec 2012, 8:14

QUOTE (Alex1guy @ 8 Dec 2012, 4:05) *
Would be kind of neat to see the King remain in London. Who would it be King Harry?

Currently next in line would be Charles followed by William if I'm not mistaken. Would probably be the latter, considering the former's age.

Posted by: Alex1guy 8 Dec 2012, 11:48

QUOTE (SpiralSpectre @ 8 Dec 2012, 5:11) *
The king remaining in London in that situation? Would that be neat? Maybe. Would that be suicidal? Definitely.

They Royals stayed during the Blitz, sort of a "We're all in this together thing".

Posted by: Planardweller 8 Dec 2012, 12:36

QUOTE (Diamondcutter @ 8 Dec 2012, 6:21) *
So far I've identified the following ECA air assets:
A400M (RAF's planning on calling them Atlas in real life, I like that name) as deliverer
Vulcan as bomber
British Goshawk as gunship
"Rafale" as CAS
EC135 helicopter with the radar on the back, with what looks like RAF roundel
Tiger Mk2 (I did see it from the trailer and totally they flew right pass my mind at the time of typing this, thx Comrade smile.gif)
Airship, referred to as Zeppelin by fans

I'll be making a map with identified ECA units and their country(ies) of origin soon.

Not Rafale, but Eurofighter.
Also can somebody identify the plane in the right side of the map at 00:20? I see RAF round emblem, but it looks too small to be A400M.

The cannon that needs deploying is Pandora, of course.
AA unit with beam weapon is the supposed unique Heavy AA (as it doesn't use missiles, nor conventional cannons) and reminds me of Disruptor Tanks from C&C Tiberian Sun, though much less armoured.

List of not-yet-released units:
6x6 APC or IFV
Special vehicle for repairing multiple buildings and possibly vehicles.
Claymore and Missile-based artillery for Willem and Wolfgang, also claymore defensive cannon.
Unnamed rapid firing artillery for Charles seen in the trailer
Hauptmann Jaeger
Secret infantry from the trailer, the one which is called in via general's promotion
Special heavy infantry for Wolfgang (powered armour)?
Harrier and Goshawk
Zeppelin (most likely comes with its building, which could open Tier 1 tech)

Possible additions for other factions. Whatever the team also has in mind.

Llist of units and buildings for ECA:
Region Command: excavator, radar helicopter
Field command: excavator, radar helicopter
Barracks: Felin, Panzerfaust, engineers, combat medics, grenadiers (Hauptmann Jaegar) -> kennel: Attack dog= scout unit
Logistics center: Supply truck
Vehicle Depot: Leopard tank, Mole Minelayer, Flakpanzer, Lynx APC (Jagdmammuth, 6x6 APC or IFV, "Disruptor Tank").
Solar Reactor
R&D Compound: Manticore (Venom, Pandora)
Telecom Relay -> Telecom Tower
Orbital Relay
Unknown Tier 1 structure with zeppelin

Defenses: Guard Tower, tank traps, mortar pit, fortifications, gun turret.
Level 1: unknown
Level 3:
Special infantry call-in, 3 levels
Ammo dump
Repairs: call-in 3 levels
bull-dog turret call-in 3 levels
Eurofighter CAS call-in 3 levels
Level 5:
AeroVulcan call-in

Posted by: Col._Sandfurz 8 Dec 2012, 13:58

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 8 Dec 2012, 12:36) *
Not Rafale, but Eurofighter.
Also can somebody identify the plane in the right side of the map at 00:20? I see RAF round emblem, but it looks too small to be A400M.

The cannon that needs deploying is Pandora, of course.
AA unit with beam weapon is the supposed unique Heavy AA (as it doesn't use missiles, nor conventional cannons) and reminds me of Disruptor Tanks from C&C Tiberian Sun, though much less armoured.

List of not-yet-released units:
6x6 APC or IFV
Special vehicle for repairing multiple buildings and possibly vehicles.
Claymore and Missile-based artillery for Willem and Wolfgang, also claymore defensive cannon.
Unnamed rapid firing artillery for Charles seen in the trailer
Hauptmann Jaeger
Secret infantry from the trailer, the one which is called in via general's promotion
Special heavy infantry for Wolfgang (powered armour)?
Harrier and Goshawk
Zeppelin (most likely comes with its building, which could open Tier 1 tech)

Possible additions for other factions. Whatever the team also has in mind.

Llist of units and buildings for ECA:
Region Command: excavator, radar helicopter
Field command: excavator, radar helicopter
Barracks: Felin, Panzerfaust, engineers, combat medics, grenadiers (Hauptmann Jaegar) -> kennel: Attack dog= scout unit
Logistics center: Supply truck
Vehicle Depot: Leopard tank, Mole Minelayer, Flakpanzer, Lynx APC (Jagdmammuth, 6x6 APC or IFV, "Disruptor Tank").
Solar Reactor
R&D Compound: Manticore (Venom, Pandora)
Telecom Relay -> Telecom Tower
Orbital Relay
Unknown Tier 1 structure with zeppelin

Defenses: Guard Tower, tank traps, mortar pit, fortifications, gun turret.
Level 1: unknown
Level 3:
Special infantry call-in, 3 levels
Ammo dump
Repairs: call-in 3 levels
bull-dog turret call-in 3 levels
Eurofighter CAS call-in 3 levels
Level 5:
AeroVulcan call-in

Some things I saw watching the video over and over again (jap, I am crazy screwyou.gif xD):

I guess the 6x6 APC/IFV is the "reincarnation" of the Rise of Europe Pandur.. I do not know where to finde the conceptart I saw some time ago (I think it was their former ModDB homepage)
When you watch the vid at 0:10 you will see someone fireing kind of "Panzerfaust" RPG's that were fired from this 6x6 IFV.. It seems to have a 4 tube rocket launcher.
Then you can see the same vehicle with a autocannon between the 2 ECA heavy AA coming in trough the lower right side of the screen..
When you watch the video at 0:30, right after the Pandora artillery fired, there are also this kind of APC's togehter with Leopards. One of this APC's, which is in the middel of the other ECA vehicles, have a "repairing aura" around it..

So I highly believe this vehicle will be a multiporpose 6x6 armored vehicle that uses "combat bike logic" (or more precisely "Behavior = RiderChangeContain" module) to work like the IFV of the Allies in RA 2.
It has a lot to commend it to work like this:
1. The devs love to put things from RA and other CnC games in their mod, but with slightly different visuals
2. It fires the same RPG as the Panzerfause soldier does
=> imagine this:
- Put a Felin soldier into it: Gets an autocannon
- Panzerfaust soldier: AT vehicle with RPG's
- Engineer: Repairs stuff (most likely vehicles, but maybe also buildings)
The next things are assumptions, could not find any evidence of them in the vid:
- Medic: gets a light mg and heals infantry
- I do not know what happens if you put a Felin equipped with the Starstrak AA missile into it.
Combat bike logic works like this: The "weaponset" (set of max. 3 weapons your unit has), "locomotor" (thats the engine of a unit) and the "commandset" (this is where the buttons like "Stop" or "Guard" etc. are) will change, depending of the type of infantry that enters the vehicle. No information about the weapon of the infantry it currently uses will pass to the vehicle, so I guess no Starstreak AA missile. But the ROTR dev team uses the Combat bike logic already in the Missiledefender and the Shocktrooper (I think to give them thier animation [remember, the MD had iirc no animation until 1.72] pretty complicated and I want to kneel down infront of them) and i am pretty sure they will do the same thing with the Felin. But this indeed very cool trick will not change the Felin to another unit so the information passed to the combat bike logic of the new 6x6 IFV will not change from the weapon the Felin is using, at least as far as i know..
But what I know is that the ZH's engine is indeed limited, but never underestimate the creativity of the ROTR dev team!!
- I guess we will not see the grenadier in this IFV as they said that it will not be garisonable.. if you make a unit unable to enter a building, they are also unable to go in any kind of vehicle.. sad.gif
(@devs: off topic but is this right that "KindOf = NO_GARRISON" prevents the unit from not only entering structures but also from entering vehicles??I am mot sure if you can transport the Nukeneer [atm do not have a ZH CD, so I cant test it])
- looking forward to see the still unknown Generlas Ability Infantry inside this vehicle smile.gif
3. It has no mannable mg ontop => I am quite sure that this would not work with "Behavior = RiderChangeContain" module
4. Also a transport of further infantry would not work, but ECA already has the Lynx for that purpose..

Second thing I noticed at 0:30
You can also see a 4x4 vehicle that clearly reassembles the RL Fennek scout vehicle, but I have no idea what it will do. We already have the attack dog, the radar helicopter and the still unnamed looks-like-a-GDI-sensor-array thing Comr4de showed us in a vid some times ago.. I guess the fennek will not be a scout unit.

Some thoughts about the upcommig update IF it is the second part of the invasion of England: We might see the Howitzer defence structure, the Skyshield AA defence (cause of the airborne troops transpoted with the Il-76 aircraft) and the heavy AA unit...

Posted by: MR.Kim 8 Dec 2012, 17:27

If I correct me, Venom, Goshawk(, and Claymore( are not in trailer. These are up coming next update or next version.

Posted by: Planardweller 8 Dec 2012, 22:17

QUOTE (Col._Sandfurz @ 8 Dec 2012, 14:58) *
Some things I saw watching the video over and over again (jap, I am crazy screwyou.gif xD):

I guess the 6x6 APC/IFV is the "reincarnation" of the Rise of Europe Pandur.. I do not know where to finde the conceptart I saw some time ago (I think it was their former ModDB homepage)
When you watch the vid at 0:10 you will see someone fireing kind of "Panzerfaust" RPG's that were fired from this 6x6 IFV.. It seems to have a 4 tube rocket launcher.
Then you can see the same vehicle with a autocannon between the 2 ECA heavy AA coming in trough the lower right side of the screen..
When you watch the video at 0:30, right after the Pandora artillery fired, there are also this kind of APC's togehter with Leopards. One of this APC's, which is in the middel of the other ECA vehicles, have a "repairing aura" around it..

Second thing I noticed at 0:30
You can also see a 4x4 vehicle that clearly reassembles the RL Fennek scout vehicle, but I have no idea what it will do. We already have the attack dog, the radar helicopter and the still unnamed looks-like-a-GDI-sensor-array thing Comr4de showed us in a vid some times ago.. I guess the fennek will not be a scout unit.

Some thoughts about the upcommig update IF it is the second part of the invasion of England: We might see the Howitzer defence structure, the Skyshield AA defence (cause of the airborne troops transpoted with the Il-76 aircraft) and the heavy AA unit...

I knew i forgot about something - turns out about air defenses - the Skyshield/Goalkeeper.

I agree about the IFV and the mobile sensor array - that would a cool reincarnation of iconic designs and within an appropriate faction - ECA overall has the theme of new freshly designed high-tech (whatever they say about USA basic design themes, times have changed and some things need to change) units and it suits the faction and the game well. Also, the IFV could come with starstreak missiles or possibly another similar kind of missiles, but more versatile - LAHAT or really whatever they decide.

Mostly i wrote my previous post to remind people that there is still a lot what the devs told or shown us and how much work and time and efforts are put to add just one faction.
And how glorious it comes to be. My greatest thanks to the team!

Posted by: Kirasama 8 Dec 2012, 22:47

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 8 Dec 2012, 12:36) *
List of not-yet-released units:

but they were reveled years (thats literal) ago, and i dont think they have changed a lot compared to the leopard or tiger to guaranted a update for them

Posted by: Generalcamo 9 Dec 2012, 2:59

To stop these constant complaints, I would stick some of the old renders on an update...

Posted by: Diamondcutter 9 Dec 2012, 3:18

QUOTE (Planardweller @ 8 Dec 2012, 4:36) *
Also can somebody identify the plane in the right side of the map at 00:20? I see RAF round emblem, but it looks too small to be A400M.

That's a Harrier.

QUOTE (Col._Sandfurz @ 8 Dec 2012, 5:58) *
Rise of Europe Pandur. Google is your friend tongue.gif

QUOTE (Col._Sandfurz @ 8 Dec 2012, 5:58) *
So I highly believe this vehicle will be a multiporpose 6x6 armored vehicle that uses "combat bike logic"

Not surprised, they've done it in Shockwave for the American Exo-armors

QUOTE (Col._Sandfurz @ 8 Dec 2012, 5:58) *
Second thing I noticed at 0:30
You can also see a 4x4 vehicle that clearly reassembles the RL Fennek scout vehicle, but I have no idea what it will do. We already have the attack dog, the radar helicopter and the still unnamed looks-like-a-GDI-sensor-array thing Comr4de showed us in a vid some times ago.. I guess the fennek will not be a scout unit.

It's 0:40. That Fennek like vehicle was talked about before, I think it's ECA's Hummer equivalent, but I'm not sure.


Also, I just remembered seeing Comrade's youtube video of him making that Radar unit, so that's that.

Edit: It would be cool to see some CnC Europe's elements in this mod. I mean, so far Lotus is the only female super unit in the game, CnC Europe at least balanced the gender issue a bit by putting in Agent Sterling instead of a guy. Just a thought, not that I have anything against a good gangb--g.

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