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Full fanfaction list: South American Pact and their Generals, Thanks to all who gave advice and opinions to me C:
Die Hindenburg
post 5 Jan 2017, 18:27
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South American Pact
Faction color: The player color is Brown, vehicle camo color is light orange/dark grey in tigerstripe style, each vehicle has a different stripe pattern. Symmetical designs.
Gameplay: Aggressive, small unit fast strikes, mobile defences, counter guerilla tactics, gains buffs for capturing enemies and detecting/cloaked stealthed units
Tier mechanic: Tiers are raised by upgrading the HQ which increases also the defence capablebilities of the HQ, adding garrison, some defence turrets and self-repair
Construction: Buildings are constructed by single use Enegese trucks, defences with forklifts, which are also single use. The required building costs as normal minus the vehicle cost.
Power Mechanic- Most building require as usual energy. Only the HQ produces 8, 25 and 40 power. The energy using buildings must be upgraded to just cover their own supply.
Radar: Acessed by a stealth infantry, so its difficult to remove radar of the SAP, as it does not need energy to be active. Detection is done by two seperate unit types.
SW: Listed below, the SAP super weapon can is more of an upgrade then a seperate building, meaning any of the players structures could be the one having the SW, long recharge.
Upgrades: Some are tied to the HQ, but research times are shorter, some others are tied to other buildings.

Constructs Engese trucks and forklifts. Provides power. Upgrades: High Command Tier-1 HQ/Strategic Command Tier-2 HQ which increase power produced, enable garrisons, produce trucks and forklifts slightly faster, adds defences. Cannot get SW upgrade

Same as others, just without hospital

Vehicle Facility
Builds vehicles, cannot repair vehicles though, builds lighter vehicles faster, but heavier slower. -2 power

Suppy Storage
Constructs Jaraca collectors, armed with dual 5,56mm MG, puny vs almost everything. Can survive a lot of bullet damage but easily destroyed by tank weapons. -2

Aermada Control
Calls in, rather then build, aircraft that are summoned by a general power-like ability, this ability can be upgraded by ranking up. -2

Field Arsenal
Researches T1 upgrades. When upgraded, a supply vehicle periodically delivers secondary eco, 255§ per delivery tick. -2

Military Hospital/Garage
Rapidly heals and repairs units in radius and by entering. Unlocks the repair power common to all factions. -4

Technology Centre
Resarches and unlocks T2 upgrades. Gets new abilities when upgraded with so called TD tier upgrades. -8

Proving Grounds
Constructs "T4" units. Requires power, all "T4" also require power, limiting their numbers considerably. -10 Unlocked by getting atleast one TD Upgrade and unlock trough rank 3

Breda Antiair Gun
A Breda 40mm flak, with anti-air radar, anitair only, -2

Recoilless Rifle Mount
A 84mm HV/KE antitank weapon, with designator, targets only tanks -2

Heavy Machinegun Placement
This heavy .50 MG that also has a searchlight to paint targets (designator on recoilless rifle and Breda's AA radar do the same to their target types) AP only -2

Gives a scout ability, early game defence, armed with a 7,62mm MG, the ability reveals shroud, launches a flare with a mortar. -2

Most infantry can climb cliffs, and some can swim, though cannot fire in these situations. They are medium in speed, firepower and armour, but low on firerate, range and area of effect.

Standard infantry, armed with IMBEL assault carbine. Captures buildings. Fires in four shot bursts. Can climb but not swim.

Has a 12,7mm Mekanika HMG, fires slow unless deplyoed, can fire on antiair, vehicles and infantry, low efficiency vs tanks, cannot climb nor swim, and is slower, but higher ranged

Rocket Infantry
Carries a dual barrelled Alcotan rocket launcher, fires in two shot bursts, most best vs tanks and defences, low area of effect, cannot clim nor swim, fire faster then most AT infantry, no aa.

Urban Infantry
Slings around a Peregino .50 AM-Rifle with HEIAP rounds, clears garrisons, and stuns vehicles, but long lockon before firing. Low range for a sniper. Rarely hits open infantry. Unscopped, can climb, not swim.

Supressed S.A.F.200, stealthed when not moving. provides radar. Pitiful damage, but great for recon and scout, can climb and swim, no detection, low range, but high moving speed.

Jumpjet infanty
Downgraded but very fast hovering, armed with two FMK-L submachineguns .45, Ignored by heavy AA, can fire at other airborne infantry. Very fast acceleration but lower full speed.

Warhunter: Alejandro (Stun rounds) stuns infantry and captures infantry, which provides global but short timed buffs. Very fast, and stealth when moving only, can also climb.

Maya: Colombian communist guerilla of indegen descent, with two decades of warfare fought, became the leader of an own group of Che Guervara like freedom fighters. Genunine and gentle, espically towards her companiions, brave and hardstanding against her enemies. SAP's Hero/Commando.
Armed with two colombian made but modified Saturn double barreled machinepistols, an Armbrust SWAT (Suppressed RPG, target ability that does high to deadly AT damage to most vehicles) and is stealthed like other commandos, as well as repair kits, medical first aids and a radio to call in reinforcements, her own compainions, the Guers.

Guer: Compainions of Maya, armed with AK-series rifles, RPG-series launchers and Igla launchers. Only one group can be active per time, composed of 10 or 14 guys and gals.

All vehicles have a long cooldown, self repair ability, that repairs 25%

Gaucho CAR (Based on the Gaucho military vehicle)
4x4 with two 40mm HE launchers, weak against medium vehicles, tanks & structures, but well vs infantry, light vehicles and defences. Can construct Nostromo UAVs for a cost, these can be controlled and detect stealth

Orca Halftrack (Based on BMS-1 Alacran)
Manned turret with dual .50 HMG and can transports 6 infantry as well as able to deploy Sentry gun turrets (AP, AT and AA turrets as well as AG mines)

Cascaval Tank Destroyer (A double barreled EE-9 Cascavel with 8 tires)
Twin 90mm autocannons, fires in 4 shot bursts, can fire a barrage shot, a target ability. Fastest tank, good armour but really weak vs anything not vehicles.

Meroka AA-Vehicle (a meroka mounted SIDAM-25 turret on a Guarani APC)
With a meroka turret, that holds eight barrels (each 14,5mm HE) with a anti-air radar, can fire on the move the most effective but lower damage overall

Bogward (Looks like a UR-77 with large RPG grenades, with multiple launch barrels, with wheels mixed with Tamoyo tank chassis)
Launches large RPG like warheads, shorter range but still outranges most defences, can be intercepted but not jammed or fooled. Can fire a burst of 360* degree of warheads on ground.

Darter (Draco SPAAG turret on a Centauro 120 chassis, ten wheels to differate it more)
It is the only heavy AA that can attack both ground and air, with a button switch. 76mm antiair darts that can pierce most targets.

Tiuna LAV (Venezuelan Tiuana with some soldiers, camo-net)
Outfitted with 2 recoilless rifles with 84mm shells, 4 seats in a container, can climb. Camofluages itself manually.

Single use construction, select a defence, it builds into it.

Single use construction, for production buildings

Llama ARV (armoured recovery vehicle with crane, mineplow)
Clears mines, and repairs structures

Armed collector, heavy armour, lower load and speed, weak weapon

Osorio MBT
Main battle tank, armed with dual 105mm AT guns, grenade cup launcher ability (HE grenade shells, works like smoke grenades but do damage instead), fast turret turning rate

Sucuru Howitzer (A EE-17 that ferries a trailer, with two 155mm artillery guns, both face in opposite directions when undeployed, when deployed they rest on two indepented rotating mounts)
Heavily artillery, its two turrets can indepently attack two different targets, but needs to be deployed, can fire longer ranged parashells. High damage but long minimum range as well.

Ultrasonic Tank (A mix of LRAD and ADS, on a truck chassis, looks like a prototype)
The Accoutist Denial System affects nearby and targeted enemies, and slowly damages infantry/vehicles. Can be deployed to increase range, unaffected by other sonic type weapons and EMP.

Inca Riot Vehicle (Mix of colombian Tagueta and Cashuat of El Salvador type of vehicles)
Fires CS grenades from independent two launchers or two waterguns, debuffs and damages infantry. can deploy smaller sentry guns.

Dropped by a rank 3 reeinforcement GP, armed with dual 60mm mortar, small vehicle, can be carried by helicopters

Aircraft are not constructed, but instead called in by an ability that is soon avaible as a aircraft control is build

Mangusta Ohrnithopter (A-129 Mangusta with wings)
Twin 20mm autocannon and two gunpods with two .50 HMG pods, can do a evasive roll.

Tucan Ohrnithopter (EMB-317 with wings again and a gun pod)
Swivel mounted 20mm autocannons, high explosive shells, anti structure and defences, large spread, flies like a spectre gunship

Caesar Support (AW101 Merlin but much larger with rotorless tails)
Accoustic anti-aircraft defence, wave and beam modes are silmutanly, can deploy air sentry guns

Eagle (based on the Little Eagle from Argentina, with fenestrom rotors)
Dual side mounted 57mm flack cannons, slightly explosive, air superiority aircraft

Unlike EP units of ECA, they are neither limited or can thet build in large numbers instead they requrie energy like US drones

Project AZTEC (each type requires -1 power)
Stealthed Infantry with caseless grenade launchers, can climb but not swim with light armour but self heal
Combat Diver, carry automatic harpoons and remote controlled or timed explosive charges, can swim

The others are general specific. No direct unlock required but atleast one TD type LV3 unlock is required

General Powers
Rank 1
Limpet Sensor L1
Detector, large sight but not invisible, can manually set to stealth but deactivates detector and decreases sight

Camonetting L1
Works like Propaganda Spotlight, but stealths the selected unit instead for a short time, like HK drone.

Mobile Defences L1
Unlocks sentry gun variants, increases defence armour by 10%

Supply Kits L1
Upgrades Emergency Repair into Repair Kit, increases effect by 50%
Unlocks instantly avaible Supply Crate GP (This GP spawns a single large AOE repair/heal crate with short buff)

Rank 3

Aermada AMX Strike L4 (L4 is avaible on Rank 5) works like GLA overwatch
1. One AMX fires at light targets with two 23mm gunpods
2. Same AMX now also fires at aircraft with twin 27mm guns
3. Again the AMX but now additionaly with 2x 12,7mm HMG swivel mounted, essentially PDL MGs that automatically fire at infantry
4. Lastly it gets two 40mm launchers for large splash damage (requries upgrade from Technology Centre)
Level 3 adds an additional charge, so the AMX attacks two times

Advanced Aermada Aquisition Access (upgrades the Aircontrol's Air Acess power)
In addition to the starting 1x Tucan and 1x Mangusta, the playerr now two of these, and also gets 1x Caesar and 1x Eagle

Technology Demonstrators: Energy
Grants access to military applications of clean energy, including biogas for improved engines and hybrid generators

Technology Demonstrators; Robotics
Gives blueprints from national institutes for more offensive drones, robotic support systems, digital software and information technology

Technology Demonstrators: Weapons
Allows use to still in testing phase armed prototypes from hydro-powered rotary weapons, to ICE-9 compound to high frequency sonic emitters and finally a solar powered energy weapon.

Technology Demonstrators: Biotech
Localized and controlled tests for newest advancements of medicine showing effectiveness of fast acting painkillers and direct, if temporally limited genetical improvements

Exercite Insertion
An elite group of paraglider troopers, while similar to standard SAP infantry they are more hardened and faster and longer ranged, and are already heroic

Rank 5

An Condor Airship vacchines a cloud with a blend that casuses an area wide acidic rain and thunderbolts strikes, though weaker than natural ones, still stun and debuff enemies, large area of effect

Project COLOSS
The player can build the COLOSS an superheavy tank (quad 120mm guns, antiair grenade cups, can crush tanks, cluster munitions) requires -10 power

Biogas propelled cruise missile, accelerates with four seperate rocket engines, "made of pykrete" does next to none area of effect, but massive damage to the target it hits, but can be shot down


Embraer KC-390
Drops money crates and drops Cascaval armoured fighting vehicles

CASA Aviocar C-212
Made of wood, radar invisible, drops Maya's veteraned compainions

An-255 Comet Bomber
Another, this time the largest Orhnithopter in ROTR's settting, flies too fast and too high thanks to its advanced avionics to be hit by antiair weapons, drops a 25ton bomb that creates a local "vulcan" like crater for a short time, the large moving ground like a tsunami but with dirt, earth, rock and sand, destroys nearly all in its wake.

Xavier Boliviar, 40, male, Brazil, Combined Arms
Trains basic infantry at pairs and at lower cost
Unique Infantry are heavy weapons crew (two guys with variable weapon when deployed (cannot be undone) Zamoran pistols and Ameli MGs/ LAG MX grenade launcher and Mistral SAM when deployed
Heavier artillery like a AMOS guarani with Strix Shells and HESH shells, gunships for example the Nautl attack helicopter with the largest ATGM of any aircraft modified from exocet missiles
Project ZYPHER (Fast armed hovercraft with two fuel air missile launcher battery ,can reach cliffs and ambhibioud, close/longrange modes, can attack any target ouside of enemy targets
And more, like indiviual first aid for each infantry type, para-chuted mortar shell general powers as well a more powerful field generators

Xipil, unknown, N/A, unknown, Guerilla Operations
Spread glourious revolution, comrade! Maya and her own trained freedom fighters take the war!
More variants of Guers replace standard infantry, they cost less and have new tricks at sleeve
Several russian and chinese as well as indian hardware modified to fit this general
New tactics to punish your capitalist enemy and hide from him even better
Project El Che, an modified, stealthed starlifter that was captured from the piggy US and imrpoved by our engeerning and our allie's weapons! All aircraft come with fresh sharkpaints (:

Soona' "Valkyrie", unknown, female, Argentine-Indegen, Conceptual Technologies
Secure energy and economic advantages like green powerplants,
agrar autoplants that reduce with each building the costs of infantry by 2% percent
and increase efforts into directed energy weapons and new weather control
And the newest SAP VTOL fighter with supercruise abilties thanks to its multiengines and lightweight build
Project ANDEAN (Aliens APC, front gunturret has two 40mm GMG, main turret is dual 40mm flak, attack drones, robotic/unpiloted, EM/NBCR proof, transport, self-repair, decoys launcher, does not set off mines)

This post has been edited by Die Hindenburg: 5 Jan 2017, 18:29
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Die Hindenburg
post 5 Jan 2017, 19:04
Post #2

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Upgrades (:
Sensor Array: Com-Stations and Mangustas can periodically detect stealth per ability

Cage Armour: Decreases explosive weapon damage, like rockets, artillery and grenades for vehicles and defences

Field Generator: Covers the energy useage of the selected building

Veteran Lessons: Higher XP levels for units pay more off

Lock-On Disruptors: Enemy missile and heavy AA require longer lockon on aircraft and vehicles

Battle HQ/Strategic HQ: Tier and HQ upgrade

Soldato Futura: Flat stat increase, affects all infantry, stat increasement depends on stat itself, not unit type

Enhanced Reload: Decreases reload between salvos, for vehicles only

Earthquake Warheads: After impact, a short small quake inflicts secondary damage, all cannons are affected

Logistic Delivery: A truck drops periodically 255§ per delivery time.

Install ARCS: This building becomes the superweapon of the SAP

Urban Warfare: Increases Infantry damage vs civilian buildings and when garrisoned in HQ or buildings

Armed Recovery Vehicle: Llama ARV gets more armour, a twin minigun and transport abilities. Individual upgrade

Rotary Cannons: Requries TD:W unlock, gives tanks and other cannon armed units like Mangusta and Cascavel to spinup like gattling tanks, retains previous initial ROF

Solaris Turret: Requires TD:E unlock, armes individual Caesar with solar based DEW, replaces accoustic weapon but has larger damage and fires more intense beam

ICE Compound: Same as Solaris Turret but for Tucano and Bogward, Tucano replaces main weapon with ICE-9 sprayer, Bogward warhead gains short timed ICE-9 warheads

Armed drones: Needs TD:R Arms the Nostromo UAV with dual missiles, and enables Caraca escort drones as upgrade for aircraft, these intercept missiles with limited charges

Painkillers: Infantry will suffer much less penality at red health.Prerequisite is TD:B

Combat Stims: Increases armour and hitpoints of Infantry

This post has been edited by Die Hindenburg: 5 Jan 2017, 19:05
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post 5 Jan 2017, 19:26
Post #3

The Forums American Hotshot Flyboy
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I've been following your stuff for awhile, Im glad to see you finished your SAP faction smile.gif

It looks good and Im genuinely suprised that we actually have some simmular or overlaping concepts.Maybe thats because we both took Crushers and Shockfans notes into account, Its like being a F-86 Pilot seeing Mig-15's in korea lol.

This post has been edited by (USA)Bruce: 5 Jan 2017, 19:48

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Die Hindenburg
post 5 Jan 2017, 20:33
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QUOTE ((USA)Bruce @ 5 Jan 2017, 19:26) *
I've been following your stuff for awhile, Im glad to see you finished your SAP faction smile.gif

It looks good and Im genuinely suprised that we actually have some simmular or overlaping concepts.Maybe thats because we both took Crushers and Shockfans notes into account, Its like being a F-86 Pilot seeing Mig-15's in korea lol.

Thanks! happy.gif i worked weeks on this list! and yes your list is also good!
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post 6 Jan 2017, 1:01
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Good work. Being sincere, some ideas are strange, but can be my mid, set on the lore´s details. And others are news an originals. I also offer my help I'm not good with programming, but I have a couple of ideas or to tell a story (so long as someone can check my grammar in English).

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Die Hindenburg
post 6 Jan 2017, 8:11
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QUOTE (Shockfan42 @ 6 Jan 2017, 1:01) *
Good work. Being sincere, some ideas are strange, but can be my mid, set on the lore´s details. And others are news an originals. I also offer my help I'm not good with programming, but I have a couple of ideas or to tell a story (so long as someone can check my grammar in English).

Yes tell me your ideas! smile.gif
I made the SAP being kinda a green and ecological blend of both Russia, GLA and ECA mechanically.
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Die Hindenburg
post 9 Jan 2017, 13:00
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Off course i can retcon things out if they too unfitting.
I will do rewrites and changes.
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