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SWR Productions Forum _ Generals/Zerohour Modding _ On the nature of PRE_ATTACK

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 21 May 2018, 11:50

QUOTE (The_Hunter @ 21 May 2018, 2:08) *
If you're going to start posting code snippets and claim its broken make sure you understand what you're actually talking about.

more is better in case of these % values and they stack with other types.

I'm just going to focus on the claim that more is better in the case of PRE_ATTACK, which is simply not true. You can test this very simply by going into Weapons.ini and changing the code to the following snippets.

Weapon USAPathfinderSniperRifle
  PrimaryDamage = 100.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
  AttackRange = 250.0
  DamageType = SNIPER
  DeathType = NORMAL
  WeaponSpeed = 999999.0  ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  FireFX = WeaponFX_GenericMachineGunFire
  VeterancyFireFX = HEROIC WeaponFX_GenericMachineGunFireWithRedTracers
  FireOCL = OCL_RevealUnitDummy
  FireSound = PathfinderWeapon
  DelayBetweenShots = 1000             ; time between shots, msec
  PreAttackDelay = 1000
  PreAttackType = PER_SHOT
  ShowsAmmoPips = Yes
  ShockWaveAmount    = 40.0; represents the shockwave amount. The larger the amount, the greater and more dramatic the shockwave effect    
  ShockWaveRadius    = 0.01; should be no more than the primary/secondary damage radius, whichever is larger.
  ShockWaveTaperOff  = 0.3 ; 0.3 means at the shockwave edge, the shockwave amount is 30%.
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125%;This makes sure that infantry inside containers get their garrison bonuses if turned on by the container.
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE RANGE  133%;This makes sure that infantry inside containers get their garrison bonuses if turned on by the container.
  WeaponBonus = VETERAN PRE_ATTACK 10%

Weapon USAPathfinderSilencedSniperRifle
  PrimaryDamage = 15.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
  AttackRange = 250.0
  DamageType = SNIPER
  DeathType = NORMAL
  WeaponSpeed = 999999.0  ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  FireFX = WeaponFX_GenericMachineGunFire
  VeterancyFireFX = HEROIC WeaponFX_GenericMachineGunFireWithRedTracers
  FireSound = PathfinderSilencedWeapon
  DelayBetweenShots = 1000             ; time between shots, msec
  PreAttackDelay = 1000
  PreAttackType = PER_SHOT
  ShowsAmmoPips = Yes
  ShockWaveAmount    = 10.0; represents the shockwave amount. The larger the amount, the greater and more dramatic the shockwave effect    
  ShockWaveRadius    = 0.01; should be no more than the primary/secondary damage radius, whichever is larger.
  ShockWaveTaperOff  = 0.3 ; 0.3 means at the shockwave edge, the shockwave amount is 30%.
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125%;This makes sure that infantry inside containers get their garrison bonuses if turned on by the container.
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE RANGE  133%;This makes sure that infantry inside containers get their garrison bonuses if turned on by the container.
  WeaponBonus = VETERAN PRE_ATTACK 230%

Following this, try building 2 Veteran Pathfinders (simple enough at rank 2 with the Veteran Specialists Upgrade). Set one to Silenced, and one to normal, and have them both shoot at the same time.

The Non-silenced one (Which has PRE_ATTACK 10%) will shoot markedly faster than the silenced one (Which has PRE_ATTACK 230%)(around 3 times as fast as it in fact). I'd submit a recording of this test as proof, but I don't know how to record Generals (since OBS studio doesn't seem to work, and that's what I normally use when I need to make a quick screencap vid.)

Posted by: The_Hunter 22 May 2018, 6:51

I'v done some test and you're indeed correct about this one wacko.gif

It's weird however because for every single other weapon bonus value more is better.

Posted by: Serialkillerwhale 23 May 2018, 0:16

I know right? It confused the utter fuck out of me when I was screwing around with it to give Rangers a 30-round magazine and 3-shot bursts at the same time (TLDR: I used Continous fire to raise pre attack after 30 shots)

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