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Importing EuropeCombatMedic from ROTR to SW, missing dying animation
post 11 Aug 2019, 7:24
Post #1

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Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 23 July 2019
Member No.: 20297

Hi everyone!
I´m working on a personal mod adopting Europe as a new side for SW.

i implemented the EuropeCombatMedic from ROTR to SW, deleted the WeaponC and made him autoheal.

Problem is the dying animation if its shot. The W3D just disapears

Dying by other means (explosion, fire, crush) works fine.

Can someone please point out the fault i made?
Object EuropeMedic

; *** ART Parameters ***
  SelectPortrait         = SEMedic_L
  ButtonImage            = SEMedic
;UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_EuropeCeramicArmor

  Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_01
    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes

      Model = EIMedic_SKN
      IdleAnimation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_STA 0 10
      IdleAnimation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_IDA
      IdleAnimation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_IDB
      AnimationMode = ONCE
      HideSubObject = EXO
      WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY Bone_SatCom
      TransitionKey = TRANS_STAND

    ConditionState = MOVING
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_RNA 14
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      Flags = RANDOMSTART
      TransitionKey = None
      ParticleSysBone   = None InfantryDustTrails
    AliasConditionState = MOVING UNPACKING
    AliasConditionState = MOVING PREATTACK_A
    AliasConditionState = MOVING USING_WEAPON_A
    AliasConditionState = MOVING RELOADING_A

   ;Machine Pistol Attack
    ConditionState = PREATTACK_A
      Model = EIMedic_SKN_B
      Animation = UIMOB01_SKL.UIMOB01_ATA1_ST; start firing
      AnimationMode = ONCE
      TransitionKey = TRANS_PREATTACK_A

    ConditionState = USING_WEAPON_A
      Model = EIMedic_SKN_B
      Animation = UIMOB01_SKL.UIMOB01_ATA1_LP; looping firing
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      TransitionKey = TRANS_FIRING_A
      AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 2.0 4.0
      WeaponFireFXBone  = PRIMARY Muzzle
      Model = EIMedic_SKN_B
      Animation = UIMOB01_SKL.UIMOB01_ATA1_ED; end firing
      AnimationMode = ONCE

    ConditionState  = RELOADING_A
      Model = EIMedic_SKN_B
      Animation = UIMOB01_SKL.UIMOB01_STA
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      TransitionKey = TRANS_RELOADING_A
    AliasConditionState = USING_WEAPON_A RELOADING_A

   ;Recover Wounded infantry
   ;ConditionState  = PREATTACK_C
     ;Animation     = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ATA1
     ;AnimationMode = ONCE
   ;ConditionState  = USING_WEAPON_C
     ;Animation     = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ATA2
     ;AnimationMode = LOOP
     ;TransitionKey = TRANS_FIRING_C

   ;TransitionState = TRANS_FIRING_C TRANS_STAND
     ;Animation     = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ATA3
     ;AnimationMode = ONCE
   ;Misc Animations

    ConditionState = FREEFALL
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_PFL
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      TransitionKey = TRANS_Falling
    AliasConditionState = FREEFALL DYING

    ConditionState = PARACHUTING
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_PHG
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      Flags = PRISTINE_BONE_POS_IN_FINAL_FRAME ; our bone positions should come from the last frame, rather than the first
      TransitionKey = TRANS_Chute
    AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING DYING

    ConditionState = DYING
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_DTA
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_DTB
      AnimationMode = ONCE
      TransitionKey = TRANS_Dying

    TransitionState = TRANS_Dying TRANS_Flailing
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ADTG1
      AnimationMode = ONCE

      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ADTG2
      AnimationMode = LOOP
      TransitionKey = TRANS_Flailing

      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_ADTG3
      AnimationMode = ONCE
      TransitionKey = None

    ConditionState = SPECIAL_CHEERING
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_CHA
      AnimationMode = LOOP

    TransitionState = TRANS_Falling TRANS_Chute
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_POP
      AnimationMode = ONCE
      Flags = PRISTINE_BONE_POS_IN_FINAL_FRAME ; our bone positions should come from the last frame, rather than the first

    TransitionState = TRANS_Chute TRANS_STAND
      Animation = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_PTD
      AnimationMode = ONCE


; ------------ Healing Ring -----------------
;Draw                   = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_HealAura01  

   ;ConditionState = NONE
     ;Model = EXMedicRcvr
     ;HideSubObject = CYLINDER01 Box01
     ;ParticleSysBone  = NONE CombatMedicHealingRadiusEffect

   ;ConditionState  = PREATTACK_C
     ;Model = EXMedicRcvr
     ;Animation = EXMedicRcvr.EXMedicRcvr
     ;AnimationMode = LOOP
     ;Flags = RANDOMSTART
     ;HideSubObject = CYLINDER01 Box01
     ;ParticleSysBone  = NONE CombatMedicHealingRadiusEffect
   ;AliasConditionState  = USING_WEAPON_C

   ;ConditionState = DYING
     ;Model = NONE
   ;AliasConditionState  = DYING EXPLODED_FLAILING
   ;AliasConditionState  = DYING EXPLODED_BOUNCING
   ;AliasConditionState = FREEFALL DYING
   ;AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING
   ;AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING DYING
; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName      = OBJECT:CombatMedic
  Side = Europe
  EditorSorting = INFANTRY
  TransportSlotCount = 1                ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable)

    Conditions        = NONE
    Weapon            = PRIMARY   MedicMachinePistolWeapon
    Weapon            = SECONDARY NONE
    AutoChooseSources = SECONDARY NONE
   ;Weapon            = TERTIARY  MedicMachineRecoverWoundedWeapon
   ;AutoChooseSources = TERTIARY  none

   ;Conditions        = PLAYER_UPGRADE
   ;Weapon            = PRIMARY   MedicMachinePistolUpgradedWeapon
   ;Weapon            = SECONDARY NONE
   ;AutoChooseSources = SECONDARY NONE
   ;Weapon            = TERTIARY  MedicMachineRecoverWoundedWeapon
   ;AutoChooseSources = TERTIARY  none
    Conditions      = None
    Armor           = HumanArmor
    DamageFX        = InfantryDamageFX
  VisionRange = 220
  ShroudClearingRange = 220
  BuildCost = 250
  BuildTime = 8.0         ;in seconds    
  ExperienceValue    = 40 40 60  80   ;Experience point value at each level
  ExperienceRequired = 0  50 100 200  ;Experience points needed to gain each level
  IsTrainable = Yes            ;Can gain experience

  CrushableLevel         = 0 ;What am I?:        0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
  CommandSet      = EuropeMedicCommandSet

; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
  VoiceSelect       = MedicVoiceSelect
  VoiceAttack       = MedicVoiceAttack
  VoiceFear         = MedicVoiceFear
  VoiceMove         = MedicVoiceMove
  VoiceGuard        = MedicVoiceMove

    VoiceCreate         = MedicVoiceCreate
    VoiceGarrison       = MedicVoiceMove
    VoiceEnter          = MedicVoiceMove
    VoiceGetHealed      = MedicVoiceMove

; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority = UNIT

  Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
    MaxHealth       = 120.0
    InitialHealth   = 120.0
;Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_Armor01
   ;TriggeredBy   = Upgrade_EuropeCeramicArmor
   ;AddMaxHealth  = 50.0
   ;ChangeType    = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO
  Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_0623;AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_04byChinaBlackLotus
    AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = No
  Locomotor = SET_NORMAL BasicHumanLocomotor
;Locomotor = SET_NORMAL_UPGRADED EuropeanInfantryExoSkeletonLocomotor

  Behavior = CommandButtonHuntUpdate ModuleTag_02232
  Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_06
    Mass = 5.0

  Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_08

  Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_22
    HealingAmount     = 8
    HealingDelay      = 400; msec
    Radius            = 75.0
    StartsActive      = Yes
    KindOf            = INFANTRY

;Behavior = BoneFXDamage ModuleTag_Healing01

;Behavior = BoneFXUpdate ModuleTag_Healing02
   ;PristineOCL1      = bone:NULL OnlyOnce:No 150 150 OCL:OCL_MericHealingAura
   ;DamagedOCL1       = bone:NULL OnlyOnce:No 150 150 OCL:OCL_MericHealingAura
   ;ReallyDamagedOCL1 = bone:NULL OnlyOnce:No 150 150 OCL:OCL_MericHealingAura
;Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_Healing03
   ;Weapon = MedicHealingDecalWeapon

;Venom exo skeleton upgrade modules
;Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_Venom01
   ;TriggeredBy    = Upgrade_EuropeVenom
   ;ShowSubObjects = EXO
   ;ConflictsWith  = Upgrade_EuropeManticore Upgrade_EuropePandora
;Behavior = LocomotorSetUpgrade ModuleTag_Venom02
   ;TriggeredBy   = Upgrade_EuropeVenom
   ;ConflictsWith = Upgrade_EuropeManticore Upgrade_EuropePandora

;Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade ModuleTag_Venom03
   ;TriggeredBy   = Upgrade_EuropeVenom
   ;ConflictsWith = Upgrade_EuropeManticore Upgrade_EuropePandora

; --- begin Death modules ---
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death01
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_WoundedMedic
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death02
    DeathTypes          = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieCrushed
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death03
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXPLODED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
    FlingForce          = 8
    FlingForceVariance  = 3
    FlingPitch          = 60
    FlingPitchVariance  = 10
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death04
    DeathTypes          = NONE +BURNED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicFireDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_FlamingInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death05
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicToxinDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death06; don't forget to give it a new, unique module tag
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_BETA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicToxinDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantryBeta;you'll have to create this OCL and make it use the blue guys instead of green ones
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death07
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_GAMMA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicTeslaDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_TeslaDeathInfantry
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_IfantryTeslaDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death08;new and shiney microwave death effect
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_2
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicFireDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_MicrowavedInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death09
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_3
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicToxinDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ViralInfantryDeath
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death045;Brutal kill with lots of blood and no death scream
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_4
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BrutalBloodyDeathBits
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_InfantryGoreExplosion
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_036;Gore death explosion
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_5
    ProbabilityModifier = 30
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BloodyGoreExplosion
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_InfantryGoreExplosion
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death0323
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_5
    ProbabilityModifier = 70
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BrutalBloodyDeathBits
    FlingForce          = 8
    FlingForceVariance  = 3
    FlingPitch          = 60
    FlingPitchVariance  = 10
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03241156;Radiation Melt
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_6
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_RadiationDeathInfantry
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieRadiation
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_MedicToxinDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_0323241156;Radiation Melt
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_7
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_NeutronRadiationDeathInfantry
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieRadiation
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_MedicToxinDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03231;Cryogenic Freeze death
    DeathTypes          = NONE +LASERED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieCryoFreeze
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_CrygenicDeathInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Surrender_Death
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_8
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicSurrender
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_MedicSurrendering
; --- end Death modules ---

  Behavior = PoisonedBehavior ModuleTag_11
    PoisonDamageInterval = 100 ; Every this many msec I will retake the poison damage dealt me...
    PoisonDuration = 3000      ; ... for this long after last hit by poison damage

  Geometry = CYLINDER
  GeometryMajorRadius = 10.0
  GeometryMinorRadius = 10.0
  GeometryHeight = 12.0
  GeometryIsSmall = Yes
  ShadowSizeX = 14;
  ShadowSizeY = 14;
  ShadowTexture = ShadowI_2;
  BuildCompletion = APPEARS_AT_RALLY_POINT

Object EuropeInfantryMedicSurrenderCrate

; *** ART Parameters ***
  Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_01

    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes

   ; --- Idle
      Model             = EIMedic_SKN
      Animation         = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_SUR
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      HideSubObject     = EXO
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_SURRENDERING
      WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFS
    ConditionState    = LOADED
      Animation         = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_SST
      AnimationMode     = LOOP
      WaitForStateToFinishIfPossible = TRANS_SURRENDERING
   ; --- dying anims
    ConditionState      = RUBBLE
      Animation         = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_DTA
      Animation         = NIHCKR_SKL.NIHCKR_DTB
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      TransitionKey     = None
      AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 2.0


  Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_SurrenderFlag01
      Model             = EXSurndr_B
      Animation         = EXSurndr_B.EXSurndr_B
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      HideSubObject     = FLAG
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_SURRENDERING
    ConditionState    = LOADED
      ShowSubObject     = FLAG
      WaitForStateToFinishIfPossible = TRANS_SURRENDERING
    ConditionState      = RUBBLE
      Animation         = NONE

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  Side            = Europe
  EditorSorting   = SYSTEM

    Conditions          = None
    Weapon              = SECONDARY SuicideUnresistableWeapon
    Conditions      = None
    Armor           = POWArmor
    DamageFX        = InfantryDamageFX

  ExperienceValue    =  0 0 0 0
  ExperienceRequired =  0 0 0 0
  IsTrainable     = Yes
  CrushableLevel  = 0 ;What am I?:        0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles

; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***  

  Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_03
    MaxHealth       = 100.0
    InitialHealth   = 10.0
  Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03232
  Behavior = OCLUpdate ModuleTag_ReviveTrigger01
    MinDelay     = 30000
    MaxDelay     = 33000
    OCL          = OCL_CreateRealFortress
  Behavior = UnitCrateCollide ModuleTag_02
    UnitCount = 1
    UnitName = AmericanCIAInteligenceObject
    RequiredKindOf = CAN_RAPPEL ;Rangers only
    HumanOnly = No
    BuildingPickup = No
    PickupScience = SCIENCE_CapturePrisoners;Requires the rangers to have this upgrade
    ForbidOwnerPlayer = Yes
    ExecuteFX = FX_PrisonerCratePickup
    ExecuteAnimation = PrisonerCaptured
    ExecuteAnimationTime   = 4.0   ; In seconds
    ExecuteAnimationZRise  = 15.0  ; Z world units per second to rise
    ExecuteAnimationFades  = Yes   ; Animation does/doesn't fade out    

;Venom exo skeleton upgrade modules
  Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_Venom01
    TriggeredBy    = Upgrade_EuropeVenom
    ShowSubObjects = EXO

  Behavior = TransportContain ModuleTag_Loaded01
    Slots                 = 1
    InitialPayload        = GenericFakeRider1_Default_Rank 1
    AllowInsideKindOf     = NO_COLLIDE
  Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_Crush01
; --- begin Death modules ---  
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Revive01
    DeathTypes          = NONE +SUICIDED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
  Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_Revive02
    DeathTypes = NONE +SUICIDED
    CreationList = OCL_SurrenderedMedicRevive
    TransferPreviousHealth = Yes
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death01
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_WoundedMedic
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death02
    DeathTypes          = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieCrushed
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death03
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXPLODED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
    FlingForce          = 8
    FlingForceVariance  = 3
    FlingPitch          = 60
    FlingPitchVariance  = 10
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death04
    DeathTypes          = NONE +BURNED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicFireDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_FlamingInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death05
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicToxinDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death06; don't forget to give it a new, unique module tag
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_BETA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicToxinDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantryBeta;you'll have to create this OCL and make it use the blue guys instead of green ones
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death07
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_GAMMA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicTeslaDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_TeslaDeathInfantry
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_IfantryTeslaDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death08;new and shiney microwave death effect
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_2
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicFireDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_MicrowavedInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death09
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_3
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicTeslaDie
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_IfantryTeslaDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_TeslaDeathInfantry
    Weapon              = INITIAL  ShockTrooperTeslaDeathZapWeapon
    Weapon              = MIDPOINT ShockTrooperTeslaDeathZapWeapon
    Weapon              = FINAL    ShockTrooperTeslaDeathZapWeapon
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death045;Brutal kill with lots of blood and no death scream
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_4
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BrutalBloodyDeathBits
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_InfantryGoreExplosion
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_036;Gore death explosion
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_5
    ProbabilityModifier = 30
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BloodyGoreExplosion
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_InfantryGoreExplosion
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death0323
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_5
    ProbabilityModifier = 70
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5    ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_MedicDie
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_BrutalBloodyDeathBits
    FlingForce          = 8
    FlingForceVariance  = 3
    FlingPitch          = 60
    FlingPitchVariance  = 10
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03241156;Radiation Melt
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_6
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_RadiationDeathInfantry
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieRadiation
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_MedicToxinDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_0323241156;Radiation Melt
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXTRA_7
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_NeutronRadiationDeathInfantry
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieRadiation
    FX                  = FINAL   FX_MedicToxinDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_03231;Cryogenic Freeze death
    DeathTypes          = NONE +LASERED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieCryoFreeze
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_CrygenicDeathInfantry
; --- end Death modules ---

  Geometry = BOX
  GeometryMajorRadius = 5.0
  GeometryMinorRadius = 5.0
  GeometryHeight = 7.0    
  GeometryIsSmall = Yes
  ShadowSizeX = 18;
  ShadowSizeY = 18;
  ShadowTexture = EXPowDcl;

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post 13 Aug 2019, 9:12
Post #2

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Topic can be closed / deleted.

I solved the problem!
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post 15 Aug 2019, 1:30
Post #3

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Uniqueness is Overrated

Perhaps you can share a little bit about what the problem was and how you fixed it, for the sake of reference?

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post 24 Aug 2019, 15:27
Post #4

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QUOTE (Zeke @ 15 Aug 2019, 2:30) *
Perhaps you can share a little bit about what the problem was and how you fixed it, for the sake of reference?

Ohh, sure i can...

Basically it were these lines:

Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death01
DestructionDelay = 0
OCL = INITIAL OCL_WoundedMedic

SinkDelay and SinkRate was missing and the DestructionDelay was 0. i altered it to:

Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death01
SinkDelay = 3000
SinkRate = 0.5 ; in Dist/Sec
DestructionDelay = 8000
OCL = INITIAL OCL_WoundedMedic

As far as i understand is that because of the "Recover" option of European troopers in ROTR so their "death" is in a seperate .ini called EuropeWoundedObjects.

I have to alter that in all European Infantry .inis that i want to transfer.

hope that helps for reference!

This post has been edited by Biopreparat: 24 Aug 2019, 15:27
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