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Annihilation, a claymore fanfic
post 1 Nov 2012, 0:20
Post #1

Hardly Diplomatic
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Annihilation FAQ (frequently updated)

1)What are Claymores?

Claymores are women handpicked by the Organization at their childhoods. Their bodies are infused with demons, giving them super human strength and agility. The body fusion process is described as being very painful though much of it is left to the reader’s imagination. This ‘gift’ is unique to each Claymore as all of them are different in both power and abilities.

They are trained since childhood in how to use a sword and on how to hunt demons. The lower ranked warriors are given basic training while the high ranked warriors are given training that specialize them according to what their natural gifts are. They are also taught the Organization’s rules and to obey them above all else.

The Claymore ranking system is very simple. Each rank is a number, from one to forty seven. The number one ranked warrior would be deemed the strongest by the organization, while number forty seven would be deemed the weakest. Even the weakest Claymore is capable of defeating a demon in one on one combat. There’s also a large gap in power between ranks, especially at rank five and below. It’s not unusual to see evenly powered Claymores competing for rank against each other, however. Their rank is also considered a second name.

Claymores are typically nearly six feet tall (around 180cm) and they all have silver eyes. If a Claymore is seen without her uniform, that is the feature that gives her identity right away. When fighting a strong foe, their eyes turn gold and almost beast-like as they tap into their demonic powers. Their hair is discolored and it can vary from many shades of blond, silver and white hair. Some Claymores also develop elven-like ears though very rarely when they become warriors.

Claymores have slim bodies, because they don’t eat as much as humans. In fact Claymores can stop eating for as much as three days and it won’t have any effect on their performance. When they decide to eat it’s only a very small portion, however, some Claymores are known for eating more than an average human. Those Claymores do not appear to gain much weight or any weight from their habit.

Once a Claymore is deemed worthy to carry out solo assignments for the Organization, she is given a unique mark. This mark can be seen on their uniform at their chest, her sword or her Black Note. Despite the many generations of Claymores, each mark is unique. Their mark is like their fingerprint and the only way others can identify the bearer of the mark is by knowing it before hand.

The most distinctive difference between Claymores is their types. There are two types: offensive and defensive. Claymores do not pick their types, their type reflects on the way they battle and even their personalities. Offensive warriors are powerhouses and their strategy is to defeat the enemy quickly before the same can do any harm to them or kill them. Defensive warriors care more about their self protection and are very hard to kill, especially if their regeneration capabilities are advanced.

All Claymores are capable of regenerating their wounds, to some extent at least. Defensive Claymores can regenerate lost limbs and even vital organs according to their power. Offensive types can rejoin recently lost limbs and wounds that do not affect their vital organs. Even the highest ranked offensive Claymore cannot regenerate as well as a defensive one. Due to their extreme survivability, the most effective way to kill a defensive Claymore is to remove the head from the body.

Claymores have to constantly struggle with themselves because the more they use their demonic powers the higher the risk they are in losing control. When a Claymore loses control of her demonic power, she might turn into an Awakened Being. This is a fate that awaits all Claymores other than death. Thankfully not many Claymores become Awakened Beings as many decide to end their own life. If that isn’t possible there’s also the Black Note system. The Organization, Awakened Beings and the Black Note system will be covered ahead.

2)What is the Organization?
Coming soon.
End of FAQ

Chapter 1: The Saga Begins

The moonlight lit up the small town of Lilo. The wind blowing gently as it scattered the golden and auburn leaves of Fall. Lilo, deep within the Great Plains, was distant from civilization but thanks to it's famous apple orchards many traders flowed in making the town prosper exponentially. The peaceful town of Lilo, most of its inhabitants were asleep. A small house down the main street. A faint source of light could be noticed past the window. The front door was banged open. An eerie scream invaded the atmosphere.

A new day. Worried villagers gathered in front of the house forming a curious mob. A brave young man enters the house to investigate. The boarded floor of the living room was covered in blood. A dreadful smell filled his nostrils. He started to make his way towards the only bedroom of the house. He slowly turned the door knob and took a peek inside. His eyes were wide open with the horror he saw. He immediately runs out of the house. Completely ignoring the crowd, he hurls over right in front of them.

“The entire family was murdered?!” The man slammed his fist on the table, eying the elderly man seated behind it. “Not murdered. They were eaten alive. Devoured. This is the work of demons.” The middle aged woman broke her silence. “When people are ripped open and their organs go missing, there's only one conclusion to draw. We have a demon in our village.” The others village gathered there started whispering to one another and some yelled in protest.

The elderly man, who is the town elder, placed his palms on the table and stood. He rubbed his gray mustache with the back of his thumb then takes in a deep breath. “I've called for help.” He walked over to the lit fireplace and stared at the blaze for a moment. “A Claymore should arrive today.” His voice sounded disturbed. “A Claymore?! A Silver Eyed Witch?!” The man protested, yelling a bit too loud for his own good. “Yes, I've contacted them. They are the only ones that can sense and fight the demons.”

The Town Elder turned his eyes to the door as he started to listen to metallic footsteps. A young woman hearing a distinctive pale gray uniform with close fitting shirt and pants. Her sabatons clanked softly on the stone floor. Her spaulders and vambraces shimmered with the sunlight. She wears a metallic fauld around her waist. Her short cape fluttering with the breeze along with the bangs of her short blond hair. She wears a piece of black fabric around her neck, bearing a mark colored in white. Her icy blue eyes scanned the room.

“You are early.” The Town Elder walked over to greet her. Suddenly purple blood gushed out and splattered on the wall. The middle aged woman's body was severed into two. Her upper half started to slowly crawl over to the Claymore and grabbed her ankle. Icy blue eyes glanced down upon her and she slowly pulled an immense two handed sword from behind her shoulder and thrust it into the woman's head. The sword was twisted twice. The severed woman lied there now lifeless. The sword was slowly removed and swung aside, splattering blood, pieces of flesh and hair, on the floor.

The sword now clean was returned to it's sheath. “Job's done.” The Claymore left, leaving the townsfolk perplexed. She stood motionless at the village gate, looking up at the bronze plaque bearing the town's name. The town elder approached her again, this time carrying a large bag on his hands. “Miss, I have your money.” He shook the bag slightly and the coins inside announced their presence with that unmistakable sound. She looked back at him over her left shoulder. “A man in black will come by later to collect it. Give him the bounty when he arrives.”

“We will.” The town elder humbly turned his gaze away from hers and left. Her gloved hand reached up to her forehead and she ran her fingers through her hair. She sighed softly and stared at the road ahead. Her slender and elegant frame was silhouetted by the bright sun. She smiled slightly and left the village behind, heading to the woods nearby. She had been walking for minutes now. She placed her palm against a tree and stared at it's roots. “Victor?” She whispered as she leaned her body weight onto the tree.

A man dressed in black approached her from behind and came to a halt at an arm's length away from her. “Well done.” He crossed his arms with a smirk on his lips. His face turned serious as he turned his face towards the east. “Five days on foot from here is the town of Tristan. It has been destroyed by demons. Normally we would not take assignments like these but a neighboring village promised to pay us.” He removed his scarf and rested it on his shoulder.

“You are the one closest to the target. No matter how many demons are there or any lesser details. Annihilate them all. Understood?” His hands dropped to his sides as he glanced at her again.“Yeah.” She leaned off the tree and begun walking away. “Monica.” The tone of his voice seemed hesitant at the least. She halted, not bothering to look back at him. “You've been promoted to number twelve. Congratulations.” He turned his gaze back to her. “Thank you.” She sounded indifferent. Dropping her shoulders, she resumed to walk away. Victor smirked again as he watched her go.

“96th class, 764th soldier, Monica. She can instantly strike her enemy from a great distance with her sword severing all in her path and with supreme precision. Being able to out range opponents with ease makes her a foe to be respected at the very least. This earned her the alias 'Zephyr Sword Monica.' I wonder what the Organization has in store for her future."

Back in the town of Lilo, the townspeople gathered at the corpse of the severed woman. She had changed by now back to her true form. Her skin was now dark, her ears were sharp and she had grown large claws on her hands. “She didn't even give the demon a chance to react. This is what they call a Claymore?” The man looked at the bloody remains in disbelief.

Monica stood on a cliff, overlooking the valley as the sun started to set behind the lake. Quite a beautiful scenery. “Number twelve isn't enough.” She shrugged.

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post 1 Nov 2012, 0:20
Post #2

Hardly Diplomatic
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Joined: 31 May 2009
From: Brazil
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Projects: Retired

Chapter 2: We will always be rivals

Monica halted between steps before the town of Tristan. The large iron gate could do little to stop the demons from coming in. She presses her right palm against it and pushes the heavy gate open with ease. She had sensed nine in total before but her instincts told her something was wrong. The town was really as Victor described. The street was filled with corpses, broken vending carts, sale stands, and ruined tents. Looks like they attacked while the town was having a fair.

She didn't understand humans at all. How could they be so carefree while being so weak and defenseless? She shook her head, attempting to rid of those thoughts and tried to focus at the task at hand. She found herself at a small plaza. The broken fountain seemed to have stopped working long ago. They were aware of her presence it seemed. She grinned as they surrounded her. “So many against one lady? Clearly not the gentleman types.” She closed her eyes and reached for the hilt of her sword.

“You guys are such a bore. Here I was all excited expecting somewhat of a challenge.” She unsheathed her claymore and held it with her right hand, the tip of the blade barely grazing the ground. Two demons jumped her first from her back, roaring loudly. She leaned onto the tip of her toes and gracefully ascended to meet them. Spinning in mid-air, she brandished her sword. Her feet touched down on the ground as she was sprinkled with blood. Smiling, she looked at the others. She tilted her head to the side. “That is the best you can do?” Her taunt worked.

They all ran over to her at once, just like she wanted to. She swung her sword aside, slicing part of a demon's head. She stepped back avoiding a blow and thrust her sword in the demon's chest. She gripped the hilt with both hands and slashed the demon open from the inside out, managing to free her sword just in time. She grabs a demon's wrist with her left hand and slices off most of his arm only leaving a stump. The demon amazed with her sheer speed watched perplexed as she raised her sword over her head.

The blade came striking down with an immense might, severing his body. She chuckled as she watched the demon's split body fall to the sides. “This is becoming more fun than I expected it to be.” Monica crouched down on a knee and grinned. “You guys are trying so hard to put up a good fight. I'm humbled by your gesture.” She chuckled as her eyes turned gold. “Allow me to entertain you for these final moments.” Her tongue ran across her dry upper lip.

Three demons were suddenly sliced apart into multiple pieces yet she didn't appear to have moved an inch. Her golden eyes turned to the fleeing demon and she stood on her feet. “Fifteen meters. Wind is favorable.” She mumbled, and held her sword before her. The demon felt a breeze touching against his back and his head flew off from his body. It bounced as it hit the ground and rolled aside. Monica sheathed her sword and stretched her arms over her head. “Job's done.”

All the demons were dead, but that feeling that alerted her instincts was still there. Her gloved hand reaches up and pulls her bangs away from her eye. Deciding to ignore it, she left the town of Tristan behind her. Wandering in the woods she finds a waterfall. She starts a meager fire and thrusts her sword into the ground, resting it there upright. She slowly removes her armor and uniform and takes a bath. The smell of demon blood is almost unbearable.

Dripping wet, Monica returns to the fire and sits down, resting her back against her sword. She covers herself with her uniform and waits until she gets dry. Her eyes now back to their normal icy blue color glance up at the full moon. Eventually she falls asleep. Hours passed. Having awakened with the rising sun's glare she stood and put on her uniform and took on some time slipping on her armor. That feeling was back again. Except this time she could tell where it was coming from.

She carefully removes her sword from the ground and sheaths it. Victor didn't show face last night, odds are she hasn't a mission. Curious and at the same time bothered, she allowed her sharp senses to guide the way. She eventually came upon a clearing and finds a Claymore like her standing over the corpse of a demon. Her sabaton was soaked with blood. She wore metallic gauntlets with spiked knuckles instead of the usual gloves that are part of the uniform.

“So that was you all along.” Monica kept a certain distance from the woman. “So you tracked me down. I have underestimated you a little I'm afraid.” The woman replied with an almost angelic expression of her face. “I don't like being watched or followed. Besides, this is my district. Shouldn't you be doing more important things?” Monica inspected her surroundings and the terrain. “What I do isn't of your business.” The woman turned her back to Monica and begun walking away.

Monica almost snapped. Regaining her composture she raises her voice a little. “Hey comrade, what's your number?” Monica followed her trying to remain at a certain distance. “I'm number 10.” The woman replied not bothering to look back. “Perfect.” Monica draws her sword and points it at the woman with a faint smile on her lips. “I'm not too happy with my recent promotion. So I've decided to take your rank by force. Don't take it personally okay?” A soft wind blew, making the leaves and grass dance. “You are welcome to try.” The woman halted.

“Aren't you going to draw your sword?” Monica's expression displayed puzzlement. “I don't need it.” The woman tightened her fists, her knuckles cracked softly. “You conceited..!” Monica leaped and descended holding her sword high above her head. The woman raised her left fist and blocked Monica's blow with the wrist of her gauntlet. The ground beneath their feet cracked with the impact. “Huh?” Monica blinked with surprise as her shirt was grabbed by the woman.

The woman uppercut Monica square in the chin launching her high above the air. When Monica came to her senses she saw the woman leaping over her. The woman locked the digits from both hands and stroke Monica's stomach sending her crashing down with a violent impact. Monica crawled out of the hole in the ground coughing up blood. “What's...going on? How is this possible?” Monica grasped dirt and started to squeeze on it with all of her might in rage.

Monica looks up at the woman and notices she's walking away. Monica curses under her breath. A strong wind blew as Monica's eyes turned gold. “Do you have a death wish?” Monica stands on her feet and glares at the woman, she just kept walking away. Monica lowered her sword and made an upward slash. The woman felt something coming at her at an incredible speed, so she decided to step aside.

A tree in front of her was sliced into two. The woman slowly turned around to Monica. “How did you just attempt to behead me from that range?” The woman now had a more serious expression on her face. “Figures, you are the first to dodge my strike.” Monica now confident, was grinning. “This is just the beginning, Miss Number Ten.” Monica made a series of slashes, each faster than the other. The woman sprinted in a circle around Monica as she evaded each strike. She suddenly hid behind a boulder.

Monica rests her sword on her shoulder. “That rock isn't a very good shield you know.” Monica stared with her eyes wide open as the rock was lifted off the ground by the woman and held it over her head. “I can play your game too.” The woman threw the boulder over to Monica, everything beneath it became dark. “No good.” Monica sliced the boulder into two before it could even get close to her, both pieces fell and rolled to her side. However in that second of distraction, the woman had already charged at her. “Checkmate.” The woman punched Monica on the temple sending her flying back and crashing against a tree.

Monica was having some difficulty keeping her eyes open and tried to sit up but she lacked the strength to do so. Monica's head was bleeding heavily. She noticed the woman standing next to her and smiled. “That was quite something. I even lost grip of my sword.” Monica chuckled despite the fact it hurt her to do so. “In a few hours you will be OK. You should rest for now.” The woman rested Monica's sword against the tree and left. “This isn't over. I will-” Monica's eyes shut themselves as she lost consciousness.

Monica suddenly regained her senses as water was splashed on her face. “Monica appears to have found her match.” Victor rested his hands into his pockets, his lips carried that usual smirk. Monica grumbled and quickly decided to change the subject. “Victor, do you have an assignment for me?” Monica stood on her feet and sheathed her sword. “Yes I do, as a matter of fact.” Victor scratched his neck and returned his gaze to Monica. “You've been ordered to participate in an Awakened Being hunt. I want you start heading to the city of Hekter this instant.” Monica didn't reply, she simply stood there questioning herself if he was serious.

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post 1 Nov 2012, 0:21
Post #3

Hardly Diplomatic
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Joined: 31 May 2009
From: Brazil
Member No.: 4
Projects: Retired

Chapter 3: Detestable madness

Monica walked down the street, dodging two kids as they ran past her appearing to be playing tag. People here weren't scared of her or gave her the nasty eye which was a first to say the least. Half demons like her was humanity's only weapon against the demons. A ray of hope, to say the least. However everyone she meets either treats her like a weapon or a monster. The only exception would be her comrades, but she rarely gets along with those. For her they are competition. She believes she is highly obedient to the Organization's orders.

All she had to do was get stronger and she should deserve another promotion in no time. “All in due time.” Mumbling she corrected herself with a smile on her lips as she entered the tavern. She walked over to the counter and rested her palm on it. The smell of spirits was intoxicating for her, she had never touched the stuff before. The bartender stood before her wiping a glass with a white cloth. “Second floor. The last room on the right.” Monica nodded, she rather enjoyed the rare moments she could have a normal conversation.

“Thanks.” She went up the wooden stairs, each step made the wood creak softly due to her weight, mostly due to her claymore and armor. Reaching the second floor she walked down the hall and her hand reached for the doorknob. The door opened quietly, she found herself staring at an empty bedroom. “I'm the first one here. Figures.” After closing the door after her, she walks over to the chair at the corner of the room and sits down crossing her legs.

Monica turned her eyes to the door as she heard footsteps approaching. She wasn't too surprised with whom went inside. That long silver hair was unmistakable. “The Organization must be trying to punish me.” Monica pressed the heel of her palm against her forehead. Her temple still ached. “Likewise.” The tall woman walked over to the opposite corner of the room and rested her back against her wall. Her arms crossed at her abdomen, her plated digits rolling gently on her forearms.

The two didn't speak again for a full hour. They had even stopped exchanging gazes. Monica stood up once she heard the sound of someone running against them. As she reached for the hilt of the sword she notices another Claymore bending over and resting her palms on her knees as she painted heavily. “I'm sorry everyone! I came as fast as I could.” The girl with bright blond hair with ponytails took in a deep breath and expelled it. Regaining her composure, she stepped inside the room. “I haven't seen you two before.” She walked over to Monica and leaned over staring at Monica's mark a bit too close for comfort.

“What are you doing?” Monica pushed the girl away, obviously bothered. “Sorry! I don't have good eyesight you see.” She then walked over to the silver haired woman, this time minding the distance. “Let's see. This mark I know! You are Seras. The Organization's Number Ten correct?” Seras completely ignored her, wondering who decided to make her into a warrior. The Organization must've lowered it's standards a lot recently. Seras sighed and looked out into the window. “Did you sense it too?” Monica glanced at Seras. “Yes, it appears our final member is approaching. That kind of power is too high to be a demon.”Seras kept looking outside with a blank expression on her face. “She'll be the leader. No doubt.” Seras threw her long hair behind her shoulder.

Minutes passed. Monica had sit down again and was tapping her heel against the floor with boredom. Seras was annoyed by the constant noise to say the least but was trying her best not to show it. The Claymore with pigtails had layed down on the bed and fallen asleep.. The fourth and final member of the team finally showed face. Her long gray ponytail almost at waist length was a quite a distinguishable feature. “Hello everyone. I'm Ophelia. The Organization's Number Four. Let's work hard together.”

Seras appeared to be paralyzed on the spot. Monica looked up at Ophelia and wondered why she was a single digit. She didn't seem so special. The girl with ponytails instantly woke up and walked around Ophelia. “Wow! So cool!” She absorbed every little detail. “Ladies. State your names and ranks please. Also don't forget how many times you've hunted Awakened Beings before.” Ophelia's lips formed a malicious smile. “Alright. I'm Monica, the Organization's Number Twelve. I haven't hunted any Awakened Beings yet.” Monica stood on her feet, presenting herself.

“Alexandra. I'm Number Thirty Eight. I have hunted Awakened Beings nine times before. Pleased to meet you.” Alexandra bowed, greeting everyone. Seras leaned off the wall. “I'm Seras. Number Ten. I have hunted Awakened Beings five times total.” Seras tried to keep her gaze away from Ophelia's. “It appears this Awakened Being hunt has officially started.” Ophelia chuckled.

Awakened Beings. I heard rumors about them before. When warriors unleashes too much of their power, they become something else. Neither human or demon. Something far worse than both. They possess the strength of several warriors, that's why teams like mine are assembled. There's at least a single digit per team, the highest ranked warrior, they are the leaders.

Our leader, Ophelia, is quite strange. I believe outside her friendly demeanor hides something far worse than what we're meant to kill. Though I would not dare to confront her. She could easily overpower us all. The gap is simply too big. Seras doesn't seem to like her as well.

We left the town of Hekter and had been crossing the swamp for hours now. What a strange hiding place. Alexandra managed to fall into the marsh and almost drowned, if Seras hadn't noticed she had gone missing, we'd be a member short. Though she's the weakest of us four, I'd rather trust my life to her than Ophelia. My daydreaming quickly ceased when we came upon a strange pond.

“Icky.” Alexandra was busy wiping the thick and sticky greenish goo from her uniform as she tried to keep up with the group. Seras took a sniff at the air and glanced about. “It smells like blood.” Monica turned her gaze to Seras. “Blood?” Ophelia looked back at them as she lead the way. “Doesn't it smell nice?” Ophelia raised her hand. “It's here.” Ophelia push kicked Alexandra on the chest, making her land on her butt.

Suddenly, there was a large thud and dust filled the air exactly where Alexandra used to stand. Seras drew her sword and attempted to slash it, but it quickly withdrew itself. “Where is it attacking us from?” Monica drew her sword and attempted to search the area but she could not see anything. A large tentacle soared out of the pond, snapping in the air. It threw itself towards Alexandra and wrapped itself around her body.

“Damn it!” Seras sprinted towards the center of the tentacle and struck it, but her blow only glanced off the hard skin. She attempted to strike again, but the tentacle turned to the side. That part was much softer but it was covered with suction cups and her sword got caught in them. Alexandra screamed in pain as the tentacle tightened it's grip on her and began to drag her towards the pond. Monica's eyes turned gold and she rushed towards the pond. The water splashed as they made contact.

Several tentacles came out and attempted to grab her, but she avoided them by leaping at a height beyond their reach. “Take this!” Monica made several slashes while she remained suspended in the air. The wind produced by those slashes became a weapon of it's own and it begun to cut the weaker tentacles apart in a violent whirlwind. Monica smiled as pieces from the tentacles were scattered like particles in the air. “Now Ophelia! Finish it off!” Seras grabbed the large tentacle with her hands and pulled with all of her might.

The predator became the prey as the large humanoid-like octopus creature was dragged out of the water. Ophelia's eyes were gleaming with madness. She drew her sword and held it at her side with a hand. The sword began to ripple in the air as if it was losing it's shape. “It ends here.” Ophelia charged the monster and struck the center of the body. The monster was cut into oblivion, only blood remained. The battle was over. Seras stared in awe at Ophelia, who had just effortlessly dispatched the strongest Awakened Being she had ever met.

“That was no fun.” Ophelia trusted her sword into the ground, resting it there. She held her chin while she looked up at the sun past the dense fog. Monica had sat down on a rock while she held her right arm. She had put it under too much stress with her attack. A few bones felt broken as well. She simply sat there attempting to regenerate her wound a little. Monica glanced up at Ophelia.

Alexandra freed herself from the dead tentacle's grip. “Good job everyone!” She gave them a thumbs up. Seras was trying trying to free her sword from the suction cups but they just wouldn't let it go. Ophelia grinned and glanced at them. “Why don't we play a game?” Seras glanced at Ophelia with a confused expression on her face. “Yes a game would be fun.” Ophelia pulled her sword from the ground. “ Five minutes from here, there's a small village.” She pointed at the village's direction with the tip of her sword.

“I'll give you guys three minutes to wound me. Should you fail, I'll kill everyone there. I'll also make sure the Organization blames you, should you even survive.” Ophelia chuckled and glanced at Alexandra. “You are too weak to play.” Ophelia at the next second appeared behind Alexandra. Ophelia's sword was covered with and dripping blood. Alexandra fell lifelessly as half her torso was slashed open, gushing out blood. “Alexandra!” Seras yelled, her expression now displaying disbelief as she stared at Alexandra's body.

“Rage! I like that. Will you attempt to avenge her, I wonder?” Ophelia brought her blade up to her lips and licked a bit of the blood off. Seras lost it. Her eyes turned gold and her body mass almost grew twice it's normal size. Her slender body now becoming muscular, large pulsing veins could be noticed on her face. In an instant, Seras had already run up to Ophelia. She grabbed Ophelia's shirt and attempted to hook her in the gut. “Careful there. If you awaken, this will stop being a game.” Ophelia pushed Seras away with ease.

“Let's make this more interesting. I'll start to attack from now on. Forgive me for cheating.” Ophelia kept dodging Sera's punches with a playful smirk on her lips. “There.” Ophelia grins as Sera's hand flies off from her arm. Seras' eyes were wide open as the sharp pain struck her. She manages to grab her hand in mid-air. “Don't be discouraged now. You still have two minutes to at least scratch me.” Ophelia ducked as the wind started to behave a little strange. “Your ability is too predictable.” Ophelia turned her gaze to Monica.

“You won't leave here alive, Ophelia.” Monica took in a deep breath and readied herself for combat. “Bold words. Let's see if you...” Ophelia turned her gaze as she sensed another warrior approaching. “...well this might get interesting. However you are almost a minute away from losing. What will you do?! What will you do?” Ophelia laughed. “Seras.” Monica remained glaring at Ophelia. “Yes?” Seras stood on her feet, she had already managed to re-attach her hand. “Let's end this.” Monica's eyes turned gold as she unleashed her power. “It's about time.” Seras smiled.

“Now is a bit too late to get serious. Oh, you've finally arrived?” Ophelia turned around to see a new warrior. “Ophelia, my name is Lilly. I've come for your head.” A woman with curled long blond hair approached. “Two months ago you were at an Awakening Being hunt near Yagol Mountains. One of your team members was a very dear friend of mine. I learned you forced her to awaken, just so you could kill her. I'm here to avenge Rosangela. I'll show you no mercy.” Lilly drew her sword.

“Three times the fun.” Ophelia chuckled. “However it appears I may be finally matched.” Ophelia kicks a pebble as she becomes lost in thought. “Time's up! You lose!” Ophelia ran at an incredible speed towards the village before they could even react. “After her!” Seras yelled. They took chase reaching the village minutes later.

“Abominable.” Lilly stared at the village. It was a bloodbath. “People like her shouldn't exist. Though I ask myself what causes a person to behave like this.” Seras crouched down, removing her gauntlet, and pressed her index finger against the neck of a boy, checking if he was alive. “She took the life of this one as well. Seras shook her head. “Oh so you are finally here?” Ophelia looked down at the three warriors as she stood on the roof of a house.

“You are too late. All these people are dead. It's all your fault too. They have died because you are too weak. You couldn't even stop me. You are just too weak! You can't protect anyone! You are failures! I'll make this village your grave.” Ophelia jumped off the house, her feet gently touching down on the ground. “You will pay for this Ophelia.” Monica drew her sword. “Now the battle against the real monster begins.”

Ophelia turned her head to Lilly, almost in one hundred and eighty degrees. Her neck bones cracked softly.
“Soon you'll be able to meet your dear friend in hell. She will tell you how I took my time killing her. You see, I didn't kill her right away.” Ophelia held the edge of her sword and gazed at her reflection. “First, I grabbed her neck and held her up against the wall. Then I impaled her there with her own sword. I twisted the blade too, so she could fully enjoy it.” Ophelia grinned.

“I left her there for a while. As you know my goal was to awaken her from the start. She kept crying and begging me to finish her off but what's the fun in that?” Ophelia began pacing about and she explained what happened, she seemed somewhat excited about it. “That's when I-” Ophelia smiled as she parried Lilly's slash. “Did you you spend too much energy chasing me? You seem slower than you are meant to be.” Ophelia grabs Lilly's face and pushes her way.

Ophelia slashes Lilly's shoulder and somersaults avoiding Monica's wind slash. She lands right behind Seras. “Surprise.” Ophelia struck Seras' back and quickly got away. “This is so fun! Unbelievable! You gals need to be a little more energetic though. Put a little more muscle into it.” Ophelia sprints over to Monica who kept ranging her. “You are becoming a nuisance.” Ophelia swung her sword however Monica managed to deflect it. “Shit!” Monica recoils as she feels the impact of both swords clashing in her arms.

Monica plants her foot on the ground and brandishes her sword, the wind almost manages to knock Ophelia off her feet. “I didn't expect that. Knowing you can't harm me are you trying to make it easier for your comrades to attack me? You are a shame to your rank.” Ophelia looks up and watches Seras descend upon her, fist first. Ophelia steps aside and closes her eyes as dirt was lifted up from the impact. Ophelia became briefly disoriented but she could still sense them.

Ophelia chuckled as she parried Lilly and slashed her shoulder as she get back. “Could it be you three are working as a team? That is troublesome. Time to bring the odds to my favor.” Ophelia's sword became shapeless again as her right arm vibrated her blade at an incredible rate. “One down.” Lilly closed her eyes and braced herself for Ophelia's attack. “Oh?” Ophelia's sword returned to normal. “What's this?” Ophelia reaches up to her cheek and presses her digits against the cut there. “Did the rookie just cut me?” Ophelia turned her eyes to Monica.

“I haven't cut you to pieces--yet.” Monica slashed the ground, rocks and dirt were lifted up in the air. “Eat this!” Monica swirled her sword, sending several rocks towards Ophelia. Ophelia quickly leaped out of the way, however, she was quickly intercepted by Seras. “You forgot about me it seems. A fatal mistake.” Seras grabbed Ophelia's leg. “What?” Ophelia was shocked as she was thrown into the ground. Seras climbed on top of Ophelia and begun to fist her. Her blood getting everywhere. The ground was pounded with every blow. When Ophelia managed to get free, Seras quickly slipped away.

“Before you go to hell, go apologize to my friend.” Lilly's eyes turned gold, standing over Ophelia, she held her claymore above her head. “I see.” Ophelia closes her eyes with a smile on her lips. She grabs Lilly's sword as it came down for her neck. Her palm began to bleed heavily. “You ladies are fun. Sadly however, this game has come to an end.” Ophelia pushed the sword away and stood. “Until we meet again.” Ophelia's eyes turned gold and she simply vanished.

“What? How is this possible? I can't sense her anymore!” Monica thrust her sword into the ground and rested her frame on it, breathing heavily. “She's at a distance, none of us can track.” Seras looks back at the swamp. “Today had too much needless bloodshed.” Seras turns her eyes to Lilly. “She's west of here. I'll go after her while she still hasn't healed her wounds.” Lilly sheaths her sword and begun walking away.

“You can't fight her on your own Lilly. We're exhausted as well, just like you. Rosangela would not like to see you throwing your life away like this.” Seras placed her palm on Lilly's shoulder trying to calm her down. “Al-alright.” Lilly nodded. “What happened here?” Victor, Monica's handler walked up to them. “Victor! We-” Seras discreetly stepped on Monica's toe. “The Awakened Being attacked the village. We were looking for survivors.” Seras spoke with an obedient tone on her voice.

“You must be Seras. I could tell right away. Going out of your way to help others.” Victor rested his hands into his pockets and glanced about. “Well, whatever. Where is your leader? I believe Ophelia was leading this hunt.” Lilly bit her tongue with the mention of that name. “She left already.” Monica stretched her arms then turned her gaze back to Victor. “I see. Well...good job you three.” Victor nodded to them and walked away. Monica watched him go with a blank expression on her face.

“So you thought the Organization would not believe us if we told them their Number Four killed a team member, murdered an entire village and tried to kill us three and that we managed to stop her.” Monica looked at Seras and sighed softly. “Yes, I can barely believe it myself.” Seras chuckled then shook her head slightly. “Well, I'll go get my sword back. I need to put Alexandra to rest as well.” Seras walked away towards the swamp.

“I think I'll go with her. Will you be OK, Lilly?” Monica crossed her arms on her chest, her hand reaches up and pulls her bangs away from her eye. “Yes, I'll go report in. He's probably already noticed I've gone missing. Goodbye.” Lilly left towards the opposite direction. Monica watched her go for a moment then went after Seras. Returning to the swamp, Monica finds Seras burying Alexandra. “At least she's at peace now.” Seras thrust Alexandra's sword into the ground, now acting as a grave marker.

“What do you plan to do Seras? What if we run into Ophelia again?” Monica kicked a pebble away, she was still very displeased about what had happened. “Once you start to be sent into Awakened Being hunts, there's no end to them. Odds are we will run into Ophelia again, except next time we might not be together. It's a risk we will have to live with.” Seras kept staring at Alexandra's symbol on her sword. How many graves had she dug before? So many faces. Yet Seras always managed to survive. However, the burden of those souls will never go away. “It's going to rain.” Seras looked up at the sky as thunder struck.

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post 1 Nov 2012, 0:21
Post #4

Hardly Diplomatic
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Extra Scene 1
Bloody Seras

“Is it done yet?” Seras stood next to the anvil with her back leaned against the stone wall. She stood there with her arms crossed at her chest, her digits rolling on her elbows. It was already the tenth time she had asked this question. “You have to be more patient Miss. It's the first time I'm working with this ore. The furnace is as hot as I can get it to be but the ore just refuses to be prepared for smelting.” The smithy frantically pressed down the bellows trying to raise the temperature.

“Where did you find this anyway? I've had this profession for twenty years and I'd never seen something like this.” The blacksmith looked at the ores and saw that not even a single drop had melted much to his disbelief. “That's not important. Look, if your furnace can't handle the job then just build a bigger one. I'll pay for any expenses you have. Money isn't a problem.” Seras leaned off the wall and walked over to the door, breathing in some fresh air.

“I will see what I can do.” The blacksmith gave up and removed the ores from the furnace with his tong and placed them inside a barrel filled with water for them to cool off. The water sizzled and bubbled up in response. “If you say even a word about this to anyone the deal is off.” Seras moved her bangs aside with her index finger then walked over to the table, setting a brown cloth bag in it. “This should pay for any expenses you have. If there's any money left over consider it a bonus if you get the job done. I'll be back in one week.”

“Alright Miss I'll do my best to meet this deadline. I won't make you any promises however.” The blacksmith sat on the stool, clearly fatigued. “I'm counting on you.” Seras nodded to him and stepped outside, shielding her eyes from the sun's glare with the back of her hand. “It's time to get back to my mission.” She headed north towards the forest.

The demon roared as it stepped over to the little girl. Tears streamed down her face as her little form cowered at the corner of the bedroom. He snickered and reached over for her head, that's when he heard metallic footsteps approaching from outside. He turned around and stared at the door. The footsteps suddenly stopped. The door was kicked down. Seras stepped inside the room. Tightening her fists, those knuckles cracked softly.

“What the hell are you?” The demon arched his frame back and snarled. The woman simply stood there. Enraged, the demon ran over to her, bearing his claws. She steps aside and pushes him toward the wall. Pressing him there, she grabs the back of his head and rams his face into the wall continuously. The small house shook with each impact. Seras released the body of the demon and watched it drop on the floor.

She walked over to the little girl and knelt down in front of her. “Are you alright?” She extended her hand to the girl. The little girl was frightened of her however, and ran away crying. The woman remained knelt there; the expression on her face was as if her heart had just been Thorne apart. She sighed and stood on her feet. She wiped the tear from her cheek and left the scene. She was quickly approached by villagers outside.

“Is the demon dead?” One of them asked. “Yes. Your village is safe now.” She held her forehead then turned around to them. “I've been walking for the past several days. Would you mind if I stayed at the inn for a few hours tonight? I promise to be gone by morning, so I won't be bothering you for long.”

The woman entered the humble bedroom and closed the door after her. She rested her sword next to the bed and took off her armor. She sat on the bed, her slender frame barely made the mattress bend beneath her weight. She glanced at the door as the knob turned slowly. “Hello Gustav.” She rested her palms on her knees and leaned forward slightly. “Do you have another assignment for me?” She tried her best to remain awake.

The man in black stepped inside the room and shut the door with his bodyweight. “Yes. The town of Ren has recently been turned into a demon's nest and is endangering the entire region. This town is not in your district. We believe the Claymore there will not make it in time.” Victor rubbed his chin and remained talking with his monotone voice. “Besides we're not sure on their numbers or if it is in fact just demons. So if you are in trouble the other warrior will eventually arrive to support you. Understood?”

He got quiet when he saw Seras quickly equipping herself. He moved out of the way when she started walking towards the door. She had left without a word. “That's Seras alright.” Gustav walked over to the window and looked outside only to find no trace of her. “I'm looking forward to the results.” Gustav smiled.

Seras reached for the door knob and turned it slowly. Her face was greeted with a high amount of heat, enough to force her to step back. “It's complete Miss. I must say it's the finest product I have worked on.” The Blacksmith walked over to the table and reached over for two objects covered by a sheet. He pulled the sheet away revealing a pair of metallic gauntlets. The spiked knuckles on them looked menacing.

“Superb.” Seras walked over and put them on. She raised her fists to check the weight. “Now if I could find something to test them on.” She looked around the room. The blacksmith was about to protest but then she said “Just kidding. Thank you very much. I'll be on my way now.” She waved and left. This detour at least cost her a day, she would have to hurry if she wanted to arrive in time. Her normal pace would not be sufficient. She would only arrive at her destination seven days later.

Seras sprinted towards the town then leaped several feet into the as she flew past the town's wall. She touches down on the ground barely making a sound. She sensed nine demons and the presence of another Claymore. She was late. Seras heard a battle starting, likely the other Claymore entered combat. Seras took in a deep breath and then stood, and looked about. “Apparently I wasn't discreet enough.” She took a step back and grabbed a demon's arm as he lunged himself towards her.

As he landed next to her, Seras pulled him over and hooked him in the stomach. The demon screamed in pain as she punched through him, her gauntlet coming out on the other side. Removing her bloody arm she pushed the demon away, his body making dropping nearly lifelessly on the ground. “What about you?” She turned towards the other demon that was petrified in fear. She slowly walked over to him. The demon lost balance of his shaking legs and fell on the ground, desperately looking at all directions trying to find a way to escape.

Seras halted before him and reached down to his face and grabbed it with her right hand. She slowly raised him up until his feet no longer touched the floor. “I'm sure this is nothing in comparison to the foul things you have done to maintain your pathetic existence. This is for all the people you have killed.” Seras slowly started to crush the demon's head in her grip. The demon's screams ceased there was a loud splatter of bone, flesh and blood.

“These gauntlets are not bad after all.” Seras shook her hand, trying to get it mostly clean again. “It looks like she handled the others by herself. She must be skilled.” Noticing that her presence was discovered, Seras decided it was time for her to leave. She leaped over the same wall she had entered the town before and tried to gain some distance from the town.

Seras patiently ventured through the woods. She could hear a waterfall in the distance, which was very soothing. As she came across a clearing, she saw a young boy sitting on a rock. “You are a demon huh?” The boy stood, smiling and nodded. “Bingo.” The young boy hunched over, the sound of bones cracking and of his clothes being ripped apart as he grew twice in size.

Seras looked up into the eyes of the demon completely un-phased. The demon laughed loudly. “Are you afraid? You must be! I’ll come over there and there you limb to limb and once I’m done I’m going to sink my teeth into your chest and your heart out. You’ll feel so much pain you’ll be begging me to end your life!” The demon laughed again and started to walk over to her.

Seras remained looking up at him; her frame was being swallowed by his immense shadow. “So are you ready for a thousand years worth of pain and agony?” The demon spit on the ground and scratched his back. “Huh?” He felt something touch his shoulder. Seras had grabbed his shoulder as a boost and reached for his head. The ground trembled as the demon’s face was rammed into the ground.

Seras stepped on the back of the demon’s head that was almost unconscious. She started to press down slowly. The demon started screaming in pain. “P-please…stop…” The demon’s scream of pain got louder and louder until his head splattered then there was the sudden silence. Seras immediately looked over her shoulder and noticed a warrior approaching her.

“So that was you all along.” The Claymore with short hair spoke, with an annoyed tone of voice. Seras realized that her presence was familiar; she was the same warrior who had fought the demons at the city. She didn’t seem very friendly. ““I don't like being watched or followed. Besides, this is my district. Shouldn't you be doing more important things?” The short haired Claymore inspected her surroundings and the terrain. “What I do isn't of your business.” Seras turned her back to Monica and begun walking away.

The warrior almost snapped. Regaining her composure she raises her voice a little. “Hey comrade, what's your number?” She followed Seras trying to remain at a certain distance. “I'm number 10.” Seras replied not bothering to look back. “Perfect.” She drew her sword and pointed it at Seras with a faint smile on her lips. “I'm not too happy with my recent promotion. So I've decided to take your rank by force. Don't take it personally okay?” A soft wind blew, making the leaves and grass dance. “You are welcome to try.” Seras halted.

Seras didn’t want to fight her but there was no choice. This woman was very stubborn; Seras would have to beat some sense into her. Basking under the light of the setting sun, a rivalry was born.

Sorry for the delay, here's the first Extra Scene. These focus entirely on one character and we see their story from their point of view. First up in Seras. For the confused people, this happened between chapter 1 and 2.

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post 1 Nov 2012, 0:22
Post #5

Hardly Diplomatic
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Chapter 4: The dark sisters

Monica walked down the rocky path. Lightning struck in the distance, followed by thunder. Sutafu was a wasteland as far as the eyes could see, this desolated landscape was the home of the Organization. This was actually the first time she was returning to headquarters; most warriors only spend their infancy there.
Monica was no different. She can’t remember her childhood friends or even her family, in fact she can’t remember if she even had any, being a warrior is all that there is to her life. She stepped inside the cave-like entrance of the immense fortress that seemed to be built into the mountain. Lanterns on the wall illuminated her path.

She found himself at a hall; she could see the many rooms that seemed more like cells. This sent a chill in her spine; she remembered the many years she had spent in one of those. She saw a little girl standing in front of her, her hair was auburn meaning she had not yet become a hybrid yet. “Hey Miss, are you looking for something?” Though she was friendly, the girl seemed a bit shy.

“Yes, it has been so long since I’ve been here. I’m looking for the council room.” Monica crossed her arms at her abdomen and looked around seeing if her memories could guide the way. “I’m not sure either.” The girl pressed the tip of her index finger against the center of her chin, tilting side to side with boredom. “That’s fine, I’ll find it eventually.” Monica placed her hand on top of the girl’s head and patted it softly.

“Clarice! What are you doing? Get back to training this instant.” Victor walked up to them, clearly irritated. “Y-yes, sir!” Clarice ran away in such a hurry she tripped on the way out. Monica chuckled then turned her eyes to Victor. “So what is so important that required me to be here personally?” Monica tilted her head to the side, clearly annoyed after the long trip.

“Don’t act like you are important in the first place.” He replied. “You’ll find out soon enough. Follow me.” Victor led Monica down the hall and a few minutes later they stood before a double stone door. There were a few wooden chairs lined up. “You are next. Make yourself comfortable meanwhile. I
have some errands to run.” Victor left her without much of a ceremony.

Monica removed her sword and rested it on the ground between her legs, holding its massive weight casually with her index and thumb. Some moments passed and the door opened. Seras walked with a blank expression on her face. “Seras!” Monica stood, surprised to see her. “They summoned you as well? What’s going on?” Monica put her sword away. Seras replied by pressing her index finger against her lips. “Shh.” She shook her head slightly.

“Number Twelve. Come in.” A male voice came from inside the room. “Coming!” Monica left Seras and stepped inside the council room. She stood before the men seated in nine large stone chairs. She knelt down before them. “Number twelve, Monica. Presenting myself as ordered.” The man in the center chair rested his elbow on the armrest then looked at her wearily.

“The awakened being hunt you were a part of. A village was destroyed. You claimed that it was the awakened being that had done this correct?” Monica bit her lip then lowered her head. “Yes sir.” She replied. “The wounds found on the corpses were not something an awakened being would’ve done. They are in fact the same wounds one of your very own swords could’ve done.” The man spoke quite angrily.

Monica was speechless. She wasn’t supposed to tell them truth, it’s not like they would even believe her in the first place. “Do you have anything to say on your defense?” One of the other men spoke this time. “I do not.” Monica tried her best not to curse under her breath. “We’ve already interrogated number ten and number nineteen. They said the same fabricated lie to us.” Another man spoke.

Monica had already had lost all hope. “So, number twelve. Why do you insist with this lie? We are very aware of what happened in that village. It’s not like we don’t observe major operations.” Monica looked up to them. “You do?” She replied somewhat relieved. “Yes. We know that another warrior was responsible for this. Though we’re not sure of her identity, we are dealing with the situation.”

“I see.” Monica stood as if she had just avoided the guillotine. “We however, are not pleased with the fact you lied to us. You three will be punished for this.” Monica nodded slightly and replied softly. “Yes, I’m prepared.” The man motioned with his hand for someone to approach. A warrior walked over and stood next to Monica, looking her over. “This is number sixteen. She’ll be keeping an eye on you from now on.”

“Maybe her loyalty to us will rub off on you.” The man at the center chair sat back and dismissed Monica with her hand. “You can go now. “ Monica nodded. “Yes sir.” She headed towards the exit, being closely followed by number twelve. Monica closes the door as she got out. “I suppose I’ll have to live with this.” Monica looked at her new ‘companion’ over analyzing her carefully.

“I’d rather not be babysitting you. Just so you know, I take my assignments seriously. If you try anything funny, you’ll regret it.” Number twelve broke her silence; her voice carried a gelid tone. “You want to take me on?” Monica snarled. “Stop it you two.” Seras appearing out of nowhere grabbed Monica’s arm. “Don’t put us in any more trouble than we already have.” Seras pushed Monica away. “…Fine.” Monica crossed her arms and turned away from them, clearly angry.

“We already have a mission. Lilly is already on the scene tracking the target. If we take too long she might get noticed. So we need to hurry.” Seras spoke calmly. “Cassandra, have you ever hunted awakened beings before?” Seras turned her eyes to number twelve. “Yes.” Her head made a slight nod. “Good we’re all experienced then. Let’s get moving. The journey to Lude plateau won’t be a short one.”

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