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Re-imagining Command and Conquer, This'll be controversial, essentially reimagining C&C lore
post 10 Oct 2015, 9:08
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This is a thread for any ideas for lore/gameplay/factions/tone ideas they have that they could imagine in the command and conquer Universe. I was inspired by one of MARS' ideas a while back in relation to a rebooted C&C Tib Dawn and thought I'd give it a shot. I'll also be posting more ideas and expanded lore on each of the factions in the post below or further on, I'd love for anyone else interested to do the same.

Okay, so I had this idea today of a sort of re-imagined Command and Conquer set in a World Third World War (Red Alert 2/Yuri's revenge) that carried on into the Tiberium series through time manipulations etc.

The devastation wrought by Yuri’s Legions, combined with the Soviet occupation of America had devastated the former Superpower to a shadow of its former self. Reconstruction efforts lagged behind and tightly controlled budgets degenerated into spending blowouts as former Allied and Soviet bloc nations struggled to repair their devastated infrastructure and economies. The Death toll, which had reached into the tens if not hundreds of millions had left any hope of fully returning the world to its natural balance shattered. Hardliner forces in the Allied Nations, led by Francisco Franco and other Ultra-Nationalist/Fascist Generals, and the Soviets, led by mainly Russian and Chinese Generals, had begun to call for the removal of their respective, more progressive leaders. The stage was set for a major confrontation.

The first blows came when Allied Hardliners struck the British Isles and Berlin, from bases in Spain, France and Southern Germany seeking to remove the Allied Leadership. Allied High Command’s chances became increasingly dire as the American Expeditionary Force, American veterans from the Soviet Invasion of America who had been sent to liberate Europe, withdrew from Mainland Europe under the orders of Hardliner President William McArthur, who was facing a Constitutional Crisis in Congress following the assassination of Moderate President Michael Dugan and Congress’ inability to pass a budget to fund the reconstruction of America’s cities and towns. Hardliner Bombers, launching from bases in Northern France, Spain and Germany struck loyalist allied positions in Britain, killing several top Allied leaders and attacked as far north as Scotland. As the Hardliners shored up their positions in Europe and placed Britain under siege, it seemed as though the loyalists would fall, with America unable to help as it faced its own Civil War between the pro-Federalist Unionists and the rebellious and Libertarian Confederate Movement.

Similarly the Soviet position was dire, revolutions had swept across Proxy Soviet territory, overthrowing dictators in Cuba, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria and much of Pro-Soviet South America. Similarly, military forces in Eastern Europe, Russia and China had become increasingly disillusioned with the Romanov Government, declaring themselves the head of the Coalition of Soviet-Aligned States (CSAS). The CSAS forces, many of whom were Veterans of the wars with the Allies and Yuri, operated some of the Premier Tank Divisions in the Soviet Union, the newest and most advanced Apocalypse and Rhino Tanks at their command. Within a month, the CSAS had captured Moscow and images of Apocalypse Tanks shelling the Kremlin were beamed around the world. But the CSAS itself was not unified, arguments between Russian and Chinese commanders exploded over whether Moscow or Beijing should be declared the capital of the new CSAS. Whilst Violence never spilled out onto the streets, the Chinese and Russians called up many reserve and unready forces from Asia and Eastern Europe, respectively, to Moscow to shore up their presence. As the two CSAS splinter groups stared off across the Volga, the remaining Communist nations of South America declared their independence from the CSAS, arresting and killing Russian and Chinese representatives and expeditionary forces.

But all was not as it seemed, the Cult of the Black Hand, a mysterious force who had had significant power in the Stalin-led Soviet Union, declared its existence, revealing significant, high-tech forces in the Post-Soviet Levant as well as seizing a Soviet Missile Silo complex is Bosnia. The Cult’s reveal, and its attacks on both the CSAS and Allied Hardliners, drew significant forces away from Moscow and Britain (respectively). The initial Hardliner invasion force, a massive Amphibious Flotilla, had been reduced, as Franco redirected troops to the Balkans to combat the Black Hand’s advances. With the pressure relieved on London and Berlin, the loyalists began to reorganise, and received contact from Albert Einstein, who had hidden within his Black Forest base, protected by GAP towers. Einstein had witnessed Franco and the Hardliners sweep across Western Europe and the Black Hand topple Soviet governments in the Middle East and Levant and had developed advanced weapons with which to back the Loyalists in London and Berlin. Utilising the Master Chronosphere, he and his assistant Siegfried teleported a large number of Drone-operated vehicles, former Allied Soldiers and robots armed with Spectrum, Prism and other advanced weapons, to London to relieve the beleaguered defenders. The arrival of Einstein’s reinforcements relieved the loyalists in London and turned the tide against the Hardliners. As Loyalist forces staged a counterattack, and, utilising a large number of Chronospheres, invaded the North of France, driving Hardliner forces back.

But not all forces had yet been committed, the Black Hand had, through subversively organising popular-rebellions, established puppet governments across the Levant and Africa, allowing them a base to launch attacks on the Myriad enemies across the globe, however, one force had not struck yet, without the Imperialist US threatening them, the South American Communist Nations solidified into the South American Socialist Union under the leadership of Popular Hero Che Guvera, expanded into the chaotic, ungoverned Central America. But Central America was not all they lusted for, rather, as they harnessed the natural resources of their continent, their hungry eyes looked towards Western Africa. Che saw the Black Hand as an evil and subversive force, commanding Mutant and Cyborg forces that were “Affronts to Humanity” and so the SASU launched its attack on Western Africa, driving back the Black Hand and conquering much of Western Africa and driving back the Cult and its puppets.

The war raged as many invasions and counter-invasions were launched, the CSAS marched into Alaska and attacked Loyalist Forces in Canada, the Black Hand and the SASU fought for control of Western Africa, the Loyalists and Hardliners pushed the frontline back and forth, with the Hardliners controlling Western Europe and Italy, and the loyalists Britain, Scandinavia and pockets of Central and Southern Europe. But not one faction could win the war, before the unthinkable happened. The Black Hand, at the orders of Seth, unleashed four nuclear weapons in the capitals of the major factions: London, Rio, Moscow and Berlin killing millions and devastating their command structures. At this moment, Einstein realised what he had to do. Travelling to a devastated America, where the civil war has reduced most of America to tribes and villages, he batted Marked Black Hand and Jaguar SASU divisions stationed in the ruins of the Trinity Base, New Mexico. Einstein and the Loyalist Expeditionary Force had to defend the Time Machine that Einstein built as it charged up, before Einstein could travel back into the past to kill Yuri and stop the devastation from ever happening. The Three-Way battle had raged for hours, as the Loyalists brought each of the Time Machines 6 Auxiliary Generators online. Marked Stealth Tanks and Cyborg Commandos and Jaguar Bomb Drones and Hijackers were unleashed and devastated the loyalist defenses. But the hate the Black Hand and the Jaguars had for each other allowed the loyalists to activate all Six generators. As Loyalist forces became overwhelmed, Einstein entered the Time Machine and with that threw himself back in Time.


Einstein arrived in Stalingrad 1928, as the Soviets underwent a secret military exercise to create Psychic soldiers. Here he hoped he would find Yuri, and kill him, before the Psychic attracted the attention of his commanders and rose through the ranks. Pretending to be a Commissar, Einstein meet Yuri and shook his hand, destroying him and changing the course of the world. But Einstein’s Time Machine did not return him to the place he had left, 1984, rather, a Chrono-Vortex created a disruption and threw him 27 years into the future, 2001.

The future Einstein had arrived in was a different one, with the death of Yuri, the Psychic had no influence over Romanov and rather the Soviet Union developed a significant industrial base following World War Two that would lead it to produce large amounts of goods demanded by the Post-Second World War world. But Romanov, whilst seeming a pro-Western Dictator, had still maintained a strong grip on his country, manipulated by Supreme General Vladmir Kirov. Kirov saw an opportunity in the Soviet Union invading the European nations, who had still not fully recovered from the Second World War and were heavily reliant on US Aid. Kirov oversaw the mobilisation of huge numbers of soviet Superheavy Tanks including the Apocalypse Tank and the Mammoth 2.0, armed with two huge tesla coils. The Soviet legions soon surged over the border in 1984, driving Allied Forces back to the border of Spain and France and the shores of Great Britain, but without any psychic advantages and with US reinforcements arriving by the day, the war dissolves into a stalemate for 7 years as the frontline devolved into a static war of attrition between Superheavy tanks and massed air columns. In 1989, Rupert Thornly overthrew the US President Michael Dugan, as head of the Alliance of Free States and begins to turn the Allies into a Fascist Police State similar to that of the Soviets. After two more years of warfare Thornly and Kirov, who had since deposed Romanov and taken full power, sued for Peace. In a historic signing in Berlin in 1991, the United Earth Coalition, was formed. A fusion of the Soviet and Allied nations, the UEC represents a Fascist Corporatist Police State, which drew inspiration from both its Allied and Soviet roots. On the Supreme Council sat 6 members, three of them Allies, led by Thornly, and three of them Soviet, led by Kirov. Whilst the Council members engaged in political games so the two blocs could outwit each other, on the surface the UEC was a strong Police State which dominated the majority of the world.

However in 1991, six months after the formation of the UEC, a mysterious asteroid hurtled through the sky on a trajectory to crash into the Earth. Detected by the UEC Aerospace Corps, a nuclear missile was fired at the Asteroid, hitting it and destroying part of it, however, whilst the size of the Asteroid was reduced, the missile only managed to change the trajectory of the Asteroid and split it into three pieces, one landing near the Tiber River in Italy, another in Sub-Saharan Africa and the last in the Amazon. The Green Crystals that quickly spread across Italy, Africa and Italty were named Tiberium,after the River where the UEC first encountered the mysterious crystal. The spread of Tiberium destroyed much of the flora and fauna of Africa, Italy and South America as it spread, before spreading into the Middle East and Central Asia and driving the peoples of those regions to tribalism. At the turn of the century, as peoples beyond the walls of the UEC in Southern Europe, Africa and South America aimlessly travelled the Tiberium scarred lands, they were united by a mysterious figure known only as Tratos. With skills of Precognition, he discovered a man named Einstein, a traveller from another time and took him into his court. Tratos would lead the Forgotten Confederacy, a newly formed confederation of mutants, in their quest for vengeance against the UEC for their abandonment. Einstein developed many weapons that relied on the mysterious crystalline substance. The Mutant Forgotten, transformed by the substances mutagenic properties, were able to brave the Green Fields and return with samples from which Einstein could develop new and improved weapons. However, Tratos faces a problem within his court. Warlords within the confederacy have begun to create factions and clans, launching attacks on UEC territory and bases, or turning on each-other when there is no-one else to fight. Whilst for now the Sons of Tratos, the elite soldiers under Tratos, command a significantly advanced Tiberium force, as well as never before seen Tiberium beasts, it is only a matter of time before one or more of the Clans challenge him.

Whilst Einstein had killed Yuri in 1928, Stalin’s search for Psychic warfare did not stop there. When Soviet troops rolled through China, Korea and Japan, many prospective psychics were abducted for testing. One such psychic was Yuriko Odunashi. Taken by Soviet soldiers from her mother and father, important figures in the Japanese Korean Occupation force, she was sent to work with Doctor Gregor Zelinksy, a young 19 year old prodigy. He tested Yuriko for Psychic Potential, then just a 6 year old girl in 1953. By 17 she was a formidable warrior, her Psychic powers unmatched, her bone density stronger and her aging process slowed down immensely. But by this age, Romanov had, at the advice of Kirov terminated the legacy of Stalin, instead opting for a military force capable of breaking the Allies. Yuriko and Zelinksy fled to Siberia and waited there. Abducting locals and cloning them using mysterious technologies, Yuriko prepared an army to strike the arrival of Tiberium allowed her to infuse the Crystals with Psionic power and use them to power her fledgling army. Soon the Children of Yuriko had spread to several secluded places, badlands between Tiberium scarred environments and here they grew an army of clones, based on the templates of abducted civilians, and built an army of drones and vehicles, armed with a variety of Psionic weapons.

The UEC, Forgotten and Children of Yuriko prepare to square off for control of a world infected with Tiberium.

Okay so there are two games set after the Third World War (Red Alert 2/Yuri’s Revenge). The first takes place in the aftermath and the second in the 2000s following Einstein’s timeline action. Both have a much darker tone mixed with the advanced technology of the Red Alert universe and the mystery of the Tiberium universe.

The first is Command and Conquer Red Alert: Fallout, which covers the exhaustive Post Red Alert 2 war and brings in a darker tone whilst still using Red Alert level technology.


Allied Loyalists (Balanced-Cannon/Airforce. The Loyalists, under the leadership of former French President Réne Lyon, bring more advanced technology including lots of Drone infantry and vehicles as well as a strong air force. Their two subfactions are: The Airforce Command, who utilise lots of Aircraft, Helicopters and Special Forces, and the Science Command, who utilises lots of Robotic and Drone units and long range weapons. Their two superweapons are the Chronosphere and the Weather Control Device- they use the typical Allied look with more glossy textures.)

Allied Hardliners (Balanced-Powerhouse. The Hardliners under the leadership of Francisco Franco, they value tougher tried and true units with some advanced technology in comparison to the advanced loyalists, the Hardliners operate a balanced arsenal that is more driven towards powerhouse units think more GDI and the USA from Generals to the Loyalists Allies/Japan from Red Alert 3. They have two subfactions: Panzer Command who engage in Mechanised and Superheavy Combat and Festung Command who emphasise Artillery and Defences. Their two superweapons are the Satellite Centre, which reveals the whole map for a large amount of time and gives all allied units a firepower boost, and the Mjornir Superheavy Howitzer, which fires a barrage of six high powered shells. Their structures are very concrete and totalitarian whilst their vehicles and infantry use colours similar to those used by the Germans in WW2- greyish etc.)

CSAS (Powerhouse-Horde. The Soviets who overthrew Romanov and replaced him, they combine large numbers and cheap tough units. They have two sub-factions: the Russians who value stronger units, armour and Tesla/EMP Weapons and the Chinese who value larger numbers, artillery and nuclear/Flame weapons. Their superweapons are the Iron Curtain and Nuclear Missile Silo- They use the typical soviet look with a bit of Chinese architecture thrown in.)

SASU (Guerrilla-Horde. The South American Marxists who left the Soviet Sphere following the formation of the CSAS, they formed the South American Socialist Union in order to stake their own claim. Already they have captured Central America, where they sit on the border of the shattered United States, as well as having footholds in Western Africa, where they battle the Black Hand backed puppet governments. They have two subfactions: The Jaguars, who use lots of stealth, and suicide units as well as Chaos Technology and the Union Guard, who use fast and cheap swarms of units to overwhelm the enemy as well as Infantry who can ambush and smoke to obstruct units. They have two Superweapons: the Disruptor, which hides all buildings and units within a large radius, and the Radio Tower, which calls in a large cargo plane which drops a crate filled with a swarm of insect creatures who swarm the radius and kill all units and buildings, the more units the swarm kills, the longer it stays. Their structures are very quickly built and are basically tents and wood with camo netting over them, their units are somewhat jungle camouflage and makeshift)

Cult of the Black Hand (Guerrilla-Cannon. A secretive Cult led by the mysterious High-Priest Seth, the Black Hand seek to bring about the return of their Prophet Kane, who disappeared after the death of Stalin. Their units are high-tech and create lots of damage but are weaker. They have two Sects who serve as Subfactions: The Scorpion cult, who utilise Mutation, Biological advances and Chemical Weapons and the Marked who utilise Cyborgs and a small amount of Yuri’s mind control technology. Their two superweapons are Seth’s Gift, which repairs/heals all units within the Radius and Kane’s Wrath which is a pinpoint blast that incinerates Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft and Buildings alike. They are very angular and high-tech in both units and buildings, a mix of Tiberian Sun and Tiberium Wars Nod.)

The second game is Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dusk, which takes place after Einstein’s return as the United Earth Coalition, Forgotten and Children of Yuriko struggle over control for a Tiberium infested world. A unique feature is Tiberium Clusters in the Ocean which can be mined by Amphibious Harvesters.


United Earth Coalition (Powerhouse/bit of balanced. The Totalitarian empire following the unification of the Allies and Soviets, the UEC employs Superheavy Tanks mixed with a powerful air force and Navy and tough infantry. They have excellent armour and superior firepower. They employ advanced Allied style manufacturing with a more industrial soviet look. They can push in with massive armoured and mechanised infantry columns, or dig in with powerful defensive units. Their navy mainly plays the role of bombardment and support of land and air forces with the main big three being Aircraft Carriers for precision strikes (which can be upgraded with Chemical Bombs), Deadnougts for continuous bombardment (their guns can be replaced with Tesla Conductors) and their Missile Submarine (which can be upgraded with the choice of Nuclear or Neutron Warheads). They can unlock special Weapons from the Battle Lab by building a Nuclear Containment Facility- Nuclear and Neutron weapons, Chemical Filtrator- Chemical Weapons, and Tesla Conductor- Tesla weapons. Their Harvester is a massive, heavily armoured vehicle that can carry the most Tiberium and has the strongest armour, but is by far the slowest, on both land and water.)

The Forgotten Confederacy (Guerilla/Balanced. Led by Tratos and assisted by Albert Einstein, the Forgotten Confederacy deploys lots of light modified vehicles backed up by mutant infantry and beasts. Their bases look like Scrapyard and they can use Tiberium based weapons to create more beasts such as Visceroids. Their units are fast and cheap but weak in combat, however they can repair on the run. Their aesthetic is a mix between the Mad-Max Style Forgotten, the more militaristic ones who use old war technology, i.e the Mammoth, and the bests and mutated creatures that serve them. The Forgotten Harvester is a salvaged mix of a tractor and combine harvester, it holds the second most Tiberium and is armed with a Tiberium spray-nozzle that can kill infantry and damage light vehicles. The spray, after an amount of time, will grow into Tiberium, therefore Forgotten players can essentially, with enough patience, grow new Tiberium fields anywhere they want.)

Children of Yuriko (Canon/Horde. Mysterious and innumerable, the Children of Yuriko are an army of psychic clones who serve Yuriko in her revenge on the world. Their buildings are very mysterious and combine crystalline and strange/alien designs. Many of her buildings are angular and such and she swarms the enemy with various swarms of vehicles and infantry. Infantry producing structures have many cloning vats sticking out of their structure. They have little in the way of a navy as most of their units are amphibious or hover but some of their units can transform to more powerful versions and their small submarine raider can transform into an artillery submarine with the right upgrades. The Children can build the Gatherer Drone, a Floating Drone with a Cylindrical-Spherical appearance, this harvester is the cheapest and has the same speed on land and water, but is weak, it hover over Tiberium and uses it psionic drill to pull crystals into the drone.)

This post has been edited by Adoge: 16 Oct 2015, 8:46

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 10 Oct 2015, 14:48
Post #2

Chat Nick
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From: Serbia
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If you ever decide to invade Russia, for the love of God, bring some warm clothes. We don't want you to blame the "evil Russian winter" when you get crushed, like everyone else who tried.

The Cult of the Black Hand? That's called ripping off the Serbian history! tongue.gif
BTW, good read. smile.gif

Oh Lord, have mercy, for I am unworthy!

Air war in Europe

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post 10 Oct 2015, 23:51
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QUOTE (3rdShockArmy @ 10 Oct 2015, 23:48) *
The Cult of the Black Hand? That's called ripping off the Serbian history! tongue.gif
BTW, good read. smile.gif

Yes, indeed.
The Cult of the Black Hand I decided would be a darker version of Nod, and given that a). Nod used a lot of Biblical and Serbian references and cool.gif. the Black Hand were the elite advisors in the Soviet Army in Red Alert 1, I would call this version of Nod the Black Hand.

I decided that after the Soviets defeat, Kane would have disappeared, leaving the Cult in the shadows without any control in the Soviet government. I thought about there may have been a struggle between Yuri and the Cult in the Romanov government but the Cult lost out. Instead they are led by Seth, who unlike his incompetent, moronic self in Tiberian Dawn, is instead a mysterious, cold and calculating individual. Essentially, the Cult controls the Biblical heartland- the Levant, as well as much of Africa, the Middle East and South-Eastern Europe (So the Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Bosnians etc.) as a Supranational Shadow Government who manipulates the Puppet-Governments they installed by inciting popular rebellions. They acted as little more than advisors to the rebels in these regions, putting on the outside appearance of a powerful PMC who was contracted by the various and assorted Rebel movements.

Their ultimate goals are to usher in a new age of humanity, a New World Order. They have various sort of Fascist/Transhumanist/Fundamentalist elements that mix into the different Sects of the Scorpion Cult, who favour Biological and Chemical weapons, and the Marked, who value more Transhumanist and cybernetic goals.

They use a lot of specialised technology the Black Hand developed with access to the Soviet Army industrial base, and now they are ready to take on the big powers. At first they mainly struggled against the CSAS, their former allies, but Hardliner forces in Austria attacked down into the Balkans and drove their forces back to Bosnia. However, the Loyalist counter-invasion and the war in Europe after that drew Hardliner forces away. But the rise of the SASU and their expedition to Africa drew the Cult into a true struggle, a struggle between Communism and Fanaticism.

If you want, I could write a backstory for each of the forces, which would highlight some of the more nuanced details of their formation or the direction they are set to go in.

Also thanks man,

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 11 Oct 2015, 3:20
Post #4

Chat Nick
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From: Serbia
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If you ever decide to invade Russia, for the love of God, bring some warm clothes. We don't want you to blame the "evil Russian winter" when you get crushed, like everyone else who tried.

No need to thank me. I enjoyed reading it. smile.gif I'm a fan of CnC since ever. As far as I'm concerned, I would be delighted to read more of this, so if you're willing, knock yourself out. It would be great if there was a fan-fic tread about these kinds of stories, like there's the Theatre of War for RotR. And since Yuri is mentioned, here's an off-topic question:
-Do you think General Aleksandr will get a Yuri-style end in RotR?-
Who knows, maybe you could even link the rest of the CnC stories together with RotR. Just somethin' to think about.

Oh Lord, have mercy, for I am unworthy!

Air war in Europe

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post 11 Oct 2015, 4:23
Post #5

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QUOTE (3rdShockArmy @ 11 Oct 2015, 12:20) *
No need to thank me. I enjoyed reading it. smile.gif I'm a fan of CnC since ever. As far as I'm concerned, I would be delighted to read more of this, so if you're willing, knock yourself out. It would be great if there was a fan-fic tread about these kinds of stories, like there's the Theatre of War for RotR. And since Yuri is mentioned, here's an off-topic question:
-Do you think General Aleksandr will get a Yuri-style end in RotR?-
Who knows, maybe you could even link the rest of the CnC stories together with RotR. Just somethin' to think about.

Thanks man,

I'm definitely thinking of expanding on each of the factions and giving them their own post with a more detailed look- as stated above as well as maybe a post about the state of the United States and its devastating civil war. I'll probably be more motivated if there's more interest, but definitely expect some more fluff in the future.

As for the Fan-Fic thread, that's sort of the reason I set this up, to both show off my own idea and expand on it and hear others ideas. Essentially if anyone else is willing, I'd love to hear their ideas.

The main idea behind my story was to take a darker look at the future of the world after the Third World War and Red Alert 2 that wasn't tacky like Red Alert mobile. It sort of merges the Yuri's Revenge and Red Alert 2 storylines, so that America was still devastated by the Soviet invasion, and Europe devastated by the Psychic Dominator Disaster. I thought about what sort of forces would come into play in a post-War Red Alert universe, for example there were still Authoritarian elements in the Allies, and they tapped into post-war anger and dissatisfaction to engage the more idealistic elements of the Allied leadership. Obviously Romanov would have been seen as weak, and therefore the CSAS forces struck to strengthen an extremely weakened Soviet Union and China, as well as expand their Asian sphere of influence. The Black Hand I wanted to be a darker, more high-tech and less tiberium obsessed Nod, a force who gained a lot from access to Stalin's arsenal, and whom has had influence in History since the beginning of mankind. The Black Hand were originally a force manipulating the Soviets through Stalin's advisor Kane, but following the War and Kane's disappearance, the Black Hand were ousted from Power by Yuri and the Psychic Corps. So then Seth created a shadow, NGO superpower with many bases in the Levant etc. I decided to replace Kane with Seth for a). a breath of fresh air and cool.gif. I wanted Kane to disappear after Stalin's loss in Red Alert 1 and this then lead to Black Hand to search for their former Messiah under the leadership of Seth. The SASU was more because I felt like exploring a South American faction who could use mutated insects, chaos technology and lots of guerilla forces, guntrucks, older exported versions of the Mammoth tanks etc. and be a force in Africa.

The Tiberium story more came to me when I thought of an idea of a United Allies/Soviets fighting for control of Tiberium with the Forgotten and a sort of Yuri Faction with a throwback to Red Alert 3. The UEC come out of the idea that war and attrition whittled the Allies down to a more capitalist version of the Soviets. I also liked the idea of a more high-tech steamroller who had strong ground, naval and air units. The Forgotten would finally translate the Third/Fourth Wheelers who deserved a race of their own into legend, and why not give them Mutant Einstein to go with it. Tratos would be a major kick-ass leader who has to keep his disparate confederation together. I thought about it for a while, and whilst Yuri was dead in the timeline, Stalin still continued on with his psychic warfare corps and his troops, during their invasion of Japan, China and Korea, abducted many possible psychics. Yuriko would develop as a strong psionic warrior and together with Zelinsky flee to Siberia where she would develop a clone army with which to attack the Allies and Soviets (who would later become the UEC) and the Forgotten who get in her way. Following Zelinsky's death, she is sent into a fit of rage and vows revenge. She herself is extremely old and not her schoolgirl self, but she has many clones who take her younger form (as well as clones from other templates, such as abducted Siberians). Her engineer, for example, is a clone of a younger Dr Zelinsky, and she has an army of her Schoolgirl Clones.

Hopefully that explains it all quickly before I go into depth later.

And to answer your question, perhaps. I think it'll be interesting to see if Jaegar and the Americans or Orlov get there first.

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 11 Oct 2015, 12:53
Post #6

Chat Nick
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From: Serbia
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If you ever decide to invade Russia, for the love of God, bring some warm clothes. We don't want you to blame the "evil Russian winter" when you get crushed, like everyone else who tried.

As I said, my pleasure. And I don't think you should wait for the people to get interested. Just do your thing and when they start reading it, they'll get more interested. I started a fan-fic some time ago (link's in my signature) and thought people won't be interested, but now they saw it well over a 1000 times. It's great, though painfully hard to connect the RA and Tiberium universes together. I think you managed to put it all together, without having an ensuing chaotic story as a result, because Tiberium diverts greatly from RA story.
As I said, great job.

Oh Lord, have mercy, for I am unworthy!

Air war in Europe

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post 12 Oct 2015, 11:25
Post #7

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Thanks man,
The expanded lore will be coming soon.
Possibly even more ideas after that.

And maybe an idea for Generals 2... featuring a big of Mega PMC action etc. or something like that.

This post has been edited by Adoge: 12 Oct 2015, 11:27

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 12 Oct 2015, 13:25
Post #8

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First Lore Piece:
The Unionist Party of America:
Modelled on the Federalist Party of the post-Revolution period of America, the Unionists represent a mix of Anti-Communist, Free Market, Hawkish and Federalist politics. Following the disastrous experiments of the 1940s and 50s, in which the Federal Government devolved large amounts of power to the states, a movement known as the Unionists began to grow within the United States. Whilst still a small party in its own right, on the peripheral of the two major parties, the Unionists began to crow increasingly vocal. In the 1960s, the Unionists began to become more of a force, absorbing some Conservative Democrats and moderate and hard-right Republicans who supported Establishment politics, the Unionists began to gain ground, winning a significant voting bloc in Congress over several elections.

The rise of the Confederate Movement, whilst a mishmash of Right Wing Libertarians, Left-Wing Anarchists, Environmentalists, White-Supremacy Groups and Civil Rights movements, represented a significant threat to Establishment politics. In response, the Unionists began to absorb large amounts of the Republican and Democrat parties, causing Establishment and Progressive forces to split to either the Unionists or Confederates respectively. Within a year, the Unionists controlled Congress and held the Balance of Power on the Supreme Court, placing ideally to push their mantra. The Unionists set about ensuring the presidents that passed before them made an adequate reduction in the devolution of power to the states, tightened gun control and strengthened the military. They advocated that a combined Allied Nations military Aegis, coupled with missile defences, aggressive posturing towards the Soviets and a globalised economy would see the Soviet Union unable to maintain a war against a developed West.

Unfortunately for the Unionists, the surge in grass roots support for the Confederates shattered their reform process, and the 1972 elections were set to be a hard one. The Unionists did not run a candidate, but rather backed Independent Candidate, Michael Dugan. Dugan, an actor, was open to manipulation and whilst winning a hard fought battle against the Confederate candidate Howard T Ackerman was quickly sent to the sidelines. Unionists were quickly placed in top positions: Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defence, Attorney General, Chief Justice and Treasury Secretary as well as holding a majority in Congress. Then the unthinkable happened.

The shock attack caught the United States by surprised, many top Unionists were killed in the initial Soviet invasion whilst Dugan managed to escape. The deadlock against the Confederates stopped the Unionists from fully revitalising the US military and only after the war would the party fully recover. Confederate militias would fight as Partisans under Soviet occupation and endear themselves to the people, particularly in the South and West. In comparison, most of the surviving Unionists and their civil defence wing they had organised fled to Canada with the US administration.

The War was bloody and costs millions of lives. The liberation of the US, peace with Soviets and defeat of Yuri cost the Allies dearly. The presence of huge numbers of US troops in Europe was also the only thing stopping the Allied Hardliners, under Francisco Franco, and the Allied Loyalists, under Réne Lyon, from engaging in open conflict.
Dugan’s post-war term was littered with bad public opinion and a spat with the now Confederate controlled Congress over massive repair and reconstruction budgeting.
The assassination of Dugan by a Confederate inspired sniper unleashed a political crisis that would spill into civil war. The Unionists had already heavily entrenched themselves and revitalised American troops through the use of “Black Funds” put aside only for war. Coupled with their ties to the Military-Industrial Complex, the Unionists quickly redeployed troops. Invading Mexico and Cuba, the Unionists hoped to distract the public from the increasingly hostile political atmosphere. Acting-President Douglas McArthur ordered US Troops to return from Europe, unleashing war on the continent between the Allied Hardliners and Loyalists.
Civil War was unleashed when McArthur authorised the deployment of US Airborne Units to arrest the Confederate members of Congress for treason. Pro-Confederate Militias and National Guards did battle with Unionist Military units, Civil Defense formations and Unionist-hired mercenaries.

At the present state of the War, the Unionists are heavily dug-in in the North-Eastern section of the United States, with access to a massive Industrial base, large numbers of well-equipped troops, tanks,, ships and aircraft, and significant corporate and Military-Industrial backing, putting them in a strong position. However, outside of the North-East, the Unionists lack any popular support, and cannot hold much of the ground they capture, in light of the Confederates Guerrilla Warfare tactics.

This post has been edited by Adoge: 12 Oct 2015, 13:27

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 16 Oct 2015, 9:32
Post #9

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Sorry the Unionist one was shit, I just wanted to get a short one out of the way before I started the big factions. Here is the South American Socialist Union, led by the one and only Che Guvera. The next few ones will most likely be the COnfederate Movement, The Black Hand, the Hardliners or the CSAS.

South America had been relatively untouched by the devastating Third World War and ensuing Psychic Dominator Disaster. Whilst the United States had long had a hand in the manipulation of the Central and South American states, the bloc had remained almost entirely Communist, with the exceptions of Cuba and Mexico, who fell to American Forces in invasions supported by the dominant Unionist Party following WW3’s conclusion. At the outset of the Second World War, the Latin States had been controlled by a group of Far-Right Military Dictators, united under the supranational bloc titled the “Integralist Union” in honour of the Brazilian style Fascism they all adhered to. Heavily supported by the United States in the late 50s and early 60s, the Integralists developed extractive institutions and opened their borders to Foreign Corporations, whilst ensuring their control with heavily armed and well equipped US-supplied militaries.

Integralist repression became a subject of scorn among the South and Central American peoples. The fall of Batista in Cuba, at the hands of a grassroots rebellion led by Che Guvera and Fidel Castro, set kindling on the fire. The people rallied, throwing out Dictators across the Americas and installing Socialist regimes across the continent. Dictators’ bodies were dragged through the streets as a new age befell the peoples of Southern and Central America. These new nations became part of the burgeoning World Socialist Alliance, filling the Latin peoples with a new sense of hope. Indeed, the WSA nation of Mexico would be the Catalyst for the devastating Third World War, kicked off by the Soviet Invasion of America.

The Third World War and Yuri’s rebellion had very little impact on South America. Apart from the toppling of the Mexican Communist government and US airstrikes on Cuba, the WSA South American Bloc left the War in almost the same state it began. However, the South American nations had received millions of dollars in Soviet reserve models such as the Export model of the Venerable Mammoth Tank, as well as Soviet Bomb Trucks that were designed to unleash crippling blows on Allied defense lines. But these exports were greeted with anger and distrust, unlike the WSA’s United Arabic Republic, People’s Republic of Asia and Warsaw Pact blocs, which received state-of-the-art Tank and Air Divisions, as well as Soviet advisors, the South American nations received only a token Soviet force to set up a Naval Base there, along with their outdated Second World War equipment. Whilst from the outside, South America presented the image of a united Socialist Commune, a bedrock of stability, on the inside, the El Presidentes and Dictators maintained a tightly controlled society, and managed the same extractive institutions the Integralists had set up. Indeed, many Integralist Legal and Military officials held the same or higher posts in the Socialist governments than their Integralist precursors. Indeed, the Socialist and Integralist models in South America began almost indistinguishable and dissatisfaction among the population grew enormously.

The United Arab Republic’s collapse expedited the fragmentation of the WSA. Whilst before the Third World War, the Union of Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq into a single Arab Republic had ensured a bedrock of stability in the Middle East. Advancing into the corrupt and ineffective Monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Iran, the UAR soon controlled a large amount of Oil with which to fund its militaristic expeditions into Africa and Turkey during the Third World War. Whilst the UAR only suffered minor setbacks against the Allies in Turkey and Tribal militias in Central Africa, the expeditions left the UAR’s economy in ruins. The UAR and South Americans had long been the deciding blocs in the WSA, as Romanov’s Government and the Chinese-dominated PRA were often locked in a titanic power-struggle. A subversive movement had grown within UAR territory, whilst no one could actually confirmed its existence, it was rumoured to be the force that manipulated the protests that destroyed the UAR. First in Iraq, then Libya, then Egypt and finally Syria. Across the Levant, weak governments formed, claiming to be the first of a “New World Order” that would be brought down by the “Servants of Kane”. The collapse of the UAR thrust the South Americans between the clashing PRA and the Warsaw Pact Interests.

Fidel Castro had long stood against the WSA Governments in South America, calling them out for their “Imperialism” and “Greed”. Indeed his words had begun the winds of change, a union of rebel movements across the Americas had gathered under the banner of the “Jaguar Corps”, their aim to remove the WSA “Puppet” Governments and usher in a new age of South American Socialism. Receiving Cuban equipment and training as well as technical support, the Jaguars began to grow across South America. The return of Che Guvera, the People’s Hero, from Africa, where he fought a brutal Bush War against the Allied-backed South African Apartheid Government, further galvanised the Jaguars across South America. Engaging in low scale Guerilla Warfare, the Jaguars began to galvanise the population. Whilst Castro and Che feared Russian and Chinese intervention, their current internal struggle drew attention elsewhere. Indeed Romanov was even sympathetic to the Jagurs’ cause, seeing an opportunity to outwit the Chinese in South America and shore up support from the Jaguar governments following their victory. However, the overthrow of Romanov by the combined Russian and Chinese forces of CSAS shocked the Jaguars, who had been planning for a massive insurgency campaign. The rise of the CSAS saw renewed support for the South American regimes. The Russian and Chinese blocs of CSAS, eager to outdo each other, sent massive expeditions and huge shipments of equipment. Driving back the Jaguars with a combination of Napalm, Nuclear, Flame and Tesla weaponry, the CSAS drove back the Jaguars and rallied the Regimes’ faltering armies. The Jaguars were forced under the cover of the forests, rapidly decreasing because of the liberal use of Nuclear and Napalm weapons by the CSAS, but Che and Castro prepared to strike a blow against the CSAS “Invaders”. The Malvinas, captured by South American WSA forces from the British during the Third World War, had become a massive base for the CSAS expeditionary forces housing a fleet of Dreadnoughts and Akulas, as well as surplus CSAS equipment and a Research base developing copies of Chaos Gas, the hallucinogenic property used by Yuri during the Psychic Dominator. Attacking with 400 of his best men, Che struck with speed, surprising the CSAS garrison with the usage of Crude Explosive Drones, developed by Cuban explosives technicians, and sinking the dreadnoughts and Akulas. The surprise attack caught the CSAS South America command in Rio by shock, believing the Jaguars were on the retreat, they had committed huge numbers of troops to the continent, leaving the Malvinas open to attack. Utilising CSAS Heavy-Lift helicopters, Che transported the Chaos gas back to the mainland alongside Soviet technicians he had captured.

The strike on the Malvinas had shaken the CSAS and their South American counterparts, slowing their advance and giving the Jaguars a chance. Unleashing hundreds of Explosive drones on CSAS bases across South America, the Jaguars struck, crippling the CSAS infrastructure and driving them back to the coastline. Premier Li Peng and General Secretary Kirov were unwilling to commit further forces, as they failed to battle the Black Hand in the Caucasus, and could not break the Allied Hardliners defensive line in Poland. Evacuating from South America, the CSAS left their regime allies to their fate, unwilling to waste further efforts in a doomed continent. Che and his followers were quick to capitalise, overthrowing all dictators but those of Brazil, Argentina and Chile. These three, bolstered by CSAS equipment, held out for three months against intense Jaguar pressure, but the unleashing of Chaos Gas at Che’s orders broke their lines and their rule.

Following the Civil War, reluctantly, Che took up the mantle of People’s Chairman leading a newly reformed bloc under the title the South American Socialist Union. Che inherited a continent broken by Civil War, forests burnt by Tesla and Flame weapons, and crops poisoned by nuclear fallout. He looked north to the nations of Central America, broken by American Imperialism. The formation of a new military was quick, gathering together surplus WW2 Soviet Equipment with improvised vehicles and aircraft. Two structures existed, the (somewhat) regular Guardians of the Union and the paramilitary Jaguars, made up of the Guerillas who fought against the CSAS puppets. The CSAS approached the new SASU, asking them to join under the banner of Prosperity, Order and Unity for all, but they were refused. The SASU advanced through Central America, “liberating” countries from the Integralist governments who had invaded whilst fleeing South America.

The Unionist invasion of Cuba, which deposed Castro and sent him fleeing to South America, slowed the SASU’s expansion, whilst in the midst of Civil War, the Unionists, sporting a strong Industrial Complex, saw the Island Nation as a natural offshore command centre to direct the war against the Confederates. The loss of Cuba complicated the SASU’s expansion, and instead Che looked to the oppressed peoples of Africa, under the yoke of the fanatical and subversive Black Hand or the Fascist and Racist South African Hardliners. The SASUs invasion was further driven by the need for natural resources, which had been pillaged or devastated by centuries of war and dictatorship.

As the War in Africa heats up, and the SASU prepare for a reclamation attempt on Unionist Cuba, Che looks to the African continent for resources to sustain the “People’s Revolution. Battling the Black Hand in their secret bases and the Allied Hardliners in South Africa and its puppet Territories, the SASU has galvanised support from many Socialist African allies, but Tribalist rivalries and attacks from Hardliner South Africa threaten to undo the SASU’s advances. Furthermore, reports of Black Hand cells in South America and Unionist airstrikes in Mexico threaten to drive back the SASU. But the SASU is a new power on the World Stage, unhindered by the devastation wrought on the former Soviet and Allied nations, and they will take what is rightfully theirs.

This post has been edited by Adoge: 16 Oct 2015, 9:34

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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post 21 Oct 2015, 11:55
Post #10

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Planning on releasing the CSAS, Hardliner and Black Hand lore, as well as other possible Command and Conquer ideas.
Feel free to contribute any ideas you have yourself, because I'd rather hear other peoples ideas that tend to be more interesting than my own.

A place where I posted my idea about a possible take on the Post-Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer universe: Reimagining Post Red Alert 2

If you wish to share your faction and RTS game ideas and provide constructive criticism on others', come and join us in this thread: Faction, World and RTS Game ideas

My Ideas: (Criticism appreciated)

Directorate vs Remnant, Backstory Part 1, Backstory Part 2, Characters and groups of the Directorate and Remnant

Basilisk vs Echelon, Unit and General List

Cataclysm: Embers of Hope (an RTS) (This where I will post most of my idea for Cataclysm.)

Global Chaos (Working Title)

My current Fourth General(s):
USA: H.Y.D.R.A, General Schwarzkopf (under development)

GLA: Colonel Abis
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