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My own dystopia setting with story and details (need help for story bits and details), This is just an experiment and sligthly politically incorrect
Die Hindenburg
post 15 Jul 2014, 16:17
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Its an new futurisitc science dystopia setting, where a new world war is fought with revolutionary vehicles, which are actually just overpimped IFVs:

Mechanized Military Mobile Combat-Heavy System
Formely an extensively modified GTK BOXER, the European military quickly developed an complete new generation of armed vehicles, which have replaced all manner of tanks, self propelled artillery, infantry transports and even walkers though a modular configurable weapon system on a all-fitting chassis which can use any propulsion system. Now called M3CHS they can adapt to any situation, and are on the road to even replace VTOL and Drones which proved unable to react to primitive counter measures like manpads or so. The European name is M3CH, Militärisch Mechanik Modul Compatibler Hybrid

Technology and mechanism of M3CHS: As a new mass produceable type of graphene was developed through the european "Graphene-2000" Project since over twenty years it was possible to design durable and flat pieces of electronics (commenly called graphtronics, because of the high electric efficience) and the lightweight beehive comb armour of euronium, an byproduct of Graphene when flooded with electricity within a exact voltage causes the material to tighten and harden the bounds of atoms to an uninmaginagle strong strcuture which is still lighter as previously used nano-metals and harder but more flexible than diamond. This material is marked as 12 in the Mohs scale, which was expanded to include this innovation.

The most important development was a new gyroscopical turret on a 360* degree cancel, shaped like a ball. Also advancements in AI research, again thanks to graphene, led to highly intelligent but not too creative (only capable in battle conditions and deciding on tactics) which could drive the vehicle while simulatnly control the battlefield situation to react to any danger or condition from location, enemy to weather and tactics, but some aspects are still controlled by trained crews, but theyre reduced to mostly 2 or even one.

This important combination of the previous two advances enable the turret to attack any target at any time and angle and even range. The turrets are build modulary, with powerful magnets, protected from EMP thanks to advancements, can accept any weapon and modification of these. For reseasons of logistics and to specialise the pilots of M3CHS, at most 5 (five) weapon modules can be integraded along with an optional (reusable through the fusion powered generator) for support abilities like stealth or self-repair to offensive shields, and a ammo limited grenade-battery which can accept any type of 25/40mm grenade avaible.

The vehicles are small, but thanks to the fusion generator and efficient locomotion systems that replaced plastic or steel wheels, legs and tracks with flat but robust euronium-titanium, they can fit more ammo then even previous ammo carriers.

Its profile also allows the M3CHS to accept any type of locomotion, ranging from clasic to weirder ones like 360* magnetic balls that can drive in any direction. Jetpacks with high newton force can prople and land safely these chimeras also easily from locations up to 100 meters. Rumors even speak of air-mobile, in the literal sense, M3CHS.

All M3CHS have an in board multipurpose detector, capable of detecting any target by using a silent and energy efficient type of wavelength and through unpowered, silent mechanical detectors.

Althrough M3CHS could transport infantry, this modification is not contiued since they small size made them, in essence, literal mobile infantry divisions.

The pilots wear lightweight, wearable and fitting suits that counter gravitc and speed effects through graphene inserts. They are operable for days of combat thanks to efficient fuel-batteries or even small scale fusion generators.

M3CHS have a similar reputation as chariots of old, because they are so new in design and use that they killed the old strategy used in previous mechanized wars.
A mix of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.L.A.I.:_Ste...a_International with their modularity and this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_%28armo...ting_vehicle%29 as common chassis design, but these things are not walkers, drone, tank, mechs or actual IFVs but more of an soldier in vehicle form.

Created through the US-Russo-War (an war similar to cliched stories and not important for this setting that much) and grand civil (occured because of many reasons, dont ask) war era period of the early 21st century as many nations have crumbled, the remained, most powerful ones quickly absorbed the land into political and military super-nations. Most of these Superblocks abandoned their original nation, free market, most western values religion, liberty and small mans capitalism in favour of a authorial, militarist, multicapitalist rationalist and supra-nationalist agenda. These military-industrial dictatorships turned the world into a more clear, multipolar world, but at costs too large to be avoided while single-handedly made the progress, advancement and also disasters that preceded them forgotten quickly.

The representative (but not executive) center of an Superblock, we cannot know where are they bases. GPS is gone you know, destroyed in the previous battles-.

The last great misfortune of this century
A series of Military conflicts between the Western Alliance, Asian League and the European Commonwealth, started in the 21st century because of battling over recourses like water, oil, agriculture and place to live.
While Oil and agriculture and even most recourse are not important since the breakthrough of genetic and graphene technology, drinkable water and places have become an issue that is causing these wars the most often.

The Afrika Eroberungen (The conquests over Africa)
The European Commonwealth first politically and economically "acquired" the defenceless lands of Africa and even the armed fortresses in the middle east constructed by the Western Alliance to project fast strikes and reaction. These events prompted the Asian League (who controlled North Africa) and the Western Alliance (fearing that their fortresses in the middle east would be cut off if Europe gained land on Iraq) to declare war on the Europeans.

The first battles were brutal and short for the attacking sides, because their obsolete equipment of western Tecumseh MBTs Tanks and Asian KCWs (Korean-Combat-Walker) proved worthless against the first generation of M3CHS which outgunned and overrun the opposition with almost no resistance.

The infamous "European Hammer day" was an testament of an massacre, leaving thousands Asian & western men dead on the dunes of Africa, along with multiple hundred wrecks of destroyed tanks, IFVs and walkers. The European did not lose any of their M3CHS, which was a such frightening fact that west-based Claymore Mechs and Asian Shanghai/Bombay Industries were ordered to quickly analyze and replicate this technology.

Their best scientists, some of them the most relatively intelligent (you now, intelligence is relative) of earth used an easy to do, safe and subtle method to gain the knowledge from so called European science:
Cutting these damn things with the strongest material cutters and learn from their internals components.
Although it took 2 years to even understand the mechanics and frames, which while simple are made of new and classified materials at that time (it was the early rendition of Nano-Materials, called Euronium), the work was finished and the first prototype of the western M3CHS rolled from Ottawa, Canada: The Mj. Payne, which was named after an US-Major who served at the Russo-US war in the 21st Century and the first Canadian born to earn the Medal of Honour.

The reason of why it was so difficult to analyze the materials came to the fact that europeans quickly recovered their M3CHS as possible, even sacrificing their own troops and tanks for them.

Western Alliance
Seat: Ottawa, Former Canada
The multifunctional Superblock consisting of the former United States. Canada and Mexico. Although most of the Canadians, Mexicans and US-citizens protested this political thing, this monster of an industrial-military complex
(which was made up of nationalized companies and the 10 largest US-Corporations) quickly suppressed and ended the riots and protests that followed. The system of small free market and liberty was completely abandoned and forbidden in favour of a capitalist style reminding of early 21st China, with many elements of large scale government. Technology regressed for civilians to an extent that a Smartphone will be the most advanced piece of electronics that an Western citizen will get. The black market, an way to circumvent this in theory is actually controlled and monitored by the companies & government to make it impossible to buy weapons and higher tech and even many simple things to enjoy life, an trick used by the former UK.

The civilian cities Reminds you of Deus Ex 1 and that resistance from Crysis-3, while the army has Mass Effect styled military aircraft and the ground forces have elements of Crysis-3's C.E.L.L. also doses from Frontlines: Fuel of War and Tomclancy Endwar, but only military
The US have no gorvernment and are like in "Deus Ex 2", reduced to a mass of land of the Western Alliance, so its no US takes over cliche.

Greater Asian League
Seat: Gangam, United Korea
Lead by China, India and United Korea (The unification war was won by the south who later ended their relationship with the US in favour of a new nationalist, non-western korean way of life) this was the first Superblock to be created and is one of the most technological advanced one at that, thanks to Korea and China, an computerized and cybernetic enhanced technocracy that is unlike the neo-communist USF and the authoritarian Western Alliance. Having the largest population of cyborgs and robots due to cheap and easy to get electronics, this Superblock and quickly react to most dangers that threaten its tightly guarded boarders. Japan and Singapore, once advanced nations, were destroyed in civil wars (espically Japan) and are reduced to 4th world countries, with Japan not even existing as proper nation anymore, instead being colonized by India and China for living places.
Also since cloning is extensivly used, this superblock also has little problems for food and other organic materials, what it lacks is actually much more arbitally: Land.

Looks like china and singapore from Deus Ex Human Revolution, and has many many cyborgs and androids.
*Gagnam is one of the richest cities in Korea.

United Slavic Federation
Seat: Crimea, Crimean Oblast
Huge Neo-Communist amalgamation of Slavic and greek speaking land, this massive entity is the result of heavy doses of nostalgia and lost during the early 21st century, where the Balkan nations were left on their own dirt because of the formation of the European commonwealth and the Russian federation experiencing a shameful defeat in the US-Russo war, also called the 2,5 World War. The extreme industrialisation that followed after the neo-communists (presumed to be a conspiral manuever by an 3rd party source, but unlikely) took over in control of the Federation and through the submission of the east European Balkan countries like Serbia, Greece and Poland (easy since russia still had many industrial and organic recourses) did a great job to rebuild this mass of land into an giant factory and communist care centre. While the population lives without any money, they get the most simple of thing like food (artificial grown and genetically modified to ethical and biological extremes) for free... or rather for work for the country. An communist disneyland was born... an industrial hydra which can regrow its head with two other heads.
This Superblock was slow to adapt to the new military technology, but jumped in the M3CHS train after their 4T Reaper IFVs and TMU100 Heavy Tanks were shredded by Asian Jadeblade M3CHS in the thousands.

Architectually like a mix or RA3 soviet (green colors and tesla-punk) with ROTR style (square architecture)
Btw, Russia is one of the weakest members, if not non-existing.

European Commonwealth
Seat: Geneva, Switzerland
Europe was one of the most prosperus continets thanks to the advances of graphen-materials, and the people were had little to no problems because of the many jobs created by the new technology, until the populations rose to an new high, while land and clean water became more scarce--- needs more help here.

2nd to form and ironically enough, most diverse Superblock, despite the fascism and nationalism that this unified Europe created by its very existence. Most non-european populations (even some europeans like basques, and czech) where driven out, while the Jewish citizens were oppressed again, which marked their return to their home Israel, the only major block-free nation that currently exists and able to replicate (but not innovate) M3CHS technology. The racialist and fascist European Government is a combination of many rightwing and left and also conservative parties, all of them formed since the early 21st century (so none of the todays parties). Despite this, while technology and life quality seem very comfortable and well leveled, it is all but an expensive charade (thanks to the Truck-system replaced money with so called DLC-Cards, which are gained by work and status to this chimera of an nation.)*
From satellite view, the white sprayed buildings that form the most of European architecture, with their hexagon construction and glowing neon colours hide a brutal and coldly calculation bastardisation of human life.
The most ironic part is that Switzerland gave up its neutrality and joined the EC in awe of its power and "wealth".
Their shining M3CHS, the Löwe/Legionari is an italian-swiss monstrosity which reduce tank armies to molten slag in less than few minutes, and its scary green searchlights broke the hearts and ended existance of thousands of human soldiers.
One of the few hopes still remain in the form of many resistance inside europe, like the german "Blaue Rose" and "Liberati Italia de Cumpas" of Sicily. These plan to free to europe from the facist fist it holds down its throut.

An parody of these idalistic future europe settings, with 1984 style of civilian life.
Trivia: The leader of this Commonwealth is Italy, actually... because its too cliche to use germany or the Uk for that. Oh and france is their own black sheep, reduced to an third world mass of land, more of an test field for new M3CHS
Italy's cities like Neon-Acedia looks so futuristic that you think you live in a eldar or tau or alien city, but it smells like melt plastic and burn bird crap.

Andean Military Pact
Seat: Any Andean subordinate has one seat of government, to prevent loss of control.
Very late to be established Superblock, the unified government of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Venezuela is the only Entity with a socialist "constitution" but it as against old world moral and an authoritarian blob of militarism and technocratic as any other Superblock. Unconventional in warfare and highly aggressive against any disruption of its borders and rule of land, the Andean forces are rapid, brutal and unpredictable, striking with fast attacks to annihilate their many enemies. Was life in the Brazilian Favelas a living nightmare during the early 21st for most, it is now an entire continent that builds on that "proud tradition", while "pacification" through the Paramilitary, an another tradition maintain this status quo. Possession is tightly controlled to prevent insurgents to get arms and starting civil wars.
This is the only Superblock without an central government, its placed around the continent.

Take the Favelas and place them anywhere in that contintent, you have the civilian cities of the AMP. Also they are a expy of the James Camerson humans in that movie with these space smurfs.

Lunar Colony Alpha
Seat: Moon Base Alpha
A newly forming but still infantile Superblock, but with a clear and naive vision: to overcome, or better yet avoid the problems that plagued people on the small and finite earth. The Lunar Colony was founded as non-ideological base by the richest and most influential men and woman who defected from decadence and thanks to the large mineral reserves gained from asteroids and comets through bots and space stations orbiting the moon, this small nation can easily reach or even surpass its jealous rivals. Although posing as pacifistic and diplomatic, the Lunar Colony has developed its own M3CHS, an prototype of rumoured to be based on physic laws breaking technology. They want to be free from any of earths problem, but are they ready to face the inevitable conflict that will arise from its enemies?
And is the Lunar Colony really that different in philosophy, respect to human life and technology, as their enemies?
This one is like the Earh21xx's Lunar Society, also with so many woman but not "feminazi"-cliche (which i find insulting to true feminists which i respect) like.

Middle East Coalition
The 2nd smallest but weakest and lousiest... "Superblock", the MEC is so small and weak in fact that it is almost ignored by the other major player, which could prove to be a mistake, since many rich warlords from Africa and Arabian countries are secretly planning to construct their own combat forces, fortunately they lack any capability to even design their own M3CHS, instead they steal and modify abandoned ones which are weak and desperate Frankenstein's without any military worth or any use. If not for the large amount of riches, it would not even be plundered by Europeans, Westerns, Slavs and Asians.
(Its a take that moment to any of these terrorist organisations that you see in games, like nod and gla)

Other Nations
Israel & Austria are the only nations that do not belong to any Superblock. They cannot manufacture many M3CHS and those which they produce are unmodified copies, just with different serial numbers and colours.
They can still defend themselves a bit against the superblocks, since they amased enough M3CHS to counter invasions for enough time to make conquering them worthless for the superblocks.
Africa and nations like Mongolia are so powerless that they don't have any influence what so ever.

*This system existed really!
Btw, since i am a christian, please no anti-christian bits, like an christofacist government for the US here, this is an anti-christian cliche. Oh and no other religions, i respect them even i disagree with them.

Oh and i am sorry for painting all these superblocks so negative and a bit racist, but its their authorian governments that make them so dystopian and their efficient propaganda/supply system keeps most people into believing them as nice guys..

This post has been edited by Die Hindenburg: 18 Jul 2014, 15:51
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post 15 Jul 2014, 16:36
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Gonna give this a read later, as it does look interesting. However, I should move this to the Art Gallery, since it's a piece of written fiction, which still falls under that category label smile.gif
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Die Hindenburg
post 15 Jul 2014, 16:42
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Many many thanks!!!

Oh and thanks for the interest also! biggrin.gif
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post 15 Jul 2014, 23:09
Post #4

Lazy Cookie Monster
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It's dystopian alright, I got to give you that. blink.gif

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post 16 Jul 2014, 7:59
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Gave it a proper read now, analysis incoming.

Mechanized Military Mobile Combat-Heavy System
Formely an extensively modified GTK BOXER, the European military quickly developed an complete new generation of armed vehicles, which have replaced all manner of tanks, self propelled artillery, infantry transports and even walkers though a modular configurable weapon system on a all-fitting chassis which can use any propulsion system. Now called M3CHS they can adapt to any situation, and are on the road to even replace VTOL and Drones which proved unable to react to primitive counter measures like manpads or so. The European name is M3CH, Militärisch Mechanik Modul Compatibler Hybrid

M3CHS have a similar reputation as chariots of old, because they are so new in design and use that they killed the old strategy used in previous mechanized wars.
A mix of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.L.A.I.:_Ste...a_International with their modularity and this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_%28armo...ting_vehicle%29 as common chassis design, but these things are not walkers, drone, tank, mechs or actual IFVs but more of an soldier in vehicle form.

Whilst APCs are typically well-suited for versatility and different variants (as seen with the M113 or the Stryker for example) I wouldn't consider it plausible to have ALL kinds of military vehicles replaced by what are essentially variants of the same vehicle, no matter how modular it may be. This thing supposedly evolves into tanks, artillery, infantry transport, walkers and even aircraft. There is no practical way to fit all of these vastly different combat roles into one platform while still living up to the full requirements of each of these niches. You did identify yourself as a German in the political thread, so I'll break it down to a term you might be familiar with: What you describe is essentially a military version of the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau, which is just as impossible to realise in a military/engineering context as in any other. You can have modularity, versatility and variants, but a stubborn 'one size fits all, jack of all trades' approach for the equipment of an entire military is more counter productive than useful, because you would end up with a vehicle that tries to do a bit of everything whilst excelling at nothing.

Created through the US-Russo-War (an war similar to cliched stories and not important for this setting that much) and grand civil (occured because of many reasons, dont ask) war era period of the early 21st century as many nations have crumbled, the remained, most powerful ones quickly absorbed the land into political and military super-nations. Most of these Superblocks abandoned their original nation, free market, most western values religion, liberty and small mans capitalism in favour of a authorial, militarist, multicapitalist rationalist and supra-nationalist agenda. These military-industrial dictatorships turned the world into a more clear, multipolar world, but at costs too large to be avoided while single-handedly made the progress, advancement and also disasters that preceded them forgotten quickly.

Reminds me of 1984, where the entire world is split between the three super-states Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, which are locked in a perpetual war despite - or perhaps due to - the fact that they appear to be largely the same, albeit simply ruled by different cadres that are solely motivated by the pursuit of power for themselves. The problem is, 1984 was deliberately written to be as grim-dark, hopeless and depressive as possible in order to illustrate the evils of totalitarianism through exaggerated. It made a good point, but it did not make for a very compelling, let alone satisfying story. If everyone is evil - why should we, as an audience, care about what happens to them and their world?

The representative (but not executive) center of an Superblock, we cannot know where are they bases. GPS is gone you know, destroyed in the previous battles---

Sorry, but this seems like an oxymoron. How can it be impossible to know the location of a representative body which, by the very definition of the word, would have to be identifiable via its characteristics and location?

A series of Military conflicts between the Western Alliance, Asian League and the European Commonwealth, started in the 21st century because of battling over recourses like water, oil, agriculture and place to live.

I do like the term 'superwar', it has a very sinister, yet sensational sound to it, feels very newspeak.

The Afrika Eroberungen (The conquests over Africa)
The European Commonwealth first politically and economically "acquired" the defenceless lands of Africa and even the armed fortresses in the middle east constructed by the Western Alliance to project fast strikes and reaction. These events prompted the Asian League (who controlled North Africa) and the Western Alliance (fearing that their fortresses in the middle east would be cut off if Europe gained land on Iraq) to declare war on the Europeans.

The first battles were brutal and short for the attacking sides, because their obsolete equipment of western Snowden MBTs Tanks and Asian KCWs (Korean-Combat-Walker) proved worthless against the first generation of M3CHS which outgunned and overrun the opposition with almost no resistance.

The infamous "European Hammer day" was an testament of an massacre, leaving thousands Asian & western men dead on the dunes of Africa, along with multiple hundred wrecks of destroyed tanks, IFVs and walkers. The European did not lose any of their M3CHS, which was a such frightening fact that west-based Claymore Mechs and Asian Shanghai/Bombay Industries were ordered to quickly analyze and replicate this technology.

Their best scientists, some of them the most relatively intelligent (you now, intelligence is relative) of earth used an easy to do, safe and subtle method to gain the knowledge from so called European science:
Cutting these damn things with the strongest material cutters and learn from their internals components.
Although it took 2 years to even understand the mechanics and frames, which while simple are made of new and classified materials at that time (it was the early rendition of Nano-Materials, called Euronium), the work was finished and the first prototype of the western M3CHS rolled from Ottawa, Canada: The Mj. Payne, which was named after an US-Major who served at the Russo-US war in the 21st Century and the first Canadian born to earn the Medal of Honour.

Sounds a bit like a eurowank. The notion that Europe would be able to defeat two enemy superpowers singlehandedly due to a single piece of implausibly superior technology doesn't seem very compelling to be honest. One very important detail that I'm missing in all this is the timeframe and the overall technological level of this fictional world.

Western Alliance
Seat: Ottawa, Former Canada
The multifunctional Superblock consisting of the former United States. Canada and Mexico. Although most of the Canadians, Mexicans and US-citizens protested this political thing, this monster of an industrial-military complex
(which was made up of nationalized companies and the 10 largest US-Corporations) quickly suppressed and ended the riots and protests that followed. The system of small free market and liberty was completely abandoned and forbidden in favour of a capitalist style reminding of early 21st China, with many elements of large scale government. Technology regressed for civilians to an extent that a Smartphone will be the most advanced piece of electronics that an Western citizen will get. The black market, an way to circumvent this in theory is actually controlled and monitored by the companies & government to make it impossible to buy weapons and higher tech and even many simple things to enjoy life, an trick used by the former UK.

The civilian cities Reminds you of Deus Ex 1 and that resistance from Crysis-3, while the army has Mass Effect styled military aircraft and the ground forces have elements of Crysis-3's C.E.L.L. also doses from Frontlines: Fuel of War and Tomclancy Endwar, but only military
The US have no gorvernment and are like in "Deus Ex 2", reduced to a mass of land of the Western Alliance, so its no US takes over cliche.

Greater Asian League
Seat: Gangam, United Korea
Lead by China, India and United Korea (The unification war was won by the south who later ended their relationship with the US in favour of a new nationalist, non-western korean way of life) this was the first Superblock to be created and is one of the most technological advanced one at that, thanks to Korea and China, an computerized and cybernetic enhanced technocracy that is unlike the neo-communist USF and the authoritarian Western Alliance. Having the largest population of cyborgs and robots due to cheap and easy to get electronics, this Superblock and quickly react to most dangers that threaten its tightly guarded boarders. Japan and Singapore, once advanced nations, were destroyed in civil wars (espically Japan) and are reduced to 4th world countries, with Japan not even existing as proper nation anymore, instead being colonized by India and China for living places.
Also since cloning is extensivly used, this superblock also has little problems for food and other organic materials, what it lacks is actually much more arbitally: Land.

Looks like china and singapore from Deus Ex Human Revolution, and has many many cyborgs and androids.
*Gagnam is one of the richest cities in Korea.

United Slavic Federation
Seat: Crimea, Crimean Oblast
Huge Neo-Communist amalgamation of Slavic and greek speaking land, this massive entity is the result of heavy doses of nostalgia and lost during the early 21st century, where the Balkan nations were left on their own dirt because of the formation of the European commonwealth and the Russian federation experiencing a shameful defeat in the US-Russo war, also called the 2,5 World War. The extreme industrialisation that followed after the neo-communists (presumed to be a conspiral manuever by an 3rd party source, but unlikely) took over in control of the Federation and through the submission of the east European Balkan countries like Serbia, Greece and Poland (easy since russia still had many industrial and organic recourses) did a great job to rebuild this mass of land into an giant factory and communist care centre. While the population lives without any money, they get the most simple of thing like food (artificial grown and genetically modified to ethical and biological extremes) for free... or rather for work for the country. An communist disneyland was born... an industrial hydra which can regrow its head with two other heads.
This Superblock was slow to adapt to the new military technology, but jumped in the M3CHS train after their 4T Reaper IFVs and TMU100 Heavy Tanks were shredded by Asian Jadeblade M3CHS in the thousands.

Architectually like a mix or RA3 soviet (green colors and tesla-punk) with ROTR style (square architecture)
Btw, Russia is one of the weakest members, if not non-existing.

European Commonwealth
Seat: Geneva, Switzerland
2nd to form and ironically enough, most diverse Superblock, despite the fascism and nationalism that this unified Europe created by its very existence. Most non-european populations (even some europeans like basques, and czech) where driven out, while the Jewish citizens were oppressed again, which marked their return to their home Israel, the only major block-free nation that currently exists and able to replicate (but not innovate) M3CHS technology. The racialist and fascist European Government is a combination of many rightwing (which posed themselves as pro Jewish and pro west, but quickly showed their true face after they got their power) and left and also conservative parties, all of them formed since the early 21st century (so none of the todays parties). Despite this, while technology and life quality seem very comfortable and well leveled, it is all but an expensive charade (thanks to the Truck-system replaced money with so called DLC-Cards, which are gained by work and status to this chimera of an nation.)*
From satellite view, the white sprayed buildings that form the most of European architecture, with their hexagon construction and glowing neon colours hide a brutal and coldly calculation bastardisation of human life.
The most ironic part is that Switzerland gave up its neutrality and joined the EC in awe of its power and "wealth".
Their shining M3CHS, the Löwe/Legionari is an italian-swiss monstrosity which reduce tank armies to molten slag in less than few minutes, and its scary green searchlights broke the hearts and ended existance of thousands of human soldiers.
One of the few hopes still remain in the form of many resistance inside europe, like the german "Blaue Rose" and "Liberati Italia de Cumpas" of Sicily. These plan to free to europe from the facist fist it holds down its throut.

An parody of these idalistic future europe settings, with 1984 style of civilian life.
Trivia: The leader of this Commonwealth is Italy, actually... because its too cliche to use germany or the Uk for that. Oh and france is their own black sheep, reduced to an third world mass of land, more of an test field for new M3CHS
Italy's cities like Neon-Acedia looks so futuristic that you think you live in a eldar or tau or alien city, but it smells like melt plastic and burn bird crap.

Andean Military Pact
Seat: Any Andean subordinate has one seat of government, to prevent loss of control.
Very late to be established Superblock, the unified government of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Venezuela is the only Entity with a socialist "constitution" but it as against old world moral and an authoritarian blob of militarism and technocratic as any other Superblock. Unconventional in warfare and highly aggressive against any disruption of its borders and rule of land, the Andean forces are rapid, brutal and unpredictable, striking with fast attacks to annihilate their many enemies. Was life in the Brazilian Favelas a living nightmare during the early 21st for most, it is now an entire continent that builds on that "proud tradition", while "pacification" through the Paramilitary, an another tradition maintain this status quo. Possession is tightly controlled to prevent insurgents to get arms and starting civil wars.
This is the only Superblock without an central government, its placed around the continent.

Take the Favelas and place them anywhere in that contintent, you have the civilian cities of the AMP. Also they are a expy of the James Camerson humans in that movie with these space smurfs.

Lunar Colony Alpha
Seat: Moon Base Alpha
A newly forming but still infantile Superblock, but with a clear and naive vision: to overcome, or better yet avoid the problems that plagued people on the small and finite earth. The Lunar Colony was founded as non-ideological base by the richest and most influential men and woman who defected from decadence and thanks to the large mineral reserves gained from asteroids and comets through bots and space stations orbiting the moon, this small nation can easily reach or even surpass its jealous rivals. Although posing as pacifistic and diplomatic, the Lunar Colony has developed its own M3CHS, an prototype of rumoured to be based on physic laws breaking technology. They want to be free from any of earths problem, but are they ready to face the inevitable conflict that will arise from its enemies?
And is the Lunar Colony really that different in philosophy, respect to human life and technology, as their enemies?
This one is like the Earh21xx's Lunar Society, also with so many woman but not "feminazi"-cliche (which i find insulting to true feminists which i respect) like.

Middle East Coalition
The 2nd smallest but weakest and lousiest... "Superblock", the MEC is so small and weak in fact that it is almost ignored by the other major player, which could prove to be a mistake, since many rich warlords from Africa and Arabian countries are secretly planning to construct their own combat forces, fortunately they lack any capability to even design their own M3CHS, instead they steal and modify abandoned ones which are weak and desperate Frankenstein's without any military worth or any use. If not for the large amount of riches, it would not even be plundered by Europeans, Westerns, Slavs and Asians.
(Its a take that moment to any of these terrorist organisations that you see in games, like nod and gla)

Other Nations
Israel, Austria and South Africa are the only nations that do not belong to any Superblock. They cannot manufacture many M3CHS and those which they produce are unmodified copies, just with different serial numbers and colours.
They can still defend themselves a bit against the superblocks, since they amased enough M3CHS to counter invasions for enough time to make conquering them worthless for the superblocks.
Africa and nations like Mongolia are so powerless that they don't have any influence what so ever.

This part would really benefit from a comprehensive world map, with the different territories marked out in colour, the new borders, possible changes to the landmass itself, etc. All things considered, you did put a lot of thought and imagination into this, but I gotta wonder where you actually want to go with this. It does kind of inspire me to work on some imagery for a little brain exercise I've had for a while; worldbuilding for a hypothetical ROTR-inspired RTS, which also revolves around a multipolar world spawned out of the present, albeit not as deliberately dystopian as possible.
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post 16 Jul 2014, 11:26
Post #6

Orcinius Genocidalus
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No, you move.

Why would anyone name a Tank after the world's worst Cybercriminal?

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post 16 Jul 2014, 16:23
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Even though I personally don't look at him as that, I also feel that it seems weird and inconsistent. Why would a repressive military/corporatist state like the Western Alliance break from established traditions and name a tank after a civilian, let alone one who revealed an out of control system of state-sanctioned mass surveillance and fled to a hostile nation while being widely regarded as a traitor in his own?
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Die Hindenburg
post 16 Jul 2014, 16:41
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QUOTE (MARS @ 16 Jul 2014, 8:59) *
Gave it a proper read now, analysis incoming.

Whilst APCs are typically well-suited for versatility and different variants (as seen with the M113 or the Stryker for example) I wouldn't consider it plausible to have ALL kinds of military vehicles replaced by what are essentially variants of the same vehicle, no matter how modular it may be. This thing supposedly evolves into tanks, artillery, infantry transport, walkers and even aircraft. There is no practical way to fit all of these vastly different combat roles into one platform while still living up to the full requirements of each of these niches. You did identify yourself as a German in the political thread, so I'll break it down to a term you might be familiar with: What you describe is essentially a military version of the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau, which is just as impossible to realise in a military/engineering context as in any other. You can have modularity, versatility and variants, but a stubborn 'one size fits all, jack of all trades' approach for the equipment of an entire military is more counter productive than useful, because you would end up with a vehicle that tries to do a bit of everything whilst excelling at nothing.

Reminds me of 1984, where the entire world is split between the three super-states Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, which are locked in a perpetual war despite - or perhaps due to - the fact that they appear to be largely the same, albeit simply ruled by different cadres that are solely motivated by the pursuit of power for themselves. The problem is, 1984 was deliberately written to be as grim-dark, hopeless and depressive as possible in order to illustrate the evils of totalitarianism through exaggerated. It made a good point, but it did not make for a very compelling, let alone satisfying story. If everyone is evil - why should we, as an audience, care about what happens to them and their world?

Sorry, but this seems like an oxymoron. How can it be impossible to know the location of a representative body which, by the very definition of the word, would have to be identifiable via its characteristics and location?

I do like the term 'superwar', it has a very sinister, yet sensational sound to it, feels very newspeak.

Sounds a bit like a eurowank. The notion that Europe would be able to defeat two enemy superpowers singlehandedly due to a single piece of implausibly superior technology doesn't seem very compelling to be honest. One very important detail that I'm missing in all this is the timeframe and the overall technological level of this fictional world.

This part would really benefit from a comprehensive world map, with the different territories marked out in colour, the new borders, possible changes to the landmass itself, etc. All things considered, you did put a lot of thought and imagination into this, but I gotta wonder where you actually want to go with this. It does kind of inspire me to work on some imagery for a little brain exercise I've had for a while; worldbuilding for a hypothetical ROTR-inspired RTS, which also revolves around a multipolar world spawned out of the present, albeit not as deliberately dystopian as possible.

Many thanks for the responses and tipps.

My intent was to design a almost never-ending conflict

1.The impossibilty of a actual versitale and all-role vehicle: I know this, but i totally ignore the reality for this point. It is intended to be a dystopian version of the Scoot Vehicle of that game, S.L.A.I. those things were total mary sue vehicles, and they were literally ANYTHING from a jumping mech to an hovercraft or tank, you can give them quad MGs to make them a overpowered antiair monster, destroying the ingame vtols in seconds, or give them FAE explosive launchers to make them walking nukes. Even the armored cores were not that versitale AND strong, but you would have to play this game extremly long (because of the loading times and sluggish options, the actual game is lightning fast) to see that.
Oh and they did had pilots prior 2030 in that games timeline but replaced them with remote control.
Even weirder, these things were uses both as military and for that tournament!

To these M3CHS, i had something in that sounds strange but these vehicles use a gyroscopic turret that has an 360* degree and rotates also very fast thanks to a number of specialised and an general, heavily armored AI.
Also the fact that they are pilot by one crew member, the rest like driving and aiming and even planing tactis and strategy are driven by the inboard AI. These are also creative that can adapt to almost any tactic.
They are looking like generalist but weak IFVs, but they are more like soldiers in vehicle form, they are pretty also small and could even fit inside a living room. Yes they are mary sual, but removing that trait would something i personally dont like, i dont know why though. mani8.gif

2.Thats the problem with these ultra-authorian, its so difficult to make them plausible or to care for their population at all, but if i used a more realistic or idealistic or nice version i dont know how to pull that out without making the other factions still as being the opposite but similar side of the coin. This was also intented as over the top counter design for the idialistic world of SLAI, which was very optimistic.

3. This with the Eurowank will be changed, atleast minimised as soon as possible, but not completly gone, i still want to have a small little bit of it, should i remove or lessen the racism thing or what you would change here?
Though it was supposed to be a overexegration of Mussolinis Italy/Nazi-Germany and other "Evil-European Guy and his enslaved country" elements, combined with a dose of crazynised counterparts of the UKIP, V's Norsefire party and all there rightwing parties, if would they have that power and ideas, but developed an hate to america and asia as much as greece does to the EU, or Europe in general.

The owning of the asian and western military was supposed to show how alien this new type of vehicle is in both technology and use of it. Its like War of the Worlds, 2005 version's tripods, which also seemlingy are implausible but were just also things metal, yet they owned the militaries very quickly, of course thanks to the shields, but their materials where just a metal like material so they were more like our machines if not for the shields and beam weapons (which also werent that special, yes crazy but still grounded on laser/thermal energy weapons)

Oh that with the technology: I try to figure out some explaniton, something with a mass produced version of nano-hardened Graphene which is also used for the electronics. The AI and robotics are extremly advanced and widely avaible.
But the tech-level as its called is pretty much consistent around the world, its rather the capality of producing the shit. Very scifi/cliche or iconic theme weapons of course are Superblock-Exclusive, of course.

The timeline is a problem for me personaly, since it projects something that is always open to change, so i have an generalist
Its like in modern warfare 1 which did also not have a timeline in the sense of years, and almost no one give a shat about that. Perhaps more important should be something like so: 4th year since the war started or something.
It would be cliched and also a bit dumb for me if the years are numbered in, what 2020 or so, no offence but no game has ever did that plasubily (even if some things did indeed happened, it would be calling Deus Ex our exact future, which will never be, because its both too optimistic and pessimistic) I could include months and days or events, though.

4.The representative seats, while seemingly influential, are more decoys with blissful architecture and a straw homecity, which the rivals know, but destroying them would be inefficient since they are not important for the war, and the rivals rather try to capture them as trophy. They are heavily

5. This superwar name was a spontan thing, as soon as i figured something better, i could change it, which should not be a problem.

Ok to be truthful, while i always make stories like these and did some similar, or very similar settings, this particular one was a spontanous idea, toke me only some hours to think and wrote this entirely (i actually have even more canon/fluff and even the accurate description of the M3CHS with their weapons in my brain in that same day and intend to write it.

Me is thanking God for the inspiration! C: :omfg:Yes it was that spontanous and instantly, but based on earlier universes. I can think them out very quickly and loaded with so much background details, i have problems to do the actual story (one of my many weaknesses) and making certain things plausible or non-fantastic.

I have thought out stories that would be to bizarre to write down, usually cruel remakes of children stories and sequels to almost ignored games. One of the examples was a expaned Titanfall universe, where earth was ripped into a worldwide civil war, which is similar to this one story here. My most favorite one was a counter warhammer 40000 universe with no alien races but human made factions that resembled these, but it was not set in the future but in today... lol

Ah and i dont know really what i want to do with it, propally i create a new story.

QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 16 Jul 2014, 12:26) *
Why would anyone name a Tank after the world's worst Cybercriminal?

This one was fully intended.
Btw, Why he is a cybercriminal for exposing the NSA and the US-gorvenment?

This post has been edited by Die Hindenburg: 16 Jul 2014, 16:52
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Die Hindenburg
post 16 Jul 2014, 16:46
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QUOTE (MARS @ 16 Jul 2014, 17:23) *
Even though I personally don't look at him as that, I also feel that it seems weird and inconsistent. Why would a repressive military/corporatist state like the Western Alliance break from established traditions and name a tank after a civilian, let alone one who revealed an out of control system of state-sanctioned mass surveillance and fled to a hostile nation while being widely regarded as a traitor in his own?

Full irony. If i would called it Schwartzkopf or any of these US-generals that would be to obvious, and its actually just a story based tank that would not be mentioned anywhere else.
IF its too bugging for too many i of course would change that, but not after a general, it would still have an ironic name. Or an general who would not deserve it, he should be infamous and incompetent. That would be geniously funny. tongue.gif
But they named atleast their own M3CHS after an -ficitional- military dude, The Private War of Major Benson/Major Payne anyone? lol

"Reminds me of 1984, where the entire world is split between the three super-states Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, which are locked in a perpetual war despite - or perhaps due to - the fact that they appear to be largely the same, albeit simply ruled by different cadres that are solely motivated by the pursuit of power for themselves. The problem is, 1984 was deliberately written to be as grim-dark, hopeless and depressive as possible in order to illustrate the evils of totalitarianism through exaggerated. It made a good point, but it did not make for a very compelling, let alone satisfying story. If everyone is evil - why should we, as an audience, care about what happens to them and their world?"
This is really a weakness for me, its so difficult for me to create an protagonist or a group that could be seen as protagonist. I have played to much of these mecha games like Armored Core and Chromehounds, gun griffon blaze. I also dont want to do it as an Gundam or Macross thing, i really really dislike these two mecha series because they represent anything that is not Armored Core nor Chromehounds. 8ani5.gif

This post has been edited by Die Hindenburg: 16 Jul 2014, 16:51
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post 18 Jul 2014, 7:19
Post #10

Orcinius Genocidalus
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No, you move.

I see snowden as a criminal because of his actions, which are flat-out illegal, and whatever service he might have done is grossly overstated in comparison to the irreparable damage to needed institutions, as well as his constant attempts to hack into governments.

The number of terrorists who suceeded in escaping the law because of Snowden and his lunatics.........who knows? Maybe some people who are dead today wouldn't be if Snowden didn't do what he did.

And now he's a fucking russian puppet.

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Die Hindenburg
post 18 Jul 2014, 15:46
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QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 18 Jul 2014, 8:19) *
The number of terrorists who suceeded in escaping the law because of Snowden and his lunatics.........who knows? Maybe some people who are dead today wouldn't be if Snowden didn't do what he did.

And now he's a fucking russian puppet.

These two are two points i have to agree. I am sorry for my ignorance on that.
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post 19 Jul 2014, 5:52
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Without wishing to derail this thread, I do feel that I should say my piece on this tangential matter in the briefest manner: I respect Snowden because he revealed what may very well be the biggest incursion on privacy in the Western world since the dawn of the digital age. He revealed the inner workings of an intelligence community that has taken on a dangerous momentum of its own, akin to a state within a state, with its own rubber stamp jurisdiction of secret military courts and political lobbyists. All these speculative statements about terrorists that may or may not have gotten away because of him don't hold any meaning in the light of the fact that this whole practice was amoral, from the collecting of data to the spying on supposedly allied government officials. Two wrongs don't make a right and the price of letting such practices become the norm is much higher than the risk of some terrorist event. This constitutes a breach of trust of the highest order which only comes off as more insulting with all that politician talk about the strength and meaning of our wonderful transatlantic friendship. Friends don't do shit like this, end of story. The terrorists cannot defeat us. They cannot invade our capitals, topple our governments and impose their own rules upon us. What they -can- do is to scare us and our politicians into submission so they abolish all the hallmarks of our civilisation for them and turn is into paranoid, militarised societies where historical achievements like personal privacy, human rights, rule of law and freedom are reduced to empty buzzwords without meaning. The history of the United States, as well as that of my own country, makes it apparent to me that those branded as 'traitors' by a government -can- also be heroes and vice versa. The guy himself may be a bit full of himself, but I respect what he did and the US should ask themselves how they got into the position where dissidents escape from their country rather than to it.
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Die Hindenburg
post 19 Jul 2014, 13:43
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QUOTE (MARS @ 19 Jul 2014, 6:52) *
Without wishing to derail this thread, I do feel that I should say my piece on this tangential matter in the briefest manner: I respect Snowden because he revealed what may very well be the biggest incursion on privacy in the Western world since the dawn of the digital age. He revealed the inner workings of an intelligence community that has taken on a dangerous momentum of its own, akin to a state within a state, with its own rubber stamp jurisdiction of secret military courts and political lobbyists. All these speculative statements about terrorists that may or may not have gotten away because of him don't hold any meaning in the light of the fact that this whole practice was amoral, from the collecting of data to the spying on supposedly allied government officials. Two wrongs don't make a right and the price of letting such practices become the norm is much higher than the risk of some terrorist event. This constitutes a breach of trust of the highest order which only comes off as more insulting with all that politician talk about the strength and meaning of our wonderful transatlantic friendship. Friends don't do shit like this, end of story. The terrorists cannot defeat us. They cannot invade our capitals, topple our governments and impose their own rules upon us. What they -can- do is to scare us and our politicians into submission so they abolish all the hallmarks of our civilisation for them and turn is into paranoid, militarised societies where historical achievements like personal privacy, human rights, rule of law and freedom are reduced to empty buzzwords without meaning. The history of the United States, as well as that of my own country, makes it apparent to me that those branded as 'traitors' by a government -can- also be heroes and vice versa. The guy himself may be a bit full of himself, but I respect what he did and the US should ask themselves how they got into the position where dissidents escape from their country rather than to it.

Well thats also agreeable.

But the controversy is now retificed.
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