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Eternity 6
Mark Skaggs Offers to Support C&C Generals Modders
October 15, 2014 12:43 AMPosted By Sonic |Comments: 2
Mark Skaggs, who was the Executive Producer for the likes of Red Alert 2, C&C Generals and Zero Hour, recently posted a message on his Facebook page offering his support and expertise to the C&C Generals modding community. As he is considering working on one or two projects.

I've been inspired by the number of C&C:Generals Mods that I've seen people working on over the years as well as some of the most recent ones under development.

To that end I'm considering working on a project or two with the mod community.

If you're a member of the mod community and interested, please reach out to me here on FB or on twitter "mark_skaggs".

You will find Mark Skaggs on Facebook and on Twitter at @mark_skaggs.

Hello I saw this on cncnz and thought it was relevant and decided to post it here . I'm sure that he could be usefull to SWR as he has had years of experience and I think it is an offer that should be considered . That is all only a suggestion . The artical is written by Sonic from cncnz not me full credit to him .
I was the first to reply to said offer and have spread the word around myself so its old news to me tongue.gif
I was the first to reply to said offer and have spread the word around myself so its old news to me tongue.gif

Did he say yes? biggrin.gif
That hes excited about our respondses and that he's waiting on more people to awser to his call so that we can converse about the project ideas he might have.
But how exactly he would help ? Nevertheless this sound like great news,but by this time it seems to me that most of ZH modders can offer more than him.Just my thoughts.
Composite armour
He's going to be the mastermind of the ultimate heist.

The target: General's source code.
QUOTE (Barry @ 15 Oct 2014, 15:55) *
But how exactly he would help ? Nevertheless this sound like great news,but by this time it seems to me that most of ZH modders can offer more than him.Just my thoughts.

I doubt its for a mod project.

If anything its probably an entirely new game which he wants to create with the modders help wink.gif
QUOTE (The_Hunter @ 15 Oct 2014, 16:02) *
I doubt its for a mod project.

If anything its probably an entirely new game which he wants to create with the modders help wink.gif

Ohhh...Well I hope he can give you a little boost in your possible future project.
Eternity 6
QUOTE (The_Hunter @ 15 Oct 2014, 16:02) *
I doubt its for a mod project.

If anything its probably an entirely new game which he wants to create with the modders help wink.gif

This makes the most sense . Generals is over 12 years old and If I wanted to recreate generals I wouldn't ask the old developers as it has been 12 year but rather the modders who have spent all this time with the game and it's tools . Those who know what makes the game what it is .Personally I have yet to sea a game that quite plays like it and has a similar feel to it . ( universe at war earth assault it the closest thing I have found but that's mostly likely because it's uses the same engine )
I'm still amazed how you guys managed to understand that he offered to help us with our mods. The derp level in this amazes me even after a decade of moddb.
Imagine every single mod devlpore works on one final mod for generals (or a new game aswell), that would be very awesome.
very nice of him to reply, now maybe YOU can teach HIM a thing or two smile.gif
I'm actually curious about what Mr. Mark might have in mind.

This is amazing, whatever he plans to do.

Personally, I'd like to see the source code broken, so we can remove that 128 upgrade limit, and all that other hard coded stuff.
QUOTE (Composite armour @ 15 Oct 2014, 6:57) *
He's going to be the mastermind of the ultimate heist.

The target: General's source code.

Need... More... Factions! Buttons! Everything!
That's pretty awesome that he's ASKING for help. On one hand, a new project from scratch sounds extremely neat but on the other, I kinda want the old engine and networking to get optimized via Source Code. Breaking almost all the limitations SAGE has, though that's not very likely since Generals is an old game after all.
I'm not religious but I've noticed that stuff tends to be interlinked in a way that is a bit too intelligent: I have recently been thinking about (but not done it) contacting EA to ask them to take a look at ROTR and hopefully acknowledge the dedicated work you at SWR are doing to develop C&C Generals... and now the Executive Producer reaches out to you. beer1.gif To you: Congratulations! To them: it's about time!!
QUOTE (Spejjarn @ 17 Oct 2014, 17:21) *
I'm not religious but I've noticed that stuff tends to be interlinked in a way that is a bit too intelligent: I have recently been thinking about (but not done it) contacting EA to ask them to take a look at ROTR and hopefully acknowledge the dedicated work you at SWR are doing to develop C&C Generals... and now the Executive Producer reaches out to you. beer1.gif To you: Congratulations! To them: it's about time!!

uhh... Mark Skaggs is not working at EA anymore. he quit after BFME finished. now he's at Zynga that made FarmVille.

@topic: this thread title is really misleading. Mark did NOT offering help to ZH modders, he have planned a project that will involve anyone in ZH modding community who is interested in this.
and personally I doubt it will be something about SAGE or EA.
If its a CNC style Facebook game or mobile game wreeking of farmviles stench, abort mission and eject guys...

Still I have good faith in this, As Admiral of the Hypetanic FULL SAILS AHEAD!
Well then.

prepare for HYPErdrive
I'm going Jesse Pinkman style: MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Hey everyone! I wanted to nail down a few things today before sharing my thoughts.
Here's my thoughts:
I'm figuring out a way that we can capture the combination of the great creativity and work that people have done over the years modding C&C Generals, and get it into the hands of more players.
And as important, figure out a way for people to get paid something for it.
There are a couple of tricky parts. 1st is to not have this become a nightmare for any of us. Part of this means keeping cool and continuing the great work people have been doing without getting all confused up by the fact that there may be a way to monetize the work.
Probably best to set expectations low on that front.
Second tricky thing is to figure out the engine and tool set that we can all use that will make it easier to get the work into the hands of more players.
I have a line on an engine with limited tools that we can use. Unfortunately, it's not as good as Generals yet, but that might be something we work on together.
Next thing, which is actually less tricky is to establish a collaboration environment that will make it easier to pull all this off.
Facebook posts are nice and all, but not really a collaborative environment. I'm open for suggestions on a collaborative environment we can start using. Once we have that, we can start shaping all this thinking, find out who is serious about helping, who can help in which way and also clarity the bigger picture.
I set up a slack account for us to try out.
If you're interested, please send a private message to me with your email and why you want to work on this project. We'll spend a little time sorting out people's history, skills, etc. I want to make sure the people who get involved with this are serious too.
Hecthor Doomhammer
Well, I contacted him, ecplaining how I could help tongue.gif
As I understand Mark is not offering help to mods, but he is asking modders to help him creating a NEW GAME.
(fangirling over a potential next gen Zero Hour intensifies)
Jam Hacker
if it is going to be something big like making a new game, that'd better be a common practice in the industry.
Valve does that all the time. In fact, most of the employees are ex-modders - most of Valve's IPs started out as modifications, Counter Strike, Team Fortress, DOTA... Portal is based on an indie game, created by it's devs.

TF2 and DOTA 2 have a system in place to allow modders to monetize their work. People like to whine Valve spends the bulk of their time making TF2 hats, while in total out of the nearly 1000 of the ones currently in-game, they made about 20.

I don't follow other companies but I think fishing for talents whenever and wherever possible is fairly common.
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